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Collections information
Businesses (1)
- A & W Goddard Ltd, undertakers Fleet, Hampshire
Organisations (1)
- New Forest Hunt New Forest, Hampshire
Families (3)
- Carpenter-Garnier family of Rookesbury Park Rookesbury Park, Hampshire;Soberton, Hampshire;Wickham, Hampshire
- Crosthwaite-Eyre family of Warrens Warrens, Hampshire
- Tapps-Gervis-Meyrick family, baronets, of Hinton Admiral Hinton Admiral, Hampshire;Bournemouth, Hampshire;Christchurch, Hampshire;Bodorgan, Anglesey
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (4)
- NRA 5377 Mrs Hugh Carroll: Knollys, North and Jarvis family letters
- NRA 29818 Hampshire schools
- NRA 43000 Tapps-Gervis-Meyrick family, baronets, of Hinton Admiral: family and estate papers
- NRA 296 M Wyatt: Weston Corbett and district deeds and papers