Catalogue description Main Papers: Includes 'The Incident'

This record is held by Parliamentary Archives

Details of HL/PO/JO/10/1/72
Reference: HL/PO/JO/10/1/72
Title: Main Papers: Includes 'The Incident'

14 October 1641 -- The Committee in Scotland" at Edinburgh, "To our worthy friend, John Pym, and to the rest of the committees of the House of Commons there present." Things were lately in a hopeful way of accommodation, but on Monday night last information was given to the Marquess of Hamilton and the Earls of Argyle and Lanerick, of a design to seize their persons, they consequently removed into the city, On Tuesday the depositions of Captain Stewart and Lieut.-Colonels Hurrie and Hume were read in Parliament, and the Earl of Crawford and Colonels Stewart and Cochran were put under restraint.


October 1641 -- Copies of depositions, etc. relating to "The Incident".


I Captain William Stewart's first deposition.




1 & 2 Two copies of preceeding.


II Captain Stewart's second deposition.




1 Copy of preceding.


III Lieutenant Col. Alexander Stewart's deposition.




1 Copy of preceding.


IV Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Home's deposition.




1 & 2 Two copies of preceding.


V The Earl of Crawfud's depositions.




1, 2, & 3 Three copies of preceding.


VI Col. Cochrane's depositions.


VII Mr William Murray's depositions.




1, 2, & 3 Three copies of preceding.


VIII Lord Almont's deposition.




1, 2, & 3 Three copies of preceding.


IX Lieutenant Colonel Hurrie's depositions.




1, 2, & 3 Three copies of preceding.


X Lord Gray's deposition.




1 Copy of preceding.


XI Lord Ogilvy's deposition.




1 Copy of preceding.


XII Contradictions between Lieut. Colonel Alexr Stewart and Capn Wm Stewart.




1, 2, & 3 Three copies of preceding.


On the back of each of the above is written.


XIII Contradictions between Lieut. Col. Alexr Stewart, Cap. Wm. Stewart, Math. Hamiltonn and the Earl of Crawfuird.


15 October 1641 -- Sir Michael Yearnley [Ernley], at Berwick, to the committee appointed to transact business during the recess. Having received directions for the disbanding of the forces in his garrison, he sends report of proceedings.




1 Copy of letter from Sir Henry Vane, at Holyrood House, to Sir M. Yearnley. Is directed by His Majesty to desire that he will not disband the forces under his command until further order.


18 October 1641 -- Information against Mr Carter, of Highgate, clergyman, for speaking scandalous words against Parliament.


20 October 1641 -- Answer of Ralph Cooke, of Beeston, in the county of York, to the petition of Dr John Scott, Dean of York. Denies the allegation of Dr Scott.




1 Copy of order referred to in preceding.


[20 October 1641] -- Notes respecting grants of licenses for the importation of currants, candy, wines, and oils, etc. (commencing with a grant in 1571), and of negotiations and agreements with the Venetians on the subject.


21 October 1641 -- Petition of master and wardens of the Company of Stationers of London. By force of orders in Parliament the Company have power to search for presses unduly erected; in exercise of which power they attempted to search a house in an obscure place at the upper end of Holborn, having received information of some presses erected there, but Thomas Walkenden, John Aston, and Thomas Winter resisted them; at length Walkenden was apprehended and committed to prison, but his accomplices retained possession of the house.




1 Copy of mittimus mentioned in preceding.


21 October 1641 -- Petition of Sir Arthur Gorges, Knight, prisoner in the King's Bench. On the 18th instant, when in the house of Sir John Lenthall, Ralph Whistler and others, servants of Sir William Middleton, came in and dragged petitioner by the arms and legs into the prison, only because he refused them money for drink.


21 October 1641 -- Petition of Thomas Porter, mariner, master of the ship "William and Thomas." Has not received the money owing to him from Edward Abbott, but some of Abbott's goods, brought over in the ship, have been sold to Thomas Browne and others, purposely to pay petitioner his freight.


21 October 1641 -- Copy of order, that the Portuguese ambassador may land certain goods of his out of a leaky ship.


22 October 1641 -- Copy of letter to the committee in Scotland, concerning the design against the Marquess of Hamilton and the Earls of Argyle and Lanerick in answer to the letter from the committee in Scotland.


23 October 1641 -- Petition of Francis Lord Mountnorris. Having exhibited his complaint to the House of Commons against the late Earl of Strafford and divers of the council in Ireland, and others, their confederates, the same has, after due examination, been transmitted to their Lordships. Prays for a speedy day for hearing.




1 Names of the witnesses for Lord Mountnorris.


23 October 1641 -- Petition of Gregory Clement and others, merchants. Having sustained divers losses from subjects of the King of Spain, they procured letters of reprisal to set forth a ship called the "Discovery," and her pinnace, the "Despatch," to take any Spanish ships or goods to satisfy their losses, but were obliged to return the ships to the owners, as they were only hired for a certain time and thereupon, thinking that it was not of the essence of the business by what ships or captains reprisal was obtained, set forth a ship called the "Planter," alias the "Discovery," and took a prize, which they brought to Plymouth; now there is a question in the Admiralty Court, whether it was well taken or not, in respect it was not taken by either of the ships mentioned in the letters of reprisal.


23 October 1641 -- Copy of resolutions of the House of Commons upon the complaints of the troopers respecting their pay, and that passes should be granted to all soldiers that desire to go abroad; and also the resolutions confirming certain orders of the Lord General.


23 October 1641 -- Names of the witnesses desired by Mr Justice Berkeley.


25 October 1641 -- Petition of Henry Carr, John Shepheard, and others, inhabitants of Donnington, in the county of Lincoln. Were attached, upon untrue suggestions of Sir William Killigrew, Have been kept in custody and forced to enter into bonds for payment of fees.


25 October 1641 -- Petition of parishioners of St Giles, Cripplegate, London. By virtue of the order touching lecturers, petitioners elected Mr John Sedgwick, weekly lecturer, but he is opposed by Timothy Hutton, their scandalous curate, and one Fletcher, a scandalous minister, who locked the petitioners and Mr Sedgwick out of church.


26 October 1641 -- Petition of Sir Robert Berkeley, Knight, one of the judges of Court of King's Bench, for an order for attendance of witnesses.


26 October 1641 -- Petition of Arthur Ducke, Doctor of Laws. About three months before the death of Sir Henry Marten, late judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, the Archbishop of Canterbury granted a patent of the reversion of that office to petitioner, but immediately on the death of Sir Henry Marten, the archbishop granted another patent to Dr Merrick, and admitted him to possession of the office (now in HL/PO/JO/10/4).




1 Copy of preceding.


26 October 1641 -- Petition of Daniel Skynner, merchant. In 1638 bought a quantity of barillia or natron, taken as a prize in a Holland ship coming from Alexandria, and put up for sale after lawful publication, and, having laden three hoys, sent the barillia to Roan (Rouen), where certain French merchants caused it to be seized, on pretence that it was taken at sea from subjects of France.


26 October 1641 -- Order of the House of Commons, on agreement between the Lords and Commons, declaring that it should be lawful for any strangers born out of His Majesty's dominions of England and Ireland to pass beyond the seas.




1 The names of the foreign reformed soldiers that are desirous to depart this kingdom together.


26 October 1641 -- Copy of preceding order.


27 October 1641 -- Information from His Majesty's keepers of Egham Walk, within the forest of Windsor, that about the beginning of September, great number of people have entered the woods and killed many stags, and John Green, William Purse, and others of Egham, killed a brace of great stags, and shared one amongst them, and Green and Purse threatened to stab or shoot the keepers.




1 Letter from Arthur Maynwaringe, at Hitcham, to Mr Henry Lucas, secretary to the Earl of Holland. The destruction of the deer in the forest, and particularly about Egham, is so great, that unless some speedy course be taken to restrain it, he will be able to give but an ill account of the game.


27 October 1641 -- Reasons tendered by the committee appointed by the Common Council of the city of London against protections, privileges, and privileged places for debtors; to make good the propositions and allegations set forth in their petition protections.


29 October 1641 -- Petition of John Cooke, clerk. Benjamin Blackston has contemned the order for sequestration of the profits of the rectory of West Thorney, and perceiving that the certificate of the justices was against him, has left the church destitute of divine service.


29 October 1641 -- Certificate of the judges to whom the preceding case was referred.


29 October 1641 -- Order in accordance with preceding certificate, settling the possession of the rectory on Cooke.


29 October 1641 -- Copy of order in the cause between George Warner and Robert Armestead, respecting the ship "St John Baptist," in explanation of an order for sale of the ship.




1 Copy of order.


2 Affidavit of Solomon Smith respecting the sale of the "St John Baptist" by the candle, at the "Red Lion" tavern, in Ratcliffe, bought by George Warner for £1,600.


29 October 1641 -- Petition of George Warner. The "St John Baptist" was sold for £1,600, which is not sufficient to pay what is due from Robert Armestead to petitioner, Peter Bergin, and others, creditors of Armestead, for work done on the ship.




1 Copy of order.


2 Copy of order.


[29 October 1641] -- Petition of Peter Bergen, Dutchman, late master of the good ship "St John Baptist," and others, creditors of the said ship. The ship has been sold for £1,600, which is all claimed by Warner, who is sending the ship to sea, so that petitioners will lose everything.




1 Account of money disbursed for the use of the ship.


2 Petition of Thomas Cobb and others. Having lent Robert Armestead £200 for the use of the ship, he secured one-fourth of her and afterwards made a fraudulent bill of sale of the whole ship to Warner.


29 October 1641 -- Letter from the justices of Gloucestershire to the Earl of Northampton, His Majesty's lieutenant for the county; giving an account of how they have distributed the money which was collected for coat and conduct money in that county, which.


29 October 1641 -- Letter from [ ] to Master Wels, desiring to know when he goes to Ireland, in order that the writer may go along with him, as the surest way in these troubles.


30 October 1641 -- Petition of Jonas Legg, of Colchester, that his claims against Edward Symonds, as executor of the late Sir Roger Townshend, of East Reynham [Rainham], in the county of Norfolk, being matters of account, may be referred to certain merchants to determine.


30 October 1641 -- Petition of Anthony Panton, clerk, minister of God's word in Virginia, and agent for the church and clergy there. Complains of the conduct of Sir John Harvie, late governor of the colony, of Mr Richard Kempe, the secretary, of Captain Wormeley, late commander, of Charles County, and others, at whose hands the colonists have suffered many arbitrary and illegal proceedings in judgment, tyranny, extortion, and most cruel oppressions.


30 October 1641 -- Copy of letter from the King at Edinburgh to the Speaker of the House of Commons -- By letters of the 28th instant, from the principal secretary to the Lord Keeper, gave advertisement of a revolt made by Sir Philome O'Neale, in the North of Ireland, with command that he should communicate the same to Parliament. Has this evening received, not only confirmation of the news, but apparent grounds for supposing that the revolt is universal.


30 October 1641 -- Petition of Peter Smart, prebendary of Durham. The tenants belonging to the fourth prebend, to which he was restored, refuse either to deliver up their lands or to pay their rents now due, and Richard Carre refuses to deliver up certain bonds and articles exacted from some of the tenants. Petitioner, in pursuance of the order for his presentation to the vicarage of Aycliffe, nominated Daniel Carwardine and demanded of the prebendaries nomination accordingly, which they peremptorily refused, and Mr Leke, the late curate to Dr Carre, absolutely refused to yield possession of the vicarage house, and church.




1 Copy of order for Smart to be restored to his prebend.


2 Copy of order for Smart to be presented to the vicarage of Aycliffe.


30 October 1641 -- Affidavit of Nicholas Hobson, member or the cathedral church at Durham as to usual custom of presenting to livings in the gift of the dean and chapter.


30 October 1641 -- Affidavit of Robert Kinge on the same subject.


30 October 1641 -- Affidavit of Thomas Ogle on the same subject.


[30 October 1641] -- Petition of John Devereux, prisoner in the Fleet. Held a lease of the manor of Shawes, in Essex, which he mortgaged for £450. Complains that, unfair possession having been obtained of the mortgaged premises, whilst he and his family were at church on a Sunday.




1 Draft order referring a petition of John Devereux to the master of the Court of Wards.


2 Copy of order of the Court of Wards for the commitment of John Devereux to the Fleet.


30 October 1641 -- "Mr Sergeant's note of the soap delinquents," viz., persons sent for as delinquents, under the resolutions of the House of Commons, condemning the proclamation of the 26th of January 1634, in pursuance of a decree of Star Chamber for regulating the trade of soapmakers, and orders of the Council Board on the same subject.

Date: 14 Oct 1641 - 30 Oct 1641

Some documents may have been removed from this file to the Parchment Collection, the Large Parchments or the Parchment Main Papers. Where this has occurred it is noted in brackets in the descriptions above. Please see relevant entries in the Parchment Collection (HL/PO/JO/10/2), Large Parchments (HL/PO/JO/10/3) or Parchment Main Papers (HL/PO/JO/10/4) for further details.

Related material:

See Journals of the House of Lords for the same date for entries relating to the laying of these papers.

Held by: Parliamentary Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Unpublished finding aids:

Calendared in HMC 4th Report, pp 102-104; pp 163-170

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