Catalogue description Award of John Braddyll, esq., Edmond Gibson and John Edmondson, gents, arbitrators in dispute between William Petty, eldest son and heir of Edmond Petty, late of Wellhouse, deceased, Richard Swainson, clerk, and Jane Petty, widow, concerning the will of the late Edmond Petty. Fragment only

This record is held by Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Barrow

Details of UDUl/3/11
Reference: UDUl/3/11
Title: Award of John Braddyll, esq., Edmond Gibson and John Edmondson, gents, arbitrators in dispute between William Petty, eldest son and heir of Edmond Petty, late of Wellhouse, deceased, Richard Swainson, clerk, and Jane Petty, widow, concerning the will of the late Edmond Petty. Fragment only
Date: 5 Mar. 1707/8
Held by: Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Barrow, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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