Catalogue description Ridgway, Mrs Margaret

This record is held by London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

Details of 8SUF/B/166
Reference: 8SUF/B/166
Title: Ridgway, Mrs Margaret

Her relationship with her mother (Anna Munro, see above tape 15) and father. Anna Munro's capable personality and household management. Servants in the home. Her attitude to her children's careers. How she brought the children up. Anna's friendship with the poet Kate Evans. Her relationship with her husband and his relatives. How they met for the first time at a suffrage meeting. Her husband's early career. Anna's religious beliefs. Role of Kate Bransome and Dorothy Adams in the family. Difficulties involved in growing up. Anna's appearance, and her divergent ideas on dress from those of Mrs R. Reduced family income after the Second World War. Anna's increased involvement in public work, her husband's increased interest in sport. Anna's father in old age. His death. Anna's affection for her relatives. Her attitude to old age. Mrs R's devotion to her father. His fine sense of humour. Anna's alternation of great bursts of work and periods of recuperation. How she taught her son Donald to speak in public. Her attitude to the breakup of Donald's first marriage. Her classlessness. Her opposition to Pankhurstian militancy. Lilian Lenton's visits to stay with Anna. Mrs Despard's impressive appearance. Anna's pride in her period of imprisonment. (Continues on tape 62).

Date: 16 Jul 1977
Held by: London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: Tape 61
Language: English

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