Manx National Heritage Library & Archives

Browse repositories

Manx National Heritage

Kingswood Grove
Isle of Man

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Telephone: 01624 648 047


Open: Wednesday-Saturday 10-4.30

Closed: Christmas/New Year, last week in January, all bank holidays including Race Day and Tynwald Day

  • Wheelchair access
  • Proof of identity required
  • Readers ticket required

Reprographics: photocopies provided for a fee; readers can use their own cameras free of charge

  • Leaflet ("Guide to Using the Reading Room") available on site and on request
  • Further information is available online at Manx National Heritage and Manx Museums
  • Summary catalogue information available at the Archives Hub
  • ARCHON code: 147

    If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the archive update form to add or update the details in Discovery

    Collections information

    Businesses (76)

    Organisations (355)

    Persons (58)

    Diaries (51)

    Families (6)

    • Corkish family, Isle of Man Isle of Man
    • Quayle family of Glenmaye Glenmaye, Isle of Man
    • Stanley family, Earls of Derby Glassmore, Cambridgeshire;Crag Hall, Cheshire;Macclesfield, Cheshire;Wildboarclough, Cheshire;Corney, Cumberland;Whicham, Cumberland;Bradworthy, Devon;South Weald, Essex;Hamerton, Huntingdonshire;Bickerstaffe, Lancashire;Bolton-cum-Adgarley, Lancashire;Bury, Lancashire;Knowsley, Lancashire;Lathom, Lancashire;Liverpool, Lancashire;Manchester, Lancashire;Pilkington, Lancashire;Preston, Lancashire;Epworth, Lincolnshire;London;Colham, Middlesex;Hillingdon, Middlesex;Brackley, Northamptonshire;Fleetham, Northumberland;Eynsham, Oxfordshire;Milton, Oxfordshire;Ellesmere, Shropshire;Knockin, Shropshire;Newmarket, Suffolk;East Lavant, Sussex;Halnaker, Sussex;Meriden, Warwickshire;Beetham, Westmorland;Witherslack, Westmorland;Burton in Lonsdale, Yorkshire;Kirkby Malzeard, Yorkshire;Mewith Head, Yorkshire;Thirsk, Yorkshire;Hawarden, Flintshire;Hope, Flintshire;Mold, Flintshire;Coonagh, County Limerick;Clonmore, County Louth;Smithstown, County Louth;Priestown, County Meath;Lyonstown, County Tipperary
    • Stevenson family of Balladoole Balladoole, Isle of Man
    • Stewart-Murray family, Dukes of Atholl Balnaguard, Perthshire;Blairington, Perthshire;Blair Atholl, Perthshire;Dunkeld, Perthshire;Glencarse, Perthshire;Mukkersy, Perthshire;Strowan, Perthshire;Tullibardine, Perthshire;Banner Cross, Derbyshire;Westminster, Middlesex
    • von Bethmann Hollweg family Isle of Man

    Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (19)

    • NRA 41871 JC Bluett: papers rel to Isle of Man customs agitation
    • NRA 42062 Castle Rushen Gaol
    • NRA 42063 Castle Rushen papers rel to the administration of the Isle of Man
    • NRA 38483 Reginald Douglas Farrant, First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls, Isle of Man: corresp and papers
    • NRA 41872 Finch Hill United Reformed Church, Douglas
    • NRA 9189 Edward and David Forbes papers and letters
    • NRA 42177 Captain Peter Heywood, RN: corresp and papers, mainly rel to his court-martial for mutiny on HMS Bo
    • NRA 37886 House of Keys, Council and Governor
    • NRA 39853 Isle of Man Tourist Board
    • NRA 39825 Isle of Man parish records
    • NRA 40384 Lonan Commissioners
    • NRA 38564 Manx Motor Cycle Club
    • NRA 41368 Manx National Heritage Library: MS collections
    • NRA 38482 Manx National Heritage: misc accessions
    • NRA 37754 Ramsey Methodist Circuit
    • NRA 39139 Stanley family, Earls of Derby: Isle of Man estate papers
    • NRA 53 Stanley family, Earls of Derby: family and estate papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 42110 Ernest Henry Stenning, Archdeacon of the Isle of Man: corresp and papers
    • NRA 41467 Stewart-Murray family, Dukes of Atholl: papers rel to the Isle of Man


    These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

    Other finding aids

    Link to repository's catalogue

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