Catalogue description Various properties

This record is held by West Sussex Record Office

Details of GOODWOOD/E836-847
Reference: GOODWOOD/E836-847
Title: Various properties

Deeds of a tenement and garden in occ. of Thomas Cockerell; garden plot or 1a. pasture between the highway on W. and lands formerly of William Elson on S. N. and E.; ground whereon a dwellinghouse formerly stood with a garden and croft adjoining (4½a.); ¼a. pasture. Abuttals given.


No. GOODWOOD/E841 is the original will, 22 Nov. 1773, and codicil, 23 Mar. 1779, of Elizabeth Dubben of Walberton. No. GOODWOOD/E842 is the original will, 23 Mar. 1779, of Richard Dubben of Walberton, shoemaker. No. GOODWOOD/E845 is an extract from the will, 16 Dec. 1810 (pr. P.C.C. 2 Mar. 1812), of William Cosens of Barnham, yeoman, which refers to 5a. freehold land in Barnham, 20a. land with buildings in Ancton in Felpham, 35a. leasehold land with buildings in Bilsham in Yapton, and farms and lands in Barnham rented from George White Thomas. No. GOODWOOD/E846 is a copy of the grant of probate in P.C.C., 26 Apr. 1837, of will of William Leeves, formerly Fowler, of Tortington, esq. No. GOODWOOD/E847 is a copy conveyance of two small pieces of land from Richard Cosens of Barnham to the London and Brighton Railway Co., with small coloured plan and covenant to produce deeds, 1744-1837, which are listed.

Date: 1744/5-1846
Held by: West Sussex Record Office, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 12 docs

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