Catalogue description Release from Ann Swift to Mary Hughes and Elizabeth Hughes

This record is held by Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service

Details of 705:134/1531/18/1/4
Reference: 705:134/1531/18/1/4
Title: Release from Ann Swift to Mary Hughes and Elizabeth Hughes

Between Ann Swift, of Worcester, of the first part, William Sanders, of Worcester, and Joseph Hundley, of Worcester, of the second part, and Mary Hughes, of London, and Elizabeth Hughes, of the third part. Details the payment of one hundred and eighty eight pounds nineteen shillings and eight pence to Ann Swift by Mary Hughes and Elizabeth Hughes regarding the estate of Timberdine, to be held forever

Date: 3 July 1739
Held by: Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 1p

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