Catalogue description Bargain and Sale

This record is held by West Sussex Record Office

Details of SAS-S/524
Reference: SAS-S/524
Title: Bargain and Sale

By Edward Hyde of Launcing, yeoman, to Richard Streater of Broadwater, yeoman, - for £300 - of a messuage called Whitehouse otherwise Gents, with barns, buildings &c. and 38 ac. of land in North and South Launcing (no details) in the occupation of Thomas Tuckey; also a messuage and smith's forge with garden, called Christmas, in North Launcing in the occupation of Thomas Woods; Also of a cottage called Burroughs, with barn, garden &c. in North Launcing in the occupation of John Kent


Signature of Edward Hyde and seal. Witnesses to deed and livery of seisin:- John Noreman, John Kent, Thomas Tuckey, Thos. Duke, Thomas Assiter

Date: 24 Jan 1653
Held by: West Sussex Record Office, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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