Catalogue description Conveyance relating to Snaith Glebe

This record is held by East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Local Studies Service

Details of DDCL/507/10
Reference: DDCL/507/10
Title: Conveyance relating to Snaith Glebe

Parties: 1) George William Bateson de Yarburgh and Mary Elizabeth Bateson de Yarburgh of Heslington Hall 2) Vicar and Churchwardens of Snaith Property: land containing 640 square yards on north side of road from Pontefract to Snaith at Snaith as a site for the Snaith Endowed Grammar School Witnesses: Samuel Saunders, footman, Cannes, E Gray, solicitor, York (School Sites Act) Includes: Abstracts(2)of title of Thomas Exley, esquire, Master of Arts to hereditaments at Gowdall Dated: 1850 Conveyance of land at land in Gowdall Parties: 1) Thomas Exley of Bristol, esquire 2) Reverend Robert James Sergeantson, Clerk, Vicar of Snaith Property: Brigg Croft Brick Close containing 3 acres: Crake or Snake or Stape Close containing 2 acres and a close on the north of the Wakefield, Pontefract and Goole Railway all at Gowdall and containing 5 acres l rood Consideration: £300 Witnesses: Edward E Clark, solicitor, Snaith, William James Sergeantson, gentleman, Snaith and William Smith, clerk to WB Cross, solicitor, Bristol Dated: 10 May 1851 Order of exchange relating to land in Snaith and CowickParties: 1) Richard Boynton Creyke of Ulverston and Philip Saltmarshe of Saltmarshe, esquire (trustees and executors of Ralph Creyke late of Rawcliffe Hall) 2) Reverend Henry Thomas Rees, Vicar of Snaith Property: 2 acres l rood 5 perches on the east of Thorne Road and 3 acre l rood l9 perches on Snaith and Cowick Moors both at Snaith and Cowick Includes plan and order under the seal of the Enclosure Commissioners for England and Wales Dated: 13 Sep 1866 Order of exchange relating to land in Gowdall Parties: 1) Reverend Charles Edward Storrs, Vicar of Snaith and William Smales of Manchester, potato salesman 2) Ann Smales of Highgate, Middlesex, widow, Robert Horner of Spitalfields Market, Middlesex, market officer and William Barley of Spitalfields, potato salesmanz Property: Town End Close, Gowdall, containing 5 acre 2 rood 37 perches and 8 acres 6 perches in Dorr Field, Gowdall Includes: plan and Order made under the seal of the Land Commissioners Dated: 17 Jan 1884 Copy duplicate lease for 7 years at £50 per annum for land in Heck Parties: 1) Reverend Christopher Henry Moxley of Snaith, Clerk in Holy Orders, Baron Deramore, Patron of the Vicarage, Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England 2) Anne Greaves of Weeland House, Knottingley, sand merchant (Weeland Sand Company) Property: beds of sand and gravel under 9130 acres of land to the north of Windmill House in the Parish of Heck Witnesses: E[?] Robinson, Southmere, Hornsea, spinster, George Vincent, Heslington Hall, York, butler and Leonard Holmes, managing Clerk to E and T Clark, solicitors, Snaith Dated: 20 Apr 1926 Counterpart assignment of lease and further lease for 7 years at £100 per annum Parties: 1) Ann Greaves of Roundhay, Leeds, sand merchant (Weeland Sand Company) Weeland Quarries Limited of Hensall, Reverend Christopher Henry Moxley of The Vicarage, Snaith, Clerk in Holy Orders, Baron Deramore, Patron of the Vicarage, Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England 2) Yorkshire Amalgamated Products Limited of 27 Waterdale, Doncaster Property: described above Witnesses: EC[?] Gundill, solicitor, Pontefract and George Vincent, Heslington Hall, butler Dated: 11 Oct 1928 Duplicate conveyance relating to land in Pollington Parties: 1) Reverend William Seed of Snaith, Clerk in Holy Orders, Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England 2) Hull and Barnsley and Great Central Railways Joint CommitteeProperty: 3 roods 30 perches of land at Pollington shown on the deed plan. Consideration: £150 Sealed by the purchasers Dated: 29 Jul 1915 Schedule of the above deeds and documents, 1965

Date: 1 Apr 1879
Held by: East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Local Studies Service, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 1 Item

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