Catalogue description Timothy Leggatt before a typewriter

This record is held by Cambridge University: King's College Archive Centre

Details of EMF/27/733
Reference: EMF/27/733
Title: Timothy Leggatt before a typewriter

Timothy William Leggatt (KCC 1954) sitting behind a desk with a typewriter and book in front of him, looking downwards with his left hand resting on the book. Possibly taken at Calcutta, India. Print, 16.6 x 12.6. Inscribed on back, by E.M. Forster, 'Tim Leggatt / India /59'. (Sleeve 295)

Date: 1959
Held by: Cambridge University: King's College Archive Centre, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: EMF/D137/10
Language: English
Physical description: 1 item in box album
Physical condition: photographic print

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