Catalogue description Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp papers

This record is held by London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

Details of 7JTR/1
Reference: 7JTR/1
Title: Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp papers



* Article about the death threats Patsy Dale received as an attempt to silence her, after appearing on the programme, 'Inside Britain's Bomb' talking about her family's health problems due to radiation exposure.


* Letter from Jill Truman to The Guardian, responding to Polly Toynbee's comments about the Greenham Women's Peace Camp, 21 Dec 1985


* Photocopied pages showing signatures of support from women at Greenham to Mothers for Peace in Yugoslavia, Sep 1991


* Pages from newsletter, c. 2000, containing item about the closure of the Greenham Common Peace Camp after 19 years


* Photocopy of an article 'The Road to Greenham 1981' by Thalia Campbell, and appeal to commemorate the original march to Greenham in Aug 1981


* Photocopy of a hand-drawn map of the Molesworth Field area


* Leaflet 'One World, Many Women: Greenham Women are Everywhere' produced by CND: contains legal briefing for gathering at Greenham, music events and songs.


* Leaflet 'When Women Act then People listen': with news, map of the camp showing locations of the different coloured 'gates', and details of workshops at Orange Gate and Green Gate


* Songsheet: shows lyrics of 'Eden's Garden'; 'Who Will Love'; 'Bombs into Bread'; 'Boundary Song'


* Fact sheet and poem about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster* Press cutting photograph of the welcome sign at RAF Greenham Common, 501st Tactical Missile Wing, seen through the wire fence


* Two photocopied pages (p. 191-192) relating to Greenham Common from 'Undiscovered Ends: An Autobiography' (Fount Publishers, 1992), by Bruce Kent, a nuclear disarmament and peace campaigner.

Date: 1981-2000
Held by: London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 1 folder

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