Catalogue description Thomas Maitland Papers

This record is held by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Library and Archives

Details of MAI
Reference: MAI
Title: Thomas Maitland Papers

QX 92-0005 Correspondence received in 1920s, consists of 1 folder containing 5 files: Chief, Division of Botany, Union of South Africa, correspondence about fungi; C. J. Humphrey Esq, correspondence about fungi; Professor J. B. Cleland, correspondence about fungi; Dr C. Van Overeem, correspondence about fungi; Dr James R Weir, correspondence about fungi. PrP 05-0002: Autobiographical writings/botanical lists and presentation of Lebanese orchid paintings to RBGK. (1963-1973)1 folder. PrP 00-0001: Plant lists and memoir (1955-1962), 1 folder and 1 photo album of African travels (1911-1931)

Date: 1911-1973
Related material:

Letters from Maitland can also be found in:

DC 182 f.232

DC 183 ff.704-713

DC 185 f. 271

Misc. reports 10.36, MR/499 (S. Nigeria - Agric. Dept. 1899-1917) ff.256-258, 271, 275, 279

Misc. reports 10.61 MR/456 (Uganda - misc. 1901-1928) ff. 40, 113

Misc. reports 10.37 MR/500 (Cameroons - misc. 1860-1928) ff. 128, 131-132

Specimens are held in the Herbarium.

Held by: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Library and Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Maitland, Thomas Douglas, Mr (1885-1976)

Physical description: 1 box, 3, folders, 1 photograph album, 0.4 linear metres
Physical condition: Photographs Manuscript papers
Immediate source of acquisition:

Material donated by T.D. Maitland's son, Donald Maitland. Correspondence transferred from Kew's library to the archives.


No accruals expected

  • Fungi
  • Mycology
  • Botany
  • Botanists
  • Paintings
  • Plant lists
  • Botanic Stations
  • Botanic Gardens
Administrative / biographical background:

T. D. Maitland was born on 8 May 1885 in Perth, Scotland. He gained his early experiences of horticulture through a family business, and began working at Kew in 1909. His career in Africa allowed him to travel widely, beginning in February 1910 when he became Curator of Botanic Gardens, Calabar. In 1913 he became District Agricultural Officer in Uganda where he focused on economic crops. In 1919 he went to Kenya where he was appointed Chief of Economic Plants Division. In 1922, he moved backed to Uganda and became Government Botanist. In 1927, he became Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens at Victoria, Cameroons. He retired from the colonial service in 1931. The specimens that he collected on his travels were donated to Kew.

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