Isle of Wight Record Office

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26 Hillside
PO30 2EB

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Open: Monday 9-12.30, 1-5; Wednesday-Friday 9-12.30, 1-5 by appointment

Closed: bank holidays and a week for Christmas

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  • ARCHON code: 189

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    Collections information

    Businesses (70)

    Organisations (258)

    Persons (31)

    Families (35)

    Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (24)

    • NRA 5777 Blachford family of Osborne: family and estate papers
    • NRA 24560 Blake family of Arreton: diaries and papers
    • NRA 40360 Bowreman family of Brook: estate papers
    • NRA 28996 Brighstone: Waytes Court manorial records
    • NRA 24562 Cowes Ferry Committee link to scanned list
    • NRA 43092 Dashwood family of Ryde: deeds and papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 24049 Hamond Graeme family, baronets, of Norton: deeds and papers
    • NRA 33072 Holmes a'Court family, Barons Heytesbury: family and estate papers
    • NRA 24050 Isle of Wight County Record Office: misc accessions
    • NRA 24557 Isle of Wight House of Industry link to online catalogue
    • NRA 24556 Isle of Wight Methodist records link to scanned list
    • NRA 258 Jerome & Co, solicitors, Hyde: Isle of Wight deeds and tithe documents
    • NRA 43093 Kirkpatrick family of Niton: deeds and papers
    • NRA 24048 Leith family, Barons Burgh: Isle of Wight deeds
    • NRA 28757 Newport Unitarian Church link to scanned list
    • NRA 832 Oglander family of Nunwell: deeds and papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 9841 Sir John Oglander's 'Diary' (photocopy)
    • NRA 24559 Seaview Pier Co Ltd link to online catalogue
    • NRA 28428 Seely family, baronets, of Brook House: deeds and papers link to online catalogue
    • NRA 494 Simeon family, baronets, of Grazeley: family and estate papers
    • NRA 24558 Southern Gas Board: Isle of Wight gas companies link to online catalogue
    • NRA 24561 St Helens Priory: deeds link to scanned list
    • NRA 43059 Willis Fleming family, formerly of Stoneham: Isle of Wight deeds and papers
    • NRA 26748 Worsley family, baronets, of Appuldurcombe: family and estate papers link to online catalogue


    These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.

    Other finding aids

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