Catalogue description Nomination

This record is held by Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library

Details of CCA-DCc-ChAnt/L/112
Reference: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/L/112
Title: Nomination

From: Thomas Cordell, citizen of London, warden of the Mercers Company, London; John Gardener, citizen of London, warden of the Mercers Company, London; Edmund Peerson, citizen of London, warden of the Mercers Company, London; Ralph Allen, of London, warden of the Mercers Company, London To: the dean and chapter of Canterbury Cathedral They nominate Mgr Anthony Earberie, MA, to the rectory of St Michael Paternoster Royal ('Sancti Michaelis in Riola'), London. The benefice is vacant by the death of John Bateman, clerk, the last rector. The wardens ask the dean and chapter to present Anthony to Richard [Bancroft], archbishop of Canterbury. Signatures of the wardens on the plica.

Date: 10 Jul 1605
Held by: Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: CCA-DCc-ChAnt/L/112
Language: English
Physical description: 1 document
Physical condition: Parchment, 1m, seal, dirty

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