Catalogue description Ricardo, Lady

This record is held by London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

Details of 8SUF/B/026
Reference: 8SUF/B/026
Title: Ricardo, Lady

Embarrassing on social occasions in the Edwardian period to have to admit you were a suffragist. Selling WSPU papers in the street and speaking at street-corners. Parental attitudes to her suffrage work (she is sister of Cicely Hale, qv). Educational deprivation by comparison with her brothers. Christabel speaking in Hyde Park, her repartee, etc. Mrs Pankhurst as speaker compared. Feels in retrospect she was cowardly in her advocacy, disliking being on the unpopular side. Grace Roe as a suffragette activist. Her mother's life at home before Lady R got married - paying 'calls' etc. Importance of finding a husband - failure in doing so soured her sister Mildred. Lady R was later active in Women's Institute movement, which she thinks did a great deal for women. Careers of her children.

Date: 29 Nov 1974
Held by: London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: Tape 08
Language: English

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