Catalogue description METHODIST CHURCHES
This record is held by East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO)
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NMB/1 Lewes, Station Street Wesleyan Methodist Church: title deeds of the church and trust deeds. 1738-1958; minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes minutes of committee formed to secure a chapel at Newhaven), 1867-1975; Treasurer's accounts, 1860-1974; Society Steward's accounts, 1824-1985; other accounts consisting of committee and annual meeting minutes of the Lewes branch of the London Auxiliary Methodist Missionary society, Church Gift Fund accounts, Benevolent Fund accounts, minutes of Leaders' meetings, Church Council cash summary and weekly envelope offering, 1818-1985; minutes of Leaders' meetings. Church Council, House Group meeting (includes minutes of Trustees of Waldron Chapel, newspaper cutting of opening of the Cross-in-Hand Chapel), 1892-1986; Sunday School records consisting of attendance register, Centenary Festival book, account book, minutes of Teachers' meetings, minutes of the Sunday school and Youth council, photograph of the school and congregation, 1865-1921; licences certifying the church for religious worship and marriages, 1861-1867; report of the sub-committee appointed to enquire into the finances of the church, 1923; Trustees' accounts and memoranda, papers and papers concerning renovations to the church, 1932-1936; suggested schemes to supplement trust funds to help the church, 1936; licences for performance of stage plays in the church hall, 1936-1946; reproduction of a plan showing the Lewes Air Raid Precaution Area number 5, 1938; correspondence concerning the renovation and reconstruction of the church, 1955-1957; agendas and papers for Leaders' meetings, Women's Own meetings and Annual society meetings, 1967-1981; Trustees' papers concerning schemes for the sale of the site of the church, 1965-1973; papers concerning trust investments at the Central finance Board, 1970, 1974; minutes of Womens' Work meetings, 1941-1964; minutes of Womens' Own meetings, 1944-1983; church roll books, 1962-1972; cradle roll, 1921-1971; other records consisting of a transcript of funeral address for Claud Bird, official Christmas card, 1960s NMB/2 Newhaven Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the first church in South Eastern Terrace consisting of correspondence, title deeds, [1793]-1878; papers concerning the new church consisting of list of contributions, application to build a church, contracts, specifications and accounts, plan of drainage, certificates for registration as a building for solemnisation of marriages, 1887-1899; appointments of trustees, 1892-1960; minutes of Leaders' meetings and annual society meetings, 1932-1968; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1948-1976; minutes of Finance Committee and accounts, 1925-1946; minutes of meetings concerning the school room, 1959-1964; minutes of joint meeting of leaders of Seaford, Chygnton and Newhaven churches, 1972; Poor Steward's account book, 1905-1982; collection journals, 1929-1977; analysis books, 1931-1983; cash books for envelope system, 1964-1983; copies of Methodist Missionary society forms listing money collected, 1964-1966; minutes of Sunday School teachers' meetings, 1898-1960; Sunday School 'Morning Star Register' recording children's qualifications for receiving badges, 1950-1960; note about Sunday School prizes, 1930s; Junior Guild committee minutes (includes lists of members and subscriptions), 1937-1940; other records consisting of news papers cuttings, legacy of Mrs Amy Oxley, counterpart agreements for the use of the school room, monthly magazine of Newhaven Parish Church (shared by Anglicans and Methodists), 1933-1975; marriage registers, 1964-1995 NMB/3 Laughton Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the purchase and conversion of the former 'Gospel Hall' into a Wesleyan church consisting of title deeds, correspondence, bills, accounts, 1838-1914; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1898-1973; trust accounts, 1943-1972; papers concerning appointment of trustees, 1925-1966; collection journals, 1930-1958; Society Stewards' accounts, 1933-1947; pulpit notice book, 1933-1941; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1966-1969; other records consisting of papers concerning the registration of the church as a place for religious worship and marriages, tithe rent charge, list of members, 1934-c1950 NMB/4 Ridgewood Uckfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the building and licensing of the church, 1823-1915; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1898-1957; papers concerning appointment of trustees, 1898-1948 NMB/5 Uckfield, Framfield Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of the Trustees of the Wesley Hall, Uckfield taken over by the Sussex Mission, minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1931-1974; baptism register (includes Laughton), membership roll (includes Buxted), 1959-1971; correspondence and papers including additions to the church, 1958-1973; Trustees' bank pass book, 1959; newsletters and anniversary programmes, 1964-1986 NMB/6 Cuckfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the founding of the church including a copy of resolution of the Trustees of the Cuckfield Primitive Methodist Church to sell their church to the Wesleyan Methodist Community, 1886-1903; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1908-1953; other Trustees' papers consisting of list of persons willing to appointed as Trustees, sale of the church, 1938-1954 NMB/7 Framfield, Blackboys Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning building the new church and subsequent alterations, 1883-1934; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1898-1961; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1955-1967 NMB/8 East Hoathly Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the establishment and building of the first church, 1877-1878; papers concerning the building of the second church and its subsequent sale, 1900-1951; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1903-1955; Preaching Room account, Trustees' accounts, 1874-1951; baptism register, 1901-1924 NMB/9 Seaford, Steyne Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the foundation and building of the church including specifications, plans and accounts, 1900-c1907; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1899-1976; minutes of Leaders' meetings (includes annual society meetings), 1909-1980; Trustees' accounts, Treasurer's accounts, 1894-1974; balance sheets, 1965-1973; Society Steward's accounts, 1939-1974; collection journals, 1894-1970; seat rent ledger, 1918-1935; bills and vouchers for expenditure on the church, 1905-1916; accounts of Sunday envelope collections, 1959-1973; pulpit notice books, 1947-1979; Trustees' papers concerning appointments and mortgage, 1899-1984; membership register, classbooks, c1950-1963; minutes of the local council Sunday School Teachers' meetings, 1914-1938; Overseas Missions accounts, committee minutes, 1925-1974; World Service and Missions Committee minutes, 1974-1983; minutes of the Youth Council, 1956-1970; minutes of the Methodist Missionary Society Women's Work, annual reports, accounts, 1933-1971; newsletters and annual reports (includes Seaford and Chyngton churches, Seaford United Reformed Church), 1964-1987; other records consisting of plan of the proposed development by the Seaford Bay company, promissory note, printed history The Methodist Chapel and Schoolroom, newspaper cuttings, programme for the unveiling of the Memorial Ornamentation of the reredos, letters and circulars, 1894-1981 NMB/10 Seaford, Chyngton Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the founding of the church including plans, newspaper cuttings, 1955; minutes of Trustees' meetings, lists of those willing to serve as trustees, 1956-1970; minutes of Leaders' and Church Council meetings, 1963-1977; pulpit notice books, 1960-1973; collection journal, Roofing Fund accounts, 1955-1973; other records consisting of a copy of the Chyngton News, newspaper cutting, annual reports of officers, history of the church Methodist Witness at Chyngton, 1955-1988, ?Ministers engagement diary, [1955]-1988 NMB/11 Burgess Hill Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the foundation of the church, 1899-1900; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1921-1967; trust accounts, 1925-1970; appointments of Trustees, 1963; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1930-1974; Finance Committee minutes, 1952-1979; reports and correspondence, 1962-1981; Stewards' accounts, 1902-1983; directories and newsletters, 1965-1975 NMB/12 Haywards Heath, Sussex Road Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes accounts), 1878-1952; accounts concerning the appointment of Trustees, the death of the Treasurer, Poor Fund, 1904-1960; other Trustees' papers including specification, accounts and estimates concerning alterations to the church, 1910-1960; marriage registers, 1954-1986; membership cards and printed notices, c1900-1945; membership lists, 1950s; other records consisting of a copy of deed poll establishing the Primitive Methodist Connection, model trust deed, photographs and engravings of national Methodist figures, newspaper cuttings, The Story of the Primitive Methodist college, Manchester, 1878-1906, souvenir programmes, letters, 1837-1933; newsletters, 1971-1975 NMB/13 Haywards Heath, Perrymount Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the founding of the church, 1898-1903; minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes photographs of the opening of the new school hall), 1904-1967; trust accounts, 1900-1955; Trustees' papers relating to the licensing of the church, schedule of documents relating to the manse, 1953-1964; Finance Committee minutes, 1955-1968; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1919-1952; Poor Stewards' accounts, 1900-1957; Sunday School and Youth Council correspondence and plans concerning the proposed new Sunday School, 1908-1911; minutes of Sunday School teachers' meetings, Youth Council meetings (includes Sussex Road Church), Sunday School Committee and Junior Church committee, 1903-1973; Sunday School attendance registers, 1904-1943; Sunday School primary department attendance registers, 1949-1959; Sunday School morning school attendance registers, 1951-1959; Sunday School primary, beginners, juniors and seniors attendance registers, 1967-1972; Sunday school teachers' rolls, 1931-1973; Sunday School correspondence, accounts, collection journal, cradle rolls, 1931-1965; newsletters (includes Sussex Road and Burgess Hill churchs), 1949-1982; papers concerning the jubilee celebrations consisting of souvenir booklets, programme, notes on the history of the church, photographs, newspaper cuttings, 1950-1960; directories and lists of members, 1968-1971; plans, estimates, correspondence and order of service for the opening of the new church hall, 1958-1960; seat rent ledger, 1900-1946; other records consisting of newspaper cuttings, cookery book, autograph book of minsters who preached at the church, 1913-1979 NMB/14 Maresfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: title deeds of the site of the proposed church, 1820 NMB/15 Eastbourne, Pevensey Road Wesleyan Central Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1873-1986; Building Fund accounts (includes Hailsham Wesleyan School Room and Vestry Treasurer's account), trust accounts, balance sheets, accounts for a new organ, 1867-1981; records concerning the building of the old and new churchs consisting of licences, photographs, agreements, title deeds, appeal for funds, minutes of the Building Committee, 1864-1954; Trustees' papers consisting of correspondence, list of trustees, 1912-1970s; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1887-1972; Leaders' meetings attendance register, 1960-1975; minutes of the Leaders' meetings Finance Committee (Envelope System Committee), 1923-1947; collection journals, 1870-1974; envelope collection journal, 1928-1951; Society Stewards' accounts, 1902-1986; Society Stewards' cash book, property account book, 1941-1984; Society Stewards' accounts (classes), 1916-1934; Poor Fund accounts, 1894-1933; lettings register, seat rents registers, 1918-1978; pulpit notices, 1955-1967; newsletters, annual reports and pastoral letters, 1955-1985; orders of service, programmes, newspaper cuttings and photographs of the band, various clubs, bomb damage, c1890-1986; Sunday School notes from 'Our Bible class', certificates issued to George Harland for passing examinations, library catalogue, hymn sheets, analysis and graphs of attendance, photograph of procession to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the National Sunday School Union, 1880-1953; minutes of the Wesley Guild Executive Committee, 1922-1983; minutes of the Wesley Guild of Fellowship, correspondence, 1949-1950; Wesley Guild roll books, 1925-1959; minutes of the Wesley Guild Golden Jubilee Festival Committee, scrapbook, correspondence, 1951-1971; Wesley Guild photographs of various clubs and theatrical entertainments, concert programmes, newspaper cuttings, membership cards and syllabuses, annual reports, handbooks, Stoolball Illustrated and How to Play It, c1900-1979; Scout Group committee minutes, newspaper cuttings, 1957-1961; Avenue House Central Club agendas, statements, programmes, 1972-1975; Young Wives' Club minutes, programmes, 1958-1971; minutes of the Women's Work Committee, 1952-1986; Church Family Committee minutes, reports, 1973-1986; other records consisting of certificates for admission to the Wesleyan Methodist Society, rules of the Eastbourne Branch of the Sussex District of the Independent Order of Rechabites (Salford Unity Friendly Society), printed works, and booklets, 1892-1958; papers concerning the 175th anniversary of Methodism in Eastbourne consisting of minutes, research notes, programmes, captions used in the exhibition, attendance book used at the exhibition, printed material, 1977-1978; other records consisting of papers concerning the congresses of the National Free Church Federal Council, programme and photographs of flower festival and exhibition held to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the conversion of John Wesley, 1976-1988 NMB/16 Eastbourne, Greenfield Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1897-1966; trust accounts, 1898-1917; minutes of Leaders' meetings (includes Circuit Mission Committee minutes, Society minutes), 1889-1972; World Service and mission and Neighbourhood Committee minutes, 1974-1976; other records consisting of history of the church, application to erect a school church, 1898-1978 NMB/17 Eastbourne, St Aidan's Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1929-1971; collection journal, 1958-1969; minutes of Wives' Fellowship meetings, 1964-1978: Trustees' papers consisting of the purchase of the Whitley Road Congregational Church, maintenance and building works, loans, school room, 1903-1945; other records consisting of golden jubilee programme, 1963 NMB/18 Eastbourne, Grove Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: accounts consisting of Stewards' account books, building accounts, 1810-1852 NMB/19 Eastbourne, Longstone Road Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1897-1905 NMB/20 Eastbourne Wesley Hall Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees meetings, 1908-1949; trust accounts, 1904-1955; Trustees' papers consisting of plans of the hall, registration certificates, papers concerning the re-building of the hall, sale of the hall to the Leaf Homeopathic Hospital, 1899-1929; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1905-1922; collection journal, 1886-1896; baptism register, 1900-1933 NMB/21 Hailsham Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1914-1961; trust accounts, 1920-1982; collection journals, 1875-1970; pulpit notices, 1940-1948; newsletters and magazines (includes Gamelands, Cross-in-Hand), 1958-1992; minutes of Leaders' meetings and annual society meetings, 1955-1973; abstainers' roll books, 1927-1966; correspondence and papers concerning the building of the church, building of the schoolroom, erection of an organ and extensions, 1867-1965; papers concerning the appointment of an additional minister, 1898; appointments and resignations of trustees, 1898-1927; minutes of the 3rd Hailsham (Methodist) Boy Scouts Group Committee, 1963-1967; Poor Fund collection book, 1898-1969; Society funds analysis book, 1954-1955; Junior Society Class book, 1916-1917; Sunday School attendance registers, 1947-1964; Hailsham Mutual Improvement Guild syllabus, 1893-1897; Hailsham Wesley Guild syllabus, 1923-1924; centenary publications, [1868]-1968 NMB/22 Gamelands Horam Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1902-1961; trust accounts, 1901-1974; collection journals, 1902-1962; minutes of Leaders' and Society meetings, 1930-1965; Society Stewards' accounts, 1930-1944; class books, 1939-1958; pulpit notice books, 1937-1971 NMB/23 Cross-in-Hand Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1896-1977; collection journals, 1907-1964; marriage register, 1902-1953; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1966-1974 NMB/24 Willingdon Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1894-1977; trust accounts, 1894-1960; pulpit notice books, 1956-1960; Sunday School accounts, 1897-1970; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1928-1973; papers concerning the building of the mission room and school church, 1894-1896 NMB/25 Brighton, Norfolk Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: baptism registers (includes Windsor Street Church), 1861-1964; marriage registers, 1918-1964; register of members, c1900-1952; minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes Wesleyan Church Committee for the building of the church, 1868-1872), 1906-1965; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1945-1964; trust accounts, 1917-1965; Society Stewards' accounts, 1929-1960; Finance committee minutes, 1960; minutes of the Women's Auxiliary Committee, 1927-1949; Women's Work Overseas minutes and accounts, 1949-1964; Norfolk Road Sisterhood minutes of meetings and accounts, 1961-1964; minutes of the Sunday School Council, 1930-1950 NMB/26 Hove, Portland Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1894-1976; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1892-1974; minutes of Annual Church meetings (includes Organ Plans Committee, 1930), 1934-1988; minutes of Church Council meetings, 1974-1981; Leaders' meeting and Church Council meeting attendance registers, 1967-1981; trustees' accounts, 1899-1964; Society Stewards' accounts, 1952-1960; collection journals, 1941-1959; papers concerning the removal of the iron church from Preston to a site in Clarendon Villas Road, 1886-1887; correspondence and papers concerning the purchase of a site in Clarendon Villas Road, 1882-1883; inventory of contents of church, 1941; plans and papers concerning the proposed new church hall, 1959-1973; minutes and papers of the Neighbourhood and Social Responsibility Committee, 1974-1982; Minister's annual report, 1975; baptism registers, 1888-1985; register of members, 1908-1950; roll of honour of members on active service, 1939-1945; Sunday School Treasurer's accounts, 1910-1962; Sunday School cradle roll registers, 1924-1979; minutes of the Band of Hope Committee, 1891-1923; minutes of the Women's Guild, 1923-1964; minutes of the Ladies' Committee, 1944-1964; Ladies' Committee accounts, 1953-1974; Ladies' Committee list of members, 1966; minutes of the Young Wives' Club, 1955-1985 NMB/27 Portslade, Franklin Avenue Wesleyan Methodist Church: papers concerning the building of the church consisting of minutes of the Building Committee, registration certificates, 1907-1923; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1908-1964; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1911-1963; Trustees' account books, 1927-1964; circuit Steward's accounts, 1959-1963; collection journals, 1930-1951; collection journal for Sunday School, missions, self-denial etc, 1936-1963; baptism register, 1908-1962; marriage registers, 1923-1961; Sisterhood's Bright Hour register, 1945-1955; minutes of the Sunday School Council, 1922-1944 NMB/28 Portslade, Mile Oak Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1950-1958; baptism register, 1950-1954; registration certificate, 1951 NMB/29 Brighton, Preston Park Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1905-1945; marriage registers, 1920-1943; minutes of the Building Committee, 1881-1884 NMB/30 Hove, Old Shoreham Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1925-1947; Society Steward's accounts, 1941-1945; baptism register, 1919-1947 NMB/31 Southwick Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes minutes of the New Church Building Committee), 1876-1957; Trustees' accounts (includes the purchase of Firdown Corner), 1894-1964; Trustees' papers consisting of registration licences, correspondence about finance, schoolroom and papers of J J Frampton as Clerk to the Shoreham and District Waterworks Company, plans of proposed church hall, accounts for the sale of the former church in Albion Street, 1831-1956; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1902-1938; Society Stewards' accounts, 1891-1912; minutes of Youth Fellowship meetings, 1947-1953; Sunday School Council minutes, 1956-1986; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1930; balance sheets, 1958-1959; annual reports and accounts, 1955-1957; minutes of the Church Council, 1972-1983 NMB/32 Patcham Wesleyan Methodist Church: marriage registers, 1946-1967; minutes of the Wives' Club Committee, 1960-1970 NMB/33 Wittersham (Kent) Wesleyan Methodist Church: account book, 1863-1899; Sunday School attendance register, 1887-1896 NMB/34 Rye Wesley Guild: minutes, 1912-1915 NMB/35 Bexhill, Belle Hill Wesleyan Methodist Church: accounts, 1857-1937; marriage register, 1927-1937; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1900-1938 NMB/36 Hastings Central Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes Leaders' meetings and Choir Committee), 1876-1961; minutes of the Jubilee Committee, 1925-1927; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1877-1974; minutes of the Finance Committee, 1926-1974; minutes of the Women's Fellowship meetings (formerly Central sisterhood), 1942-1974; accounts, 1914-1968; collection journals, 1876-1974; Society accounts, 1926-1974; seat rent ledger, 1923-1930; balance sheets, 1932-1938; baptism register, 1949-1974; marriage registers, 1899-1974; cradle roll register, 1958-1968; pulpit notice books, 1950-1978; record of documents taken from the safe, 1907-1911; photograph of the church, c1950; handbook of the Central Church Jubilee Bazaar, 1926 NMB/37 Rye Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes accounts of the Rye Circuit Foreign Mission), 1880-1886; Trustees' accounts, 1824-1880; minutes of Leaders' meetings (includes Rye Wesleyan Temperance Society roll and minutes of the Organ Committee), 1879-1966; Society Stewards' accounts, 1873-1969; class books, 1869-1874; minutes of Sunday School teachers' meetings, 1870-1959; Sunday School accounts, 1864-1925; Sunday School printed programme of meetings, 1876; Sunday School printed hymn sheets, 1833-1835; Sunday School attendance registers, 1955-1966; seat rent receipts, 1850-1851; postcard of the church and sunday School, 1930s NMB/38 Rye Harbour Mission Hall: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1903-1979; Trustees' accounts, 1904-1919; building accounts, 1903-1904; bank pass book, 1911-1919; correspondence and bills, 1909-1919 NMB/39 Udimore Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1882-1957; Society Stewards' accounts, 1882-1958; printed hymn list for the anniversary of the Sunday School, 1902 NMB/40 Winchelsea Wesleyan Methodist Church: seat rent book, 1877-1928; class list, 1925-1929; photograph of Wesley's tree (under which he preached in 1790), c1870 NMB/41 Peasmarsh Wesleyan Methodist Church: list of members, 1817 NMB/42 Iden Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1892-1966; newspaper cutting concerning the anniversary of the Sunday School, 1856 NMB/43 Westham, Stone Cross Blacknest Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1920-1982; Trustees' accounts, 1925-1977; annual statements of account, 1962-1982; collection journals, 1921-1982; baptism register, 1936-1972; Sunday School Treasurers' accounts, 1910-1958 NMB/44 Hurstpierpoint Wesleyan Methodist Church: Sunday School minutes, photograph of members, scrap books, c1910-1967; Youth Camp record book, 1945-1957; general correspondence, Women's Group minutes and accounts, 1964-1990; newsletters, 1966-1971; roll book, 1960s; annual report, 1971 NMB/45 Brighton, Queen's Park Road Primitive Methodist Church: Trustees' accounts (includes minutes), 1888-1951; printed history of the church, [1891]-1988 NMB/46 Brighton, Stanford Avenue Bible Christian (becoming United Methodist) Church: building fund accounts, 1897-1898; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1930-1976; minutes of Leaders' meetings and Annual society meetings, 1951-1970; draft minutes, agendas and correspondence, plans of proposed kitchen, 1966; marriage registers, 1936-1979 NMB/47 Brighton, Bristol Road Bible Christian (becoming United Methodist) Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1925-1970; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1908-1930; minutes of Women's Bright Hour, 1931-1943; minutes of Leaders' Working Association meetings (includes missionary accounts for Bristol Road Church and Stanford Road Church), 1898-1904; Society accounts (includes report of East Brighton Temperance foundation), 1909-1932; Trustees' accounts, 1909-1951; church accounts, 1930-1960; weekly free will offering accounts, 1937-1947; register of members, 1900-1940; choir attendance register, 1923-1934; Sunday School attendance register, 1922-1943; Sunday School teachers' attendance register, 1934-1947; pulpit notice book, 1945-1949; centenary celebration programme, 1973 NMB/48 Brighton, Dorset Gardens Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1827-1972; minutes of Leaders' meetings (includes Dome Mission Church), 1882-1981; minutes of Sunday School Teachers' meetings, 1850-1883; minutes of Nelson Row Trust meetings (Sunday School), 1902-1911; minutes of meetings of the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Brotherhood (includes Coal and Slate Clubs), 1906-1922; minutes of the Choir Committee, 1959-1979; accounts consisting of church book, Society stewards' accounts, Trustees' accounts, 1808-1964; Preston Road Church building fund account book, 1884-1888; Stewards' daily accounts, 1929-1942; collection accounts, 1949-1956; choir accounts, 1939-1983; poor fund receipt and expenditure book, 1960-1985; membership registers, 1900-1926; Young disciples register, 1946-1968; class registers, 1931-1950; Stewards' roll, 1937-1951, valuation of trust property, 1941; abstracts of annual accounts, 1935-1957; photograph of Trustees, c1940; pulpit notice books, 1940-1970; programmes and orders of service, 1885-1988; newsletters, 1985-1988; other records including sketch of church, printed history, [1808]-1985; Brighton Branch of the Local Preachers' Mutual Aid Association account book and programmes, 1952-1962 NMB/49 Brighton, The Dome Mission Wesleyan Methodist Church: ledgers, 1907-1916; statement of accounts for the enlargement of the church, 1938; collection journal, 1961-1963; Treasurer's cash book, 1977-1979; bills for printing the newsletter and hiring the Dome, 1943-1944; attendance registers, 1933-1976; lists of Stewards, 1932-1949; Stewards' wartime air raid bands, 1941; Brighton Mens' Meeting Club minutes, annual programmes, membership cards, orders of service, 1922-1950s; Slate Club contribution books, minutes, agendas and papers, 1923-1965; Choir membership card, postcard of the Dome mission Choir, lists of books, 1911-1970s; hymn sheets, orders of service and programmes, 1909-1987; handbooks, 1911-1912; year books, 1939-1958; publicity literature, c1939-1985; annual reports and statements of accounts (includes Dorset Gardens Church), 1913-1951; newsletters (includes Dorset Gardens Church), 1925-1988; Dome and Dorset Gardens Church Choir newsletters, 1956-1977; Ministers' papers including correspondence, newspaper cuttings, pulpit notices, 1870-1982; personal papers of E A Ovenden including temperance movement, accounts, membership card for the Wolfe Tone Branch of the Irish Freedom League, 1905-1958; other records including Sunday School rules, Norfolk Road Church souvenir booklet, printed history, 1869-1985 NMB/50 Brighton, Woodingdean Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1953-1977; minutes of Annual Society meetings, 1953-1964; minutes of the Finance committee, 1955-1957; minutes of Sunday School meetings, 1956; Women's Guild minutes and register, 1958-1961; Society accounts, annual accounts, 1953-1977; Poor Fund accounts, 1953-1979; Collection journals, 1953-1975; envelope collection accounts, 1955-1982; correspondence and papers concerning the establishment of the church and the purchase of 56 Crescent Drive North, reports to annual society meetings, 1949-1964; pulpit notice books, 1953-1970; other records including newsletters, orders of service, anniversary booklet, 1962-1988 NMB/51 Battle Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1874-1879; printed trial and quarterly tickets, 1827-1876; minutes of the Revival and General Management Committee, Leaders' meetings, annual society meetings, 1893-1935 NMB/52 Bexhill, Sackville Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1888-1933; minutes of Manse Trustees' meetings, 1933-1943; minutes of Youth council meetings, 1946-1959; accounts for the building and maintenance of the church, 1887-1898; accounts for the Twentieth Century fund, 1893-1902; Treasurer's accounts, 1917-1935; bills for maintenance and repairs, 1936-1937; Circuit Manses fund accounts, 1959-1963; overseas missionary accounts, 1963-1980; choir competition certificates for music festivals, 1950-1951 NMB/53 Fairlight Wesleyan Methodist Church: hymn sheet for the anniversary of the Sunday school, 1859 NMB/54 St Leonards, Norman Road Wesleyan Methodist Church; papers concerning the building of the church (includes minutes of Trustees' meetings), 1835-1903; minutes of Trustees meetings, 1891-1976; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1864-1979; minutes of annual society meetings, 1953-1973; minutes of the Family committee, 1975-1977; minutes of the Youth Council, 1944-1951; draft minutes, 1932-1935; registers of baptisms, 1839-1954; register of marriages, 1881-1901; register of members, 1950s-1960s; Treasurer's accounts, 1927-1976; ledger, 1970-1975; collection journals, 1897-1981; weekly offerings registers, 1940-1981; Poor Steward's account book, 1896-1923; Trustees' stock book, 1933-1969; minutes of Sunday School teachers' meetings, 1888-1912; attendance registers, 1853-1858; papers concerning the sale of the former manse, 1891-1893; programme for sunday School classes. 1911; printed trial membership tickets, 1831-1869; syllabus for the Wesley Guild, 1908-1932; centenary souvenir booklet, 1936; notices of gift days, 1932-1933; sale particulars for 9 Brittany Road, 1932; history of the church, [1836]-1986; programmes for concerts and bazaars, 1922-1940; photographs of the interior of the church before and after the fire, 1900: magazines, 1962-1967; notices of services, 1932-1938; programme for the dedication of the rebuilt organ, 1960 NMB/55 St Leonards, Park Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1878-1976; minutes of the Youth Club Committee, 1958-1970; Treasurers' accounts, 1881-1971; New building Fund bank pass books, 1890-1894; Steward's account book, 1922-1971; collection journal, 1961-1984; Roof and Steeple Fund accounts, 1963-1966; marriage registers, 1893-1949; registers of members (includes Dallington), 1953-1978; printed appeal for funds for building a new church, plans and papers concerning enlargement of church, 1890-1945 NMB/56 Hampden Park, St Stephen's Methodist Church: minutes of Annual Society Meetings, 1958-1985; orders of service for the opening and dedication of the church, 1959-1960 NMB/57 Bexhill, Little Common Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' minutes, 1925-1938 NMB/58 Catsfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1916-1975; Treasurers' accounts, 1914-1962; Treasurers' cash book, 1946-1962; Class Leader's accounts, c1906-1908; Stewards' accounts, 1953-1959; Sustentation Fund accounts, 1920-1934; marriage register, 1982-1983 NMB/59 Crowhurst Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1914-1976; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1958-1968; minutes of Church Council Annual Meetings, 1977-1982; trust accounts, 1921-1986; Stewards' accounts, 1936-1969 NMB/60 Hastings, Bourne Street Wesleyan Methodist Church: account book (includes history of the church), 1872-1913; collection journal, 1853-1865; baptism register, 1880-1961 NMB/61 Hollington Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1885-1955: minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1906-1967; Society account book, 1937-1959; collection journal, 1946-1970; printed history of the church, [1887]-1987 NMB/62 Mountfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1908-1977: papers concerning the closure of the church, 1976-1977 NMB/63 Lower Ninfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1934-1945 NMB/64 Upper Ninfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: register of members (?of St Leonards or circuit), c1916-1940s; Treasurer's cash book, 1931-1940; Treasurer's bills, 1937-1940 NMB/65 Ore Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1899-1973; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1920-1927; Finance Committee minutes, 1922-1932; minutes of Sunday School Teachers' meetings, 1957-1974; Trustees' accounts, 1866-1927; Trustees' ledger, 1921-1931; Poor Steward's account book, 1886-1962; Diamond Jubilee souvenir programme, [1866]-1927 NMB/66 St Leonards, Bexhill Road Wesleyan Methodist Church: Trustees' accounts (includes minutes, 1907), 1898-1914 NMB/67 St Leonards, Newgate Road Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes accounts), 1909-1971; accounts, 1909-1938 NMB/68 Icklesham Wesleyan Methodist Church: income and expenditure accounts, 1939-1980; Circuit Fund collection books, 1933-1979; pledge book, 1909-1910; class books, 1938-1966; baptism register, 1952-1971 NMB/69 Pett Wesleyan Methodist Church: receipt and expenditure account, 1930-1973; Stewards accounts, 1973-1985; collection record book, c1971-1989 NMB/70 Preston, London Road Primitive Methodist Church: certificate of the registration of the Viaduct Road church as a place of worship, 1881; title deeds of the site of the church, 1856-1894; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1876-1965; minutes of Sunday School meetings, 1882-1907; Sunday School accounts, 1882-1982; collection journal, 1959-1983; London Road Activities Group 81 Club account book, 1981-1983; London Road Activities Group 81 Club minutes, 1981-1983; newsletter, 1961; printed histories of the church, [1876]-1991; marriage registers, 1905-1945; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1915-1955; Stewards' income and expenditure register, 1951-1973; First Brighton Girls' Brigade attendance registers, 1975-1981; First Brighton Girls' Brigade income and expenditure accounts, 1976-1983 NMB/71 Hollingbury Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1950-1979; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1951-1967; Finance Committee minutes, 1966-1968; Society Stewards' accounts, 1954-1979; plans of proposed church hall, 1951; correspondence of the Secretary to the Trustees, 1968-1975; printed history of the church, [1952]-1991 NMB/72 Brighton, Broad Street and High Street Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1878-1900; accounts, 1886-1909; printed histories of the churchs, [1874]-[1907] NMB/73 Dallington Wesleyan Methodist Church: accounts, 1957-1989; balance sheets, 1963-1982: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1914-1975; photographs of ministers, 1960s; reports on the state of the church, 1967-1970s NMB/74 Brede Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Leaders' meetings (includes Annual society meetings), 1899-1956; minutes of the Brede Wesleyan Tract Society meetings, 1846-1851; Trustees' accounts (includes photograph of the church), 1875-1929; minutes of Sunday School Teachers' meetings, 1833-1963; minutes of Sunday School Council meetings, 1897-1916; Sunday School Treasurers' accounts, 1858-1936; Sunday School class book, 1833; Ministers' papers consisting of plan of the church and burial ground, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, typescript history of the church, printed material, pulpit notices, plans of the burial ground, index to the burial register, photographs of the church and church hall, [1833]-1972 NMB/75 Brighton, Islingword Road Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1881-1892; printed history of the church, 1989 NMB/76 Hove, Cliftonville Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1880-1908; Trustees' accounts, 1920-1933; printed history of the church, [1878]-[1933] NMB/77 Hove, Goldstone Villas Primitive Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes minutes of Leaders' meetings), 1912-1932; Secretary's accounts, 1909-1926; correspondence with the Brighton and Hove Conservative and Unionist Association concerning the letting of the church hall, 1924 NMB/78 Hurst Green Wesleyan Methodist Church: accounts (includes minutes of Trustees' annual meetings), 1821-1949; collection journal, 1950-1957; minutes of Leaders' and Annual society meetings, 1937-1951; minutes of the Sunday School Council annual meetings, 1931-1936 NMB/79 Etchingham Wesleyan Methodist Church: accounts for the building and furnishing of the church, general accounts (includes minutes of Trustees' annual meetings), 1901-1924: minutes of Trustees' annual meetings, 1924-1969; rough accounts, 1919-1924; collection journal, 1955-1969; marriage register, 1912-1963; Registrar's certificates of registration for worship and marriages, 1902-1904; letters concerning war damage to the church, 1941-1954: photograph of the church, 1901 NMB/80 Wadhurst Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes accounts), 1927-1963; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1926-1972; Society Stewards' accounts, 1871-1910; Wesley House Trustees' accounts (includes minutes), 1907-1924; envelope collection registers, 1923-1941 NMB/81 Whatlington Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1935-1949 NMB/82 Ticehurst Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1887-1891; minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes accounts), 1932-1965; Trustees' accounts, 1884-1944; letter concerning the resignation of the organist, 1914; minutes of Sunday School Teachers' meetings and Sunday School Council meetings, 1887-1957; Sunday School accounts, 1926-1947 NMB/83 Ewhurst, Staple Cross Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1893-1968; Trustees' accounts, 1815-1895; marriage register, 1920-1964; registration certificates and Charity Commission order, 1810-1918; papers concerning Staple Cross School, 1898-1947; appointments of Trustees, 1893-1933; agreement for fixing electric wires to the church, 1932; list of members willing to act as trustees of the church and school, 1959 NMB/84 Burwash Weald Wesleyan Methodist Church: accounts, 1937-1962 NMB/85 Northiam Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes minutes of the Staple Cross Day School Trust), 1905-1913; minutes of Leaders' meetings, 1924-1945; minutes of Church Council and Annual Society meetings, 1961-1973; Society Stewards' cash accounts, 1953-1978; marriage register, 1919-1970 NMB/86 Northiam, Mill Corner Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1930-1957; Society Stewards' accounts, 1947-1956 NMB/87 Cranbrook, Kent Wesleyan Methodist Church: birth and baptism register, 1827-1838 NMB/88 Lamberhurst, Kent Wesleyan Methodist Church: Stewards' accounts (includes minutes of Trustees' meetings), 1882-1926; Trustees' accounts, 1929-1976; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1960-1968; Sunday School accounts, 1937-1961; minutes of Sunday School meetings, 1932-1944 NMB/89 Goudhurst, Kilndown, Kent Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1888-1947; Trustees' accounts, 1889-1942; marriage register, 1912; registration certificates as a place of worship and for marriages, 1885-1903 NMB/90 Hawkhurst, Kent Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1888-1969; minutes of Leaders' and Church Council meetings, 1964-1971; minutes of the Hawkhurst Manse Trustees' meetings, 1938-1968; Trustees' accounts, 1834-1954 NMB/91 Goudhurst, Kent Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes minutes of Society meetings), 1916-1940; Trustees' accounts, 1916-1925; Stewards' accounts, 1906-1963; Sunday School accounts, 1904-1981; minutes of Sunday School Council meetings, 1940-1978; pulpit notices, 1979-1982; centenary brochure, [1878]-1978 NMB/92 Sandhurst, Kent Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings (includes Society meetings), 1916-1940; Trustees' accounts, 1916-1925; Stewards' accounts, 1900-1906; Sandhurst with Newenden Monthly Magazine, 1973 NMB/93 Westfield Wesleyan Methodist Church: minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1975-1976; minutes of the Wesley Guild and Family Fellowship, 1954-1967 NMB/94 Withyham, New Groombridge Wesleyan Methodist Church: photocopies of trust deeds, 1803-1959; minutes of Trustees' meetings, 1918-1976; marriage register, 1944-1985; other records consisting of Lewes Circuit plan, rules of the Groombridge sunday School, notes on the history of the chapel (including Hartfield, Crowborough and Rotherfield chapels), [1803]-1904 |
Date: | 1738-1995 |
Held by: | East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO), not available at The National Archives |
Language: | English |
Creator: |
Physical description: | 94 Sub-fonds |
Access conditions: |
Documents are closed to public inspection for 30 years for the last date of a document, unless a longer period is specified. The closure period does not apply to registers, pulpit notice books, handbills, brochures, news letters etc and other items which have already been made public |
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