Catalogue description Copy Will of William Richard Bulmer of the city of Hereford, wine merchant   Executors;...

This record is held by Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre

Details of J65/XIII/226
Reference: J65/XIII/226

Copy Will of William Richard Bulmer of the city of Hereford, wine merchant


Executors; his nephew Edward Frederick Bulmer, and Francis Reginald James, solicitor of Hereford.


To his clerk, John James Harris £300


To his cousin Emily Whitfeld £300


To Norah Swire £100 as a token of affection, so that she may purchase a piece of jewellery as a memento: also the photographs of himself and his brother John in the business room at Widemarsh Street and the photograph of herself in his dining room.


To his servant Hannah Jones if in his employ at his decease £300.


To Constance Mary Jones, residing with Hannah, in his house, if she or Hannah shall be in his employ at his decease, £20.


To his niece Isabel Bulmer the photograph of his grandfather Clark Whitfeld in the Dining Room: the screen with the Rickmansworth coat of arms, the seal from which the coat of arms was copied, also the fork, knife and spoon in box and the letter from Romilly (a senior Wrangler with two others) which was sent to his mother with the same, also his parents' photographs.


To his nephews Edward Frederick Bulmer and Henry Percival Bulmer all his vintage wines in equal shares except the last pipe of vintage port wine which was bottled.


To the sons of H.P. Bulmer and E.F. Bulmer in equal shares, his watch and chain and jewellery.


To Dr. Lilley of Hereford the dressing case which formerly belonged to Nicholas Wynn, for his kindness to him.


To the Vicar and Churchwardens of All Saints, Hereford, £100 4½% War stock (which he had purchased in their names) in trust to apply the income in maintaining the Bulmer family grave at the cemetery at Hereford, any surplus income to be applied on behalf of All Saints Church Funds.


To his executors all his real estate and residue of personal estate, in trust to sell and convert into money: proceeds to be divided equally between his nieces Isabel Bulmer, Lucy Katharine Phillips and Kathleen Bulmer.


Declaration that any executor or trustee who may be a solicitor, is entitled to charge for any work done by him or his firm in connection with the estate.

Date: 16 July 1917
Held by: Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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