Catalogue description Lease until coming-of-age or marriage of John Formby : at £6.12.0 rent : Mrs. Mary...

This record is held by Lancashire Archives

Details of DDFO 34/3
Reference: DDFO 34/3

Lease until coming-of-age or marriage of John Formby : at £6.12.0 rent : Mrs. Mary Formby of Formby, widow, and Elizabeth, Mary, Dorothy, Catherine, and Alice Formby, executore of Richard Formby of Formby, gent. decd. (in trust for J.F.), to John Tyrer of Knowsley, now and inhabitant of Raven Meals within Formby, fisherman, and James Whitehead, of Formby, husbandman -- cottage, 3r.25p., with dwelling-house of 4 bays, on the "Warrant or Cony Borrough", and the warren and conies, in Formby, to hunt, ferrett, or pitch net --

Date: 5 Jan. 1737/8
Held by: Lancashire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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