Catalogue description Letter

This record is held by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Details of DDX466/1
Reference: DDX466/1
Title: Letter

From Mary Hyde Wright to Rev. G. D. Clowes.


Refers to her gift to Clowes of a bust presumed of Rev. Robert Clowes, vicar of Nether Knutsford, 1824-1864, which her parents and grandparents thought a great deal of. He had married her great-grandparents Ralph Hyde and Isabella Ollivant at Manchester Old Church, and she believed it was their wedding present. Regrets a piece had been broken off by the carrier. A Mr. Leech lives at Whitley Hall where the Clowes family had lived

Date: Woodside Farm, High Legh, 4 Jun. 1931
Held by: Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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