Church of England Record Centre

Browse repositories

The collections have been moved to the Lambeth Palace Library

ARCHON code: 105

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Collections information

Organisations (63)

Families (1)

Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (42)

  • NRA 31972 Association of Church Social Work Administrators
  • NRA 31973 Association of the Clergy
  • NRA 32688 British Council of Churches
  • NRA 31963 Church Commissioners
  • NRA 24406 Church Defence Institution
  • NRA 31957 Church Information Office
  • NRA 31953 Church of England Advisory Council for the Church's Ministry
  • NRA 31962 Church of England: Anglican Methodist Relations
  • NRA 31954 Church of England Archbishops Commission on Urban Priority Areas
  • NRA 31961 Church of England Archbishops Commissions
  • NRA 29764 Church of England Board for Mission and Unity
  • NRA 31955 Church of England Board for Social Responsibility link to online catalogue
  • NRA 29452 Church of England Board of Education
  • NRA 31960 Church of England Cathedrals Commission link to online catalogue
  • NRA 29762 Church of England Central Board of Finance
  • NRA 24407 Church of England Central Readers Board
  • NRA 31956 Church of England Council for Womens Ministry in the Church
  • NRA 31958 Church of England General Synod
  • NRA 31959 Church of England Hospital Chaplaincies Council
  • NRA 31974 Church of England Record Centre: misc accessions
  • NRA 29767 Church of England Sunday School Institute
  • NRA 31964 Church Patronage Trust
  • NRA 24408 Church Reform League
  • NRA 31965 Churches Council for Covenanting
  • NRA 31966 Churches Unity Commission
  • NRA 31967 Clergy Pensions Institution
  • NRA 31970 Frederick Donald Coggan, Baron Coggan, Archbishop of Canterbury: photograph albums of his travels
  • NRA 26473 Henry Cooper, prebendary of St Paul's: corresp and papers
  • NRA 41672 Council for the Care of Churches
  • NRA 25406 Francis Carolus Eeles, liturgical scholar: corresp and papers
  • NRA 29511 Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-Cecil, Baron Quickswood: corresp and papers
  • NRA 34864 General Synod Council for the Deaf
  • NRA 26474 Isabella Gilmore, deaconess: corresp and papers
  • NRA 29768 London: Society of Patrons of the Anniversary of the Charity Schools
  • NRA 31971 Marjorie Milne, campaigner for christian unity: corresp and papers
  • NRA 24405 Moral Welfare Workers Association
  • NRA 16656 National Society for Promoting Religious Education
  • NRA 42991 National Society for Promoting Religious Education link to scanned list
  • NRA 31968 Partners-in-Mission
  • NRA 40317 Society for the Study of Christian Ethics
  • NRA 42990 St Gabriel's College, Camberwell
  • NRA 31969 William Temple Association


These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.