Catalogue description Priory School, Lewes

This record is held by East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO)

Details of E/SC/118
Reference: E/SC/118
Title: Priory School, Lewes
Date: 1905 - 1993
Related material:

Priory Upper School (formerly Boys' Grammar School): for minutes and papers of the governing body, 1931-1969 see E/MA/116/1/1-4; for file concerning the acquisition of the site of the school and the appointment of the headmaster, 1919-1933 see C/C 82/65; for speech day programmes, 1941 see C/E 40/1 and for 1941-1943 see C/E 40/2; for copy of school magazine, 1943 see C/E 41/3; for plans of the school, 1928-1957, see R/A 2/230 (1-11); for photograph of the air-raid shelter, 1939 see C/R 51/47; for photograph of the boiler and switch-gear, 1957 see C/A 5/4A; for photographs, 1958-1961 see C/A 4/197, 203 and 206; for area office files, 1971-1975 see R/E 3/2/11-12; for programme for Tiger at the Gates which was performed at the school, 1967 see ACC 7568/18; for additional records see ACC 6915


Priory Lower School (formerly Girls' Grammar School): for minutes and papers of the governing body, 1913-1969 see E/MA/116/2/1-4; for HMI reports, 1923-1924 see C/E 48/2; for photographs of the school, 1950, 1955, 1961-1962, 1964, 1967 see C/A 4/193, 204, 207, 208, 211, 217 and C/A 5/48; for photographs of the air-raid shelter, 1939 see C/R 51/46; for deeds of the site of the school north of Southover Street, 1867-1910 see R/C 4/217; for plans of the school, 1910-1912 see R/A 2/231 (1-4); for geotechnical reports of the school site by the Site Investigation Unit, 1976-1977 see R/R 11/14-15; for school magazines, 1929-1969 see ACC 4035; ACC 8377


Lewes Priory School: for minutes of the governing body, 1968-1978 see E/MA/116/6/1-2; for Area Office files including HMI reports, 1971-1975, see R/E 3/2/11-12; for HMI report, 1997 see R/E 1/15/159; for file concerning the visit of HRH Duke of Edinburgh to East Sussex, including programme of events at Priory Middle School, 1970 see C/C 111/3; for programme for a concert which was performed at the school, 1970 see ACC 7568/18


Secondary Modern School for Boys: for minutes of the governing body, 1938-1958 see E/MA/116/3/1-2; for photographs of the school, c1938 see C/A 5/3a; for file concerning the proposed school, 1919-1933 see C/C 82/65; for registers of teachers, 1920-1937 see C/E 14/19-20; for photographs of a policeman giving a talk on cycle security, c1942 and of a class during a lesson, c1942 see ACC 7618/10, 12


Secondary Modern School for Girls: for governors' minutes, 1946-1958 see E/MA/116/4/1; for records of the Lewes Central Girls' School, subsequently the Mountfield Road Senior Girls' School, 1908-1938 see AMS 6341; for records of Executive Committee and Central Maintenance Board for the Lewes Voluntary Schools, 1894-1911 see HIL 8/2/1-11; for building plans, 1840 see BGP 40/1-3; for printed notices and papers, 1884-1891 see BLE/A 6/4/1/1-6; for registers of teachers, 1920-1937 see C/E 14/19-20; for photographs of the school under construction, 1955 see C/A 4/193; for photographs of extension, 1962 see C/A 4/208; for photograph, 1964 see C/A 4/211; for file concerning the new school, 1910-1915 see C/C 82/45; for file concerning flooding of the adjoining Winterbourne, 1914 see C/C 82/58; for file concerning staffing and salaries, including 1923 HMI report, 1923-1924 see C/E 48/2; for title deeds, 1849-1910 see R/C 4/217


County Secondary School: for minutes of the governing body, 1958-1969 see E/MA/116/5/1


For photographs of air raid shelters at Lewes County Schools see C/A 5/3b

Held by: East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Priory School, Lewes, East Sussex

Custodial history:

Records transferred 14 Apr 1972 (ACC 1479), 17 Apr 1986 (ACC 4642), 2 Dec 1988 (ACC 5175), 23 Feb 1990 (ACC 5433), 11 Feb 1993 (ACC 6031)

Administrative / biographical background:

The Priory School was opened in September 1969, having been formed by a union of three schools, the Boys' Grammar School, the Girls' Grammar School and the Secondary Modern School


The Boys' Grammar School was opened in 1931 and was originally called the County Secondary School for Boys. The Girls' Grammar School was opened in 1913 as the County Secondary School for Girls, having taken over girls and some staff from the Lewes Pupil Teacher Centre. The Mountfield Road Senior Boys' School and Girls' School opened in 1938 as separate schools in the same building and merged in 1958 to become Lewes County Secondary Modern School

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