Catalogue description Bundle of deeds to various parcels of land and houses in Carleton, Penrith, Eamont Bridge, and Yanwath, bought up by the Pattensons of Penrith, thence Carleton Hall, from 1710
This record is held by Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle
Reference: | D CC 2/27 |
Title: | Bundle of deeds to various parcels of land and houses in Carleton, Penrith, Eamont Bridge, and Yanwath, bought up by the Pattensons of Penrith, thence Carleton Hall, from 1710 |
Description: |
As follows: Gift by Thomas Sandforthe [Sandford] of "Ascom" [Askham], Westmorland, Esq., at the request of Thomas Lord Wharton, Warden of the Western Marches, in consideration of the faithful service to the said Warden daily by Thomas Carleton of Carleton gent., and of the sum of £6. 13s. 8d. - half the house and land in Carleton, formerly John Noble's of the Howe in Bampton Cundall [in Bampton], Westmorland, and of William Noble his son and heir, and now occupied by Anthony Atkinson yeo., freehold, 1545 Gift for 6s. 8d. (John Tarne of Penrith yeo., to Ambrose Lancaster of Craketrees, Wd., gent.) - four parcels of freehold land in Brackenbar, Barco, etc. in Penrith Townfields, total 3a. 3r. 0p.; abuttals of each parcel; free rent 12d. a year, payable at vendor's tenement "Le Dockarraye" in Penrith, 1569 Bargain and sale for £32 (Robert Hewison, son and heir of the late Edmond Hewison of Eamont Bridge, Cumberland, yeo., to Richard Hewison of do., Wd., yeo.) - customary or tenantright house and land at Eamont Bridge, Cd. (Sir William Hutton, Kt., lord), rent 12s.0d., 1622[/3] Bond £32 (Robert Hewison, son and heir of the late Edmond Hewison of Eamont Bridge, Cumberland, yeo., to Richard Hewison of do., Wd., yeo.) - customary or tenantright house and land at Eamont Bridge, Cd. (Sir William Hutton, Kt., lord), rent 12s.0d., 1622[/3] Bond in £22 (Edward Beck of Penrith, tanner, and Thomas his son there, tanner; to John Thompson of Farmonbie [Farmanby p. Addingham] and Richard Spencley of Redgait in Wd., yeomen) - to give peaceable possession of ½-acre parcel of arable on High Wetherigg (Penrith) as per sale deed this day, 1626[/7] Gift for £28 (John Dayson of Carleton, yeo., to Thomas Bowerbancke of Penrith, chapman) - freehold close or croft (2 acres) lying at "le back side" of Carleton at a place called Leathsteeds, between the closes of Thomas Browham gent. and William Noble; together with all .. woods and underwoods there; free rent 2s. 0d. to Simon Ellergill his heirs and assigns, 1640[/1] Quitclaim for £6 (Oswald Bird of Kirkoswald, gent., to William Carleton of Carleton Esq.) - customary house and its land in Carleton (the said William Carleton, lord), rent 12s. 4d; signed in the presence of nine witnesses (all sign) including Graham, Lough, Langcake, Patteson, 1653 Bargain and sale for £44 (William Nelson of Penrith, mercer, to Richard Ward of do., do.) - freehold close at Carleton called Leathsteads (2 acres), lately William Bowerbank's, together with all ... woods ... common of pasture and turbary, 1666[/7] Signed in the presence of George Ellergill, Thomas Nelson, Anthony Meason, John Washington, Thomas Ion. Assignment of lease for £40 (Thomas, son and heir of Michael Gibson of Penrith yeo. deceased, to John Patteson of Penrith gent.), reciting his lease from the Bishop of Carlisle dated 21 Dec. 1661 for 21 years, rent 4s. 0d. - house, land, and garth in Bishop row, Penrith (abuttals on N. and S.), with all ... forefronts, sellers [cellars], sollers, conduits, hedges, common of pasture and turbary; to hold for the rest of the current 21-year term; rent 4s. 0d.; signed by Thomas Gibson, 1669 Quitclaim for 30s.0d. (Gawen Scott of Dufton, Wd., yeo. to George Ellergill of Carleton yeo.) - two closes or parcels in Carleton (field names and acreages), 1669 Contemporary copy of customary bargain and sale for £20 (Anthony Hutton of Penrith Esq., to Robert Nillyson of Penrith, mercer) - house and land in Carleton, lately occupied by Wiliam Meason, rent 2s. 8d.; with all ... Tofts Crofts ... Common of Pasture and Turbary, 1669 Bargain and sale for £10 (George Armor of Carleton yeo. and Elizabeth "his now wife", to John Sanderson of Penrith, mercer) - freehold house and "garthe or garden on the backside", in Carleton; quit-rent 2d., 1676 Endorsed memo. that this deed is a mortgage for £10, under bond, for repayments as specified, [1676] The said bond, 1676 Bargain and sale for £18 (George Armor of Carleton yeo., to "Jefferay Bloomire" and Christopher Hutchinson both of "Emond Brig" (Cd.) yeomen) - freehold house, barn, backside, and garden, in Carleton (abuttals are Mr Henry Browham and Matthew Jackson); rent, 2d.; with Common of Pasture and Turbary, 1677 Bargain and sale for £12 (Lancelot Wood of Carleton yeo., to Christopher Hutchinson of Eamont Bridge p. Penrith yeo.) - freehold parcel (1 acre) on Pategill (abuttals north and south) formerly bought by the said Lancelot from "Gilbert Goodborne late of Penrith"; free rent, 6d. to the said Gilbert, 1679[/80] Bargain and sale for £30 (Robert Carleton of Carleton Esq., to George Ellergill of Carleton yeo.) - freehold parcel (1 acre) called Potter Acre, in Carleton fields (abuttals) with all hedges, ditches, paths; free rent to the said Robert, 1 peppercorn if demanded, 1681[/2] Assignment of lease for £45 (Samuel Carr of Penrith glover, to Robert Willison of Penrith gent.) - house, land, and garth on the backside, in a street called "Bishop Rawe" in Penrith (abuttals: Mr Francis Lowther, house on south; Mr John Patteson, house on north), also 1½ roods belonging to it at Kempley in Penrith fields (abuttals south and north); with all ... garths ... common of pasture and turbary; also all the said Samuel's goods and household furniture in the said house, as per schedule hereunto annexed ["annexed" no longer]; all which estate was leased by the Bishop to the said Robert for 21 years from 8 July 1682 for 2s. 6d. a year's rent; armorial seal; "Sealled and delivered and alsoe the Cupboard in the forehouse mencioned in the Sheddall [Schedule] hereunto Annexed then delivered in the Name of all the rest of these Goods to the said Mr Willison by the said Samuell Carr in the presence of us .." 4 1683[/4] Bargain and sale for 20s. 0d. (Andrew Whelpdale of "Skurscall" [Skirsgill] p. Penrith gent., to William Har[r]ison of Eamont Bridge p. Penrith) - ½-rood parcel in "Wetherickgill" [Wetherigg Gill] in Penrith fields (abuttals north and south), 1686[/7] Marriage settlement by lease and release for £400 (Isaac Willison of Penrith gent., to George Sisson of Penrith gent., James Nicholson of do. do., Robert Benson of do. chapman, and William Thwaites of Crosby Ravensworth in Westm'd yeoman), for the marriage (already had) of the said Isaac and Mary the daughter of the said Robert Benson, the £400 being her marriage portion paid by her father - settles, to provide her with jointure (i.e. income) should he die first, his house and land at Carleton commonly called Meason's Tenement, occupied by William Meason; also those his two closes in Carleton fields occupied by Dorothy Willison of Penrith widow or her undertenants; no tofts or garths mentioned; further provisions for family eventualities, 1689 Receipt for £7 "Fine or Grassom" paid to Anthony Hutton of Penrith Esq. by William Harrison of Eamont Bridge, son and heir of the late William Harrison there, for tenantright house and land there "beinge a house Layeth [laithe, i.e. barn] Toft and Croft to the value of three roods", with several further parcels (expressed in acres and in roods), total rent 12s. 0d., 1690 Pinned to this deed: Memorandum by "Andrew Whelpdall of Skircall" [Andrew Whelpdale of Skirsgill] that he has exchanged his half-acre "with the Hedges and Rains [baulks] there unto belonging" at Brigbank [i.e. Kempley Bank] in Penrith Fields, customary of Mr Hutton, for half an acre of William Harrison's of Eamont Bridge at [Wi]lson Wells with its hedges and rains, customary of Mr Hutton, 1688[/9] Mortgage for £15 (Thomas Towers of Penrith joiner, to Mr Hugh Nelson of Penrith mercer, Mr George Fothergill, of do. grocer, Mr Robert Wilson of do. do., and Mr William Raincock of do. mercer, all four being the present Overseers of the Poor in Penrith) - his 3 roods of arable at Lyneroods in Thurlebarrow in Penrith Fields (abuttals south and north); also his two land-ends at the foot of Boast-Leeses in do. (abuttals south and north), also his 1½ roods of arable on Thurlebarrow (abuttals south and north), with common of pasture [only]; to hold for the purpose of securing the £15 for the Penrith poor-[stock] "at the disposall of the Churchwardens and overseers of the Poor, and most Substantiall Parishioners .. within the said Parish"; repayment to be made by 1 May next "in the Church Porch of Penreth", 1704 [Note This refers to the pre-1722 church there] Assignment of lease for £30 (Henry Miller late of Penrith and now of "Wass-Morton" [Wors Morton in Inglewood near Hutton] yeoman, to John Pattenson of Penrith gent.), reciting his lease from the Bishop of Carlisle for wl years from 30 July 1698 - the house and garth in Bishop's Row, Penrith (abuttals: house late Mr John Lowther's on south, and house of the said John Pattenson on north) and the 1½ roods of land in "Kemplay or Corry Flatt" (abuttals south and north), with all garths, orchards, etc.; also conveys him the said Lease itself; rent as stated in the Lease (and not stated here); also conveys him, for £15 further, all the furniture now in the house there, namely "the Great Cuppboard and the Iron Grate and Creepers in the Forehouse, Three Bedsteads and the Loose Goods ... in a Roome over the Parlour", 1707 Agreement to convey for 21s. 6d. and for a further £188. 18s. 6d. (Robert Willison of Penrith gent., to John Pattenson of do., do.) - his two houses, shops, granaries, stables, byres, and outhouses, called by the name of "The Swan" in Burrowgate, Penrith, now occupied by William Robinson, Joshua Collinson, Thomas Winter, and James Henery alias Argyle; also his house and land in Carleton and its two closes called Meason's or Carleton's Closes or by whatever other name now in use; with all .. tofts crofts .. common of pasture and turbary, hedges, walls, woods, 1710 Release (lease missing) for £190 (Robert Willison of Penrith gent., eldest son and heir of the late Isaac Willison of Penrith gent., and Elizabeth the wife of the said Robert, to John Pattenson of Penrith gent.; with Isaac Willison, second son of the said Isaac deceased, as second party), reciting the preceding Agreement [above] dated 25 March 1710 - the properties as therein described; with quitclaim by the said Isaac the vendor's brother, 1710 Further deed in the same sale, this time rejected by the second party (Robert Willison as before, and wife, to William Rawlinson of Gra[y]thwaite, Lancs., gent., and Mary his wife (late the wife of Isaac Willison deceased), second party; with Henry Waugh of Staples Inn, Middx., gent., third party, and John Pattenson of Penrith gent., fourth party), reciting from the marriage settlement onwards of Robert's mother Mary with the late Isaac Willison 1689, and reciting the sale agreement of 25 March 1710; - this present deed's purpose is to bar entail and other family claims; conveyance also now specifies "all ..cellars .."; covenants include delivery by Robert to the said John Pattenson all deeds, fines, and Chancery Decrees relating to the property and now in his custody, 1710 Dedimus Potestatem [i.e. writ to try and end the matter in a final concord] (Henry Waugh, gent., plaintiff; Robert and Elizabeth Willison and William and Mary Rawlinson, defendants), 1709/1710 Lease and relase for £16 (Robert Wilson of Penrith gent., George Fothergill of do. grocer, and William Raincock of do. mercer, to William Simondson of do. gardener), reciting the conveyance by the late Thomas Towers of Penrith, joiner, to the then four Overseers of Penrith (1704), of whom Hugh Nelson is lately dead, but the other three are the rest of the first party to this deed now; and that the said Thomas fell into arrears in his payments thereby; and that the three persons of the first party are acting at the request of Hugh Simpson, Ambrose Nicholson, Richard Hudleston, and George Wilkinson, gentlemen, the present Churchwardens of Penrith - the same parcels as in the 1704 deed (see above in this bundle); armorial seal, 1720 Endorsed receipt for the money, signed by Ambrose Nicholson, Churchwarden. Lease by the Bishop of Carlisle to Elizabeth the widow of John Pattenson of Penrith gent., on surrender of former lease dated 27 Jan. 1715/16 for 21 years - the house and garth in Bishop's Row, and its land, as before (abuttals); rent, 2s. 6d.; term, 21 years; signed by lessor but seal cut away [to cancel]; the property now includes "Walls Fences Hedges Ditches ..", 1722[/3] Customary bargain and sale of tenantright land for £18. 10s. 0d. (John Ion of Yanwath, Wd., yeo., to Peter the son of Dudley Brougham of Eamont Bridge p. Barton, Wd., gent.) - 3-rood parcel at Bankside in the Manor of Yanwath and Eamont Bridge (Lord Lonsdale, lord), and his "two Beast-gates or Pasturage for two Beasts commonly called Cattle Gates or Grasses ... in a certain Pasture called Yanwath Highmoore" in that manor, total rent 1s. 6d., with all hedges, ditches, common of pasture and turbary; armorial seal, 1729 Bargain and seal for £1. 1s. 0d. (Sir Philip Musgrave of Edenhall, Bart., to Thomas Brown of Penrith, miller) - parcel of land called Mattison's Housestead and Garth at Carleton p. Penrith; free rent, 3d. to the Earl of Burlington as lord; with common of pasture and turbary, and .. woods, 1736[/7] Lease and release for £7. 7s. 0d. (Thomas Jackson of Little Gray's Inn Lane, London, tailor, to Christopher Pattenson of Penrith, Esq.) - house, barn, stable, backside and garden, in Carleton (abuttals and occupiers west and east), with all yards, watercourses, etc., 1738[/9] Mortgage by bargain and sale for £125 (Robert Harrison of Carleton yeo. and George his eldest son and heir, to Christopher Pattenson of Penrith Esq.) - freehold house with barn and stable at Carleton in or near a close there called Todhunter's Close; also their 1½-acre parcel in that close, adjoining the said house and barn and abutted on both sides by the customary or tenantright lands of the said Robert; also their house with cowhouse or stable and a ½-acre parcel of land in or near a close in Carleton called Oughton's; also their barn with its ½-acre parcel of land in that same close called Oughton's; also their malt-kiln standing upon the Bank brow in Carleton; also their other ½-acre parcel in Todhunter's Close (abuttals south and north of this parcel), all freehold; also their customary or tenantright parcels in Carleton and on Barco (Penrith Fields) (description follows; abuttals and direction of rigs), of total customary rent 5s. 10d. (Gaskarth's Manor of Penrith); endorsed receipt of lord for "a Mortgage Fine" that day (£1. 6s. 0d.), 1739 Deed of exchange of land (Thomas Browne of Eamont Bridge p. Penrith miller, to Christopher Pattenson of Penrith Esq.), 1740[/1] Exchanged as follows: By Thomas Browne Parcel in Carleton called Mattinson's Housestead and Garth, free rent 3d. to the Earl of Burlington By Christopher Pattenson Parcel 152 ft. long on the N.E. end of Kitchen Croft in Bridge Field (Penrith Fields), free rent 3½d. to the Duke of Portland. Bargain and sale for £20 (Anthony Sanderson of Newbiggin, Wd., miller, and Mary his wife, and Josiah their eldest son and heir, to Christopher Pattenson of Penrith Esq.) - freehold house in Carleton in a close there called Preston Garth, also part of a garden (freehold) adjoining that house on the north side, in area about ¼-rood (quit rent to the said Christopher, 1d.); also their customary house and part of garden (about ½-rood) next door on the west, and on north to a house of John Earl's, held of the Manor of Carleton (the said Christopher Pattenson lord), rent 6d.; with all .. fronts, common of pasture and turbary [but no tofts or garths in this clause], 1742 [/3] Bargain and sale for £183 (William Harrison of Eamont Bridge p. Penrith yeo., to Christopher Pattenson of Penrith Esq.) - freehold ½-acre parcel in Bridge Lowfield, adjoining Thomas Brown's wash-house; also his customary house, barn, barnstead, and stable in Eamont Bridge, with the garden and half the croft, also 6 roods in Wedrigg [Wetherigg in Penrith Fields] between the said Christopher's lands on both sides, ½-acre adjoining Bridge Bank Gate, ½-acre under Hunger Hill, ½ acre on Hunger Hill, 1 acre in Wedrigg Gill (abuttals), all in Gaskarth's Manor of Penrith, rent 12s. 6d., with hedges, ditches, fences, common of pasture and turbary; armorial seal, 1746[/7] Bargain and sale for £17 (Robert Curwin of Penrith cooper and Violet his wife, to Christopher Pattenson of Carleton Hall Esq.) - unenclosed 1 acre parcel in the Commonfield called Thulborough [Thurlbar] in Penrith Fields, free rent 6d. to the Duke of Portland; with all its hedges, ditches, fences, stiles, woods, common of pasture [only], paths, watercourses, 1749[/50] Bargain and sale for £5 of mortgaged estate (Robert Harrison of Blackman Street p. St George's, Southwark, Surrey, eyo., eldest son of the late George Harrison of Carleton yeo. who was himself the eldest son of the late Robert Harrison of do., yeo., and Mary Harrison of Carleton widow of the said George, to Christopher Pattenson of Carleton Hall Esq.); recital begins with mortgage by the said Robert (the grandfather) and the said George (his son) to the said Christopher then of Penrith Esq., dated 21 Nov. 1739, for £125 - house, barn, stable and 1½ acres all in Todhunter's Close, Carleton, abutted by the customary or tenantright lands of the said Robert; also house, cowhouse or stable, and ½ acre, all in Oughton's there; also barn and ½ acre in Oughton's; also their malt kiln upon the Bank Brow in Carleton; also a further ½ acre in Todhunter's Close (abuttals south and north); also several parcels (named; abuttals) of customary or tenantright lands in Carleton and Barco, rent 5s. 10d; and that repayment was not duly made; and that soon after Nov. 1739, the said Robert (the grandfather) died; and that his son the said George is now "lately dead" also; that Mary his widow now claims her common-law rights of thirds in the freehold, and her dower or widow-right in the customary estate; and that the said Christopher shall pay her 40s. 0d. a year for life, of which the £5 now paid is part - the estate as detailed above, 1753 |
Date: | 1545 - 1753 |
Held by: | Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle, not available at The National Archives |
Language: | English |
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