Catalogue description Feoffment

This record is held by West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds

Details of WYL639/170
Reference: WYL639/170
Title: Feoffment

By Thomas Sandwith of St. Mariegate, York, gent., and George Reames of Wheldrake, husbandman, to John Vavasour of Spaldington, esq., of a messuage and oxgang at Spaldington once occupied by Sir Peter Vavasour at the annual value of 6s and parcel of the lands of Thickhead Priory, granted by James I to George Salter and John Williams. With appointment of Francis Lamberd of Spaldington to perform livery of seisin for Sandwith and Reames.

Date: 20 Mar 1611
Held by: West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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