Catalogue description The wedding of Katrina Fell to Raymond Littler, leaving St. George's Church, Altrincham in 1944. Katrina was a schoolfriend of the donor. Mr. & Mrs. Littler were the last mayor and mayoress of Altrincham before local government reorganisation in 1974.

This record is held by Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives)

Details of 1072/70
Reference: 1072/70
Title: The wedding of Katrina Fell to Raymond Littler, leaving St. George's Church, Altrincham in 1944. Katrina was a schoolfriend of the donor. Mr. & Mrs. Littler were the last mayor and mayoress of Altrincham before local government reorganisation in 1974.

Negative Sheet Number U25/37

Date: 1944
Held by: Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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