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Promenade des Bastions
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Collections information
Persons (10)
- Bentinck, Charles John, (1708-1779), Count Bentinck of Nieuhuys
- Bonnet, Charles, (1720-1793), Swiss Naturalist
- Clason, Patrick, (c 1740-1811), Professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh University
- Faraday, Michael, (1791-1867), natural philosopher
- Keate, George, (1729-1797), Author Painter and Friend of Voltaire
- Maty, Matthew, (1717-1776), Physician Writer Principal Librarian of the British Museum
- Needham, John Turberville, (1713-1781), Roman Catholic Priest Scientist
- Strange, John, (1732-1799), Diplomat Antiquary Author
- Trembley, Abraham, (1710-1784), Swiss Naturalist Fellow of the Royal Society
- Turton, John, (1735-1806), Physician