Catalogue description Kodak Collection

This record is held by National Science and Media Museum

Details of KC
Reference: KC
Title: Kodak Collection

As well as approximately 200,000 photographs, the Collection includes nearly 10,000 items of photographic and cinematic equipment as well as books and printed ephemera. The Collection is especially strong in the area of popular photography.

Date: 1885-1985
Held by: National Science and Media Museum, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Kodak Limited

Physical description: 200,000 items
Access conditions:

Open. Refer to for further information.

  • Photography
Administrative / biographical background:

This collection of photographs, equipment and printed material tracing the history of photography, was assembled by Kodak Limited and acquired from them in the mid-1980s. The collection is especially strong in the area of popular photography. It includes examples of most of the products made by Kodak Limited as well as thousands of snapshots.

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