Dublin City Library & Archives: Dublin and Irish Collections
Browse repositories
138-142 Pearse Street
Republic of Ireland
Telephone: +353 1 674 4999
Fax: +353 1 674 4881
Email: dublinstudies@dublincity.ie
Open: Monday-Thursday 10-8, Friday-Saturday 10-5
Closed: Saturdays and Mondays of Bank Holiday weekends
- Wheelchair access
ARCHON code: 1635
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Collections information
Organisations (1)
- Dublin Guild of Carpenters Millers Masons and Heliers Dublin, County Dublin
Persons (7)
- Caulfield, Richard, (1823-1887), librarian and antiquary
- Croker, Thomas Crofton, (1798-1854), Irish antiquary
- Gilbert, Sir John Thomas, (1829-1898), Knight Irish Historian and Antiquary
- Harris, Walter, (1686-1761), Irish historian
- Madden, Richard Robert, (1798-1886), surgeon and author
- O'Donovan, John, (1809-1861), Irish scholar
- Walker, Joseph Cooper, (1761-1810), antiquary