Catalogue description 1850. Note of owners and tenants of houses in Watergate Street. Endorsed: Undrained...

This record is held by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Details of ZD/T/1/1850
Reference: ZD/T/1/1850

1850. Note of owners and tenants of houses in Watergate Street. Endorsed: Undrained houses Watergate Street 1850.


n.d. Mr. Humberston's opinion on Mr. Walker's charges (as Clerk of the Peace) for making returns under Juvenile Offenders' Act.


n.d. Letter from William Shone to William Brown, Esq., Boughton, stating that the Appeal against the Parish Rate in May last was entirely undefended, Mr. Kelsall having no opposition except in the person of Mr. Ducker, whom he believes did not understand the question and was not capable to advocate the cause, adopting a course which the writer thinks was objectionable and had he been a Parish Officer at that time he would have objected.


[Post 1849] List of members of the Town Council proposed as additional Charity Trustees.


7th Jan. 1850. Report by B.Baylis, City Surveyor, on the Sewage and other works executed in the City of Chester for the year 1849.


9th Jan. 1850. Receipt at General Railway Station, Chester, for one box sent by J.F.Maddock to J.Philpot, London.


9th Jan. 1850. Letter from Mr. Driffield from Town Hall, Liverpool, to The Town Clerk, Chester, asking for a copy of the Bye-laws for regulating Hackney Coaches and Cabs.


Post-mark 15 Ja.1850. Demand note from Elizabeth Watkins, 409, Strand, to F.Maddox.


28th Jan. 1850. Letter from Messrs.Hill & Matthews, from St.Mary Axe, London, to Jno. F.Maddock, sending a writ of summons in Williams v. Cotgreave, for sevice on the Defendant who is a law stationer in the City, and asking for an affidavit to be sent on the fifth day after service.


4th Feb. 1850. Mr. Martin from 10 New Palace Yard to John F.Maddock, Town Clerk. Mr. Welsby has just lent him the case with his opinion that the Council may contribute out of the Borough Fund but may not levy rates to defray the expence of prosecuting the Dee Bill. He encloses these.


5th Feb. 1850. Wm.Hope, agent to the Mortgagee in possession, to the Improvement Committee, complaining of the dangerous state of the footpath opposite the houses of Mr. W. Boulton and Thos. Ball, at the end of Duke St. next to Bridge Street


7th Feb. 1850. Price & Roberts from 3 Watergate Row, to the Mayor and Council, submitting the plans of the alterations they are making upon their property in Eastgate Street, between the Messrs. Bowers' and Mr. Peters, for approval. They ask permission to remove the flight of narrow steps upon their property.


18th Feb. 1850. John Philpot, Junr. from 20 Montague St., to J.Faulkner, stating that he has obtained an order to remove the Judgement in Whaley v Kenrick, subject to production of the Record, which he asks to be sent. The papers in Cotgreave v Parry have gone to Mr. Belt.


19th Feb. 1850. G.Cornewall Lewis, from Whitehall, to the Returning Officer, asking for a return of the numbers of Parliamentary electors according to the registrations of 1848, and 1849, and 1849 and 1850.


20th Feb. 1850. John Faulkner to Thos.F.Maddock, asking for the engrossments in Chamberlain to Hewitt, and for a return of the numbers of Parliamentary electors according to Jones, to be executed by Mr. Chamberlain.


28th Feb. 1850. G.Cornewall Lewis, from Whitehall, circular letter, to the Town Clerk, asking for a return of fees and fines payable on the admission of Freemen, Burgesses or Citizens, by birth, servitude or redemption. Endorsed "Answered".


8th March 1850. Thos. Bowers & Sons, from 101 Eastgate Street, to the Mayor and Corporation, asking them to refuse permission for the attempt being made to deprive the writers and the public of the ancient passage from the street into the Row nearest their premises.


19th March 1850. W.K.Tyrer, from 16 North John Street, Liverpool, to Mr. Hostage, Solr. Chester, sending two copy letters stating that the Defendant in Richardson v Coghlan was never taken but is expected to attend the next Chester Races, and asking him to find the writ issued in 1840. If he can find it, he is to issue a new warrant.


21 March 1850. Circular letter from Henry FitzRoy from Whitehall, to the Town Clerk, asking him to make a Parliamentary Return.


[See Watch Committee Minutes, 21 March 1850] Draft recommendation from the Watch Committee that the New Gas Company be granted the use of the streets on their terms (described) and under the conditions named.


26th March 1850. Joseph Hall, Staff Serjeant, from District Recruiting Office, 32 St.Anne Street, Liverpool, to the Governor, City Gaol, Chester, asking for a receipt for two shillings, signed by his clerk, for the commitment of Deserter Williams, for him to produce for the Paymaster. With note: Heswell to James, asking him to sign the receipt.


23rd April 1850. Affidavit by Edward Maddock of the City of Chester, writing clerk, and James Maddock of the same, tallow chandler, concerning the execution of an indenture dated 20th Aug. 1840, which was not enrolled, and stating that Thomas Latham served James Maddock for the term mentioned. Signed: James Maddock, Edward Maddock, before Thos. Dixon, Magistrate for Chester.


17th May 1850. "Report of the Gas Enquiry Committee and the Evidence taken before Thos. Dixon, Magistrate for Chester." 61 ff.


The Enquiry began on 1st May 1850, before a Committee appointed by the Chester Town Council to report upon an application of the Chester Gas Consumers Company for permission to use their streets for laying down their mains. (Mr.W.H.Brown in the Chair). Appended to the Minutes of Evidence is the report, signed by Wm. Hy. Brown, Chairman, and with a note "Adopted by the Council 17th May 1850.


24th May 1850. Printed letter, incorporating copies of letters addressed to the Mayor and Town Council, 9th May 1850 and to the Chairman of Watch Committee, 16th Aug. 1849, from "Thos. Proud" for Chester Gas Light Company, refuting criticisms by the Council of the service provided and challenging the Council to an investigation. The letter is addressed, by hand, to Mr. Thos. Griffith, Grosvenor Street, and endorsed: "Letter signed Thos. Proud charging Police with having received gratuities."


24th May 1850. Mr. Hitchen, M.D. from St. John Street to Mr. Baylis, City Surveyor, Having received no communication since that of 25 March, stating that it was proposed to begin the drainage of his house in about one month, he intends to lay the whole affair before the Council.


25th May 1850. Letter from Wm. Church from Frodsham, stating that he has Plans for 400 in hand ready to be advanced on the City Bonds, as advertised, and asking whether and when it will be required.


27th May 1850. Stratton & Hughes from Bristol to B.Baylis, Borough Engineer. They are surprised that, as they provided a tumbler cart in December last, its defects are now pointed out for the first time. They refute Messrs. Gray & Co's criticisms and point out that the account is overdue.


1st June 1850. Letter from John Walker, from The Clerk of of the Peace's Office, to Finance Committee, pointing out that his accounts remain unsettled. He suggests that the question of the legality of the charge under the Table of fees be left to Mr. Townsend or the Recorder. The latter has already advised him that he is entitled to the charges.


21st June 1850. Thos.Bowers & Sons to B.Baylis, Surveyor to the Corporation, calling attention to the building going forward adjoining their premises in Eastgate Street as they believe the parties are doing away with the steps into the Row, contrary to the orders of the Council.


26th June 1850. Letter from C.Judkins from 2 Windsor Terrace, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool, commenting on his speedy passage from America, and offering to lend £500 to the Corporation at 5% interest.


26th June 1850. Letter from Wm. Morris to J.F.Maddock, asking him to bring the matter of the renewal of the leases before Corporate Estate Committee, and sending a copy of the leases.


12th July 1850. Messrs. Bowers to the Mayor and Council, protesting against the removal of the steps adjoining their premises in Eastgate Street, to which their consent has not been given. With:-


10th July 1850. Notice from James & Owen, of Wrexham to the Corporation, Town Clerk and all whom it may concern, Acting as solicitors to the Assignees of James Kyrke, a bankrupt, they give notice that they are not to remove the steps leading from Eastgate Street into the Row, adjoining the shop of Mr. Edward Peters, ironmonger, on one side, and premises in course of erection on the other. Note: "Read to the Council the 12th day of July 1850."


12th July 1850. Copy resolution at a monthly Council meeting that a petition be forwarded from the Council representing the extreme hardship and inconvenience resulting from the recent change in the Post Office Regulations and praying for such a return to the former practice as may be compatible with a due observance of the Sabbath.


n.d. Petition of Joseph Dunn of the City of Chester, carpenter and joiner, to the Mayor and Council, for enrollment of his indenture of apprenticeship of 28th Feb. 1835, to Thomas Carter of the said city, carpenter and joiner, and for his admission to the freedom. With:-


13th July 1850. Affidavit by Thomas Carter, concerning the above apprenticeship. Signed Thos. Carter, before B. Thelwall (?


15th July 1850. Letter from Grey Egerton, stating that he will have much pleasure in presenting the Petition on the subject of the Post Office to the House of Commons that evening.


16th July 1850. Charles Gore, from the Office of Woods &c., to the Town Clerk, Chester, asking for a reply concerning the letter of the Board and certificate from the Land Revenue Record Office concerning arrears of the four rents due to the Crown for premises in the townships of Hewlington and Iscoed, in the rental for the Lordship of Bromfield and Yale, co. Denbigh, which he had desired to lay before Finance Committee. With cover, (444b)


20th July 1850. Circular letter from E.P.Bouverie from Whitehall, to the Town Clerk, asking for a return of the number of Municipal Electors on the Burgess Roll.


25th July 1850. J.Williams from Bank, to J.Finchett Maddock returning the draft Memorial re Dee Bridge, with pencil alterations, and suggesting a change in the concluding clause of the draft Release as to the sums "remaining a charge" on the Bridge funds.


5th Aug. 1850. Affidavit by Lawrence Davies of the City of Chester, bricklayer, and Richard Davies of the same, mason, that David Rose Jackson, son of David Jackson of the same city, bricklayer, was bound apprentice to Lawrence Davies by indenture dated 16th Oct.1841, which was not enrolled.


Signed: Lawrence Davies; Richard Davies, before J.Williams, Mayor.


9th Aug. 1850. Report by B.Baylis to the Town Council, stating that he has surveyed and valued the house and lands in Boughton leased to the late Mr. Morris and he recommends a fine of £105. for adding a new life to the lease.


(1850) Evans and Dugdale from 8 Egerton Street that they will discontinue the nuisance of manufacturing lucifer matches at Queen St. a fortnight from this date - 19 Aug. 1850.


13th Aug. 1850. Affidavit by John Jones of the City of Chester, corkcutter, and Thomas Meacock of the same, cork-cutter, that William Jones, son of William Jones of the City of Chester, pipemaker, was bound apprentice to John Jones by indenture dated 25th Aug. 1841, which was not enrolled. Signed: John Jones; Thos.Meacock, before Chas. Potts, Magistrate for the City of Chester.


15th Aug. 1850. Tho: Proud from Chester Gas Light Office to J.F.Maddock. He has laid before the Directors his letter of 9th inst. stating that he is directed by Watch Committee to ask the Company's terms for lighting the public lamps for the ensuing year. He asks that before entering any contract the question of lighting the public lamps should be referred to two gas engineers, one to be appointed by the Council, the other by the Company, the result to be binding on both parties. The Company will resume the lighting of the public lamps at any time, leaving the question of terms until mutually convenient.


23rd Aug. 1850. Mr. Woodin from Douglas, Isle of Man, desiring to book the Music Hall for Monday, Sept.26th.


26th Aug. 1850. Letter from Mary Ann Bennion. She has a small farm at Isacoed. There are some small plots of land belonging to the Corporation only marked out by stones and so situated that neither of the tenants can cultivate the ground properly. She suggests an exchange of lands.


27th Aug. 1850. Thos. Proud from Chester Gas Light Office to J.F.Maddock, stating the terms on which the Company will light the public lamps for the ensuing year.


29th Aug. 1850. Thos. Proud from Chester Gas Light Office to J.F.Maddock, informing him that he is placing the lights preparatory to the general lighting of the City, so as to be ready by Saturday evening, and desiring the description of burners required.


30th Aug. 1850. Thos. Proud from Chester Gas Light Office to J.Smith, Esq., referring to the interview that morning between him and the members of Watch Committee and the Chairman of the Company. In view of the fact that the rate out of which the public lighting is defrayed is in debt to the extent of about £400, the Company will agree to light the City in the same manner and upon the same terms as for the past season. He repeats that the Company would prefer terms to be settled by arbitration.


7th Sept.1850. Humberston & Helps to J.F.Maddock, asking for a reply to their letter of 24th June last. They apprehend that the method by which each party should guarantee possession of the land (at the Barrs) would be by mutual conveyance.


2nd Oct.1850. James Frith, Clerk to the Guardians, from the House of Industry, to the Improvement Committee, forwarding a resolution of the Guardians passed 1st Oct. - that as the Guardians are giving up farming, the Committee are of opinion that the whole of the cartage connected with the scavenging and watering the streets should be placed solely in the hands of the Town Council and under the superintendance of the City Surveyor.


8th Oct.1850. John Philpot from 20 Montague Street, (London) to J.Finchett Maddock. Having called at the office of the Treasury Solicitor, he explains the delay in the matter of Corporation & Shrewsbury & Chester Railway.


14th Oct.1850. Wm.Williams, from Gorst Stack, to the Chairman of the Cattle Market Committee, applying for the post of Market Looker. He can speak Welsh and English and gives Mr. Cooper, with whom he lived seven years, and Mr. Chalton of Blacon as references.


15th Oct.1850. George Farrall from Goss Street, to the Chairman of Corporate Estate Committee, offering himself as an officer for the New Cattle Market.


17th Oct.1850. Bellis & Williams, to J.Griffith, Chairman of the Watch Committee. Being owners of property recently built in Grosvenor Street, between Cuppin Street and Bunce Street, consisting of five houses which will be rated at £24 each, they call attention to the want of light in that locality.


21st Oct.1850. R.S.Haney Ingre, from Walford Manor, Shrewsbury, apparently concerning money which he advanced to Miss Maddock on terms which Mr. Maddock condemned.


26th Oct.1850. Letter from Rich: Barker to J.Finchett-Maddock, acknowledging a copy resolution of the Bache Pool Nuisance Committee and plan of the land proposed to be purchased from Lord Kilmorey, which has been forwarde to his lordship.


28th Oct.1850. F.G.Boydell to Th: F.Maddock, sending a draft case re Dee Improvement for the opinions of Messrs Welsby and Lloyd, with the former case submitted to Mr. Lloyd with his opinion and a copy of it for Mr. Welsby. They desire that he will send them to Mr. Martin that night.


18th Nov. 1850. Report by John Hill, Superintendant of Police, to the Watch Committee, suggesting that four men be added to the force and describing the patrols.


22nd Nov. P.S.Humberston to the Town Clerk, excusing himself from Council meeting; with note of draft resolution concerning publication of the Bishop's sermon.


23rd Nov. 1850. John Gregory from Shavington, to J. Finchett Maddock, concerning a copy resolution of the Bache Pool Nuisance Committee as to the land required for erecting tanks. Lord Kilmorey will be happy to accommodate the Committee with the land required on payment of £100 for the land and the expences of the conveyance.


28th Nov. 1850. James Frith, Clerk to the Guardians, from the House of Industry, to John Royle, Chairman of the Corporate Estate and Improvement Committees. A covering letter for:-


Copy of an order of the Guardians and a copy of a minute of the Saltney Committee, made this day, relative to transferring the Guardians' horses and carts to the Town Council upon a valuation thereon.


11th Dec. 1850. Whiteside & Smith from 63 Lincolns Inn Fields, to J.F.Maddock, returning the Memorial signed by them on behalf of Jackson. They have written to Mr. Walker requesting him to attend Council meeting on Friday with the power of Attorney.


13th Dec. 1850. Report concerning land at Saltney to be sold to the North Wales Mineral Railway Company and regarding the leasehold interest of the Guardians of the Poor in the Saltney Estate.


Dec. 1850. Statement shewing the amount the Council have to pay to the Guardians of the Poor for their Tenant's interest in the Saltney Estate for the term of their lease, as appears by the Resolution of the Railway Lands Committee Meeting of the 7th June 1847. Signed. Henry Brown, Mayor.


n.d. Rough draft for 472 above.


Two letters from Joseph Grace at Boughton, to James, concerning his accounts and complaining of a bad knee. Addressed to James Paul, Town Office.

Date: 1850
Held by: Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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