Catalogue description Archive of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire
This record is held by Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire
Reference: | CCA |
Title: | Archive of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire |
Description: |
Records comprising 17 sections: Acts, ordinances and bye-laws; Administrative, including Indenture Books 1618-1814, and Freedom Books 1626-present day and minute books 1727-present day; Financial; Charities and trusts [the Company administered several important charities in Sheffield]; Buildings and furnishings; Insurance; Properties, including deeds and papers relating to the Hall and premises, 1555-20th century; Agreements concerning lights and privileges; Law suits and legal opinions; Marks; General Purposes committee; Other sub-committee minutes; Social, including invitation cards, menus and scrapbooks; Non-written archives including photographs, tapes and videos; Documents produced by other bodies, including newspaper articles, copies of resolutions; Miscellaneous non-administrative documents produced by the Company, mainly drafts of addresses which were presented to visiting dignitaries; Miscellaneous archival memorabilia given to the Company, relevant to the work of the Company, including freedom certificates and apprenticeship indentures, newspaper articles, papers relating to the Feasts of Joseph Ward, Master Cutler in 1790, and of John Spencer, Master Cutler in 1835; scrapbooks compiled by Sir Eric Mensforth, detailing his time as a Warden and as Master Cutler in 1965; and by other Master Cutlers on their year in office [A printed index of apprentices and freedoms is also available] |
Date: | 1555-2001 |
Held by: | Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire, not available at The National Archives |
Language: | English |
Creator: |
Physical description: | 120 linear feet |
Subjects: |
Administrative / biographical background: |
Incorporated in 1624, the Cutlers' Company was of paramount importance in the local government and trade of Sheffield from its foundation. Only Freemen of the Cutlers' Company were allowed to stamp a mark on their cutlery. To become a Freeman men had to have served an apprenticeship under another Freeman and the apprenticeship had to have been recorded at the Cutlers' Hall. The Cutlers' Company also granted the marks: the cutlers were required to deposit copies of their mark punches at the Cutlers' Hall but, periodically, the Company instructed them to bring their working punches to the Hall, copies of which were then marked in new books. From 1875 the Company acted as a sub-office of the National Trade Marks Office. |
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