Catalogue description Dinton Hall Estate

This record is held by Buckinghamshire Archives

Details of D 63
Reference: D 63
Title: Dinton Hall Estate

Title deeds, 1569-1768, and other miscellaneous records, C18th - C20th relating to the Dinton Hall Estate, mostly for the families of Mayne and Vanhattem, including related correspondence of the dowager duchess of Chandos (d.1750), c.1728-1750.

Date: 1569-1935

1/1-29. Title deeds of Dinton Manor and the Mayne estate


2/1-20. Title deeds of the Robins family estate in Westlington and Dinton [purchased by Simon Mayne, 1649]


3/1-7. Title deeds of Sandfoyne close in Dinton


[purchased by Sir John Vanhattem, c.1768]


4/1-4. Miscellaneous deeds and documents


5/1-32. Estate records


[including valuations, accounts, vouchers, sale particulars]


6/1-5. Maps and plans


7/1-13. Household records


[catalogue of paintings, 1844; auction sale catalogues of furniture, pictures, china, engravings, etc., 1921, 1926]


8/1-12. Correspondence of Lydia Catherine, Dowager Duchess of Chandos [sister of Sir John Vanhattem]

Related material:

Miscellaneous bundle of deeds transfered to Kent Record Office, ref. U2058

Held by: Buckinghamshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Mayne family of Dinton, Buckinghamshire

Vanhattem family of Dinton, Buckinghamshire

Physical description: 8 Series
Immediate source of acquisition:

AR 63/64

  • Dinton, Buckinghamshire
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