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Businesses (148)
- A & J Clark Ltd, haulage contractors Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- AEC Ltd, commercial vehicle manufacturers Southall, Middlesex
- AG Sutherland Ltd, gas meter manufacturers Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Alford & Alder (Engineers) Ltd, suspension and steering gear specialists Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
- Amalgamated Association of Pressmen Warwickshire
- Angus Hyslop Ltd, motor haulage contractors Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Arnold's Transport (1941) Ltd, haulage contractors Leicester, Leicestershire
- Associated Acceptances Ltd
- Assurance Agents' Printing and Publishing Company Ltd
- Atkinson Lorries (Holdings) Ltd Walton-le-Dale, Lancashire
- Austin Motor Co Ltd, motor vehicle builders Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Auto Engine Services Ltd, motor engineers Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Beck & Pollitzer Ltd, exhibition, haulage and warehousing contractors London
- Bentley Hall Brick Co Ltd, brick manufacturers Darlaston, Staffordshire
- Birmingham Small Arms Co Ltd Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Blake & Co (Haulage) Ltd London
- Bristol Warehousing & Storage Co Ltd Bristol, Gloucestershire
- British European Airways Ruislip, Middlesex
- British Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd
- British Motor Corporation Ltd
- British Overseas Airways Corporation London
- British Racing Motors Ltd, racing car manufacturers Bourne, Lincolnshire
- British Railways Board: Research Division Derby, Derbyshire
- British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co Ltd
- British Steel Corporation London
- Broadsheet & Sesheta Press
- BSA Cycles Ltd, cycle and cycle fittings manufacturers Birmingham, Warwickshire
- BSA Guns Ltd Birmingham, Warwickshire
- C & L Hill Ltd, manufacturers of non-ferrous castings Willenhall, Staffordshire
- Caledonian Wharfage Co Ltd, wharfingers London
- Case Con, radical social workers magazine
- Castra Electric Washing Machine Co Ltd
- Central Patternmaking Co Ltd, engineers' patternmakers Willenhall, Staffordshire
- Clwyd Shipping & Forwarding Ltd
- Clwyd Steamship Co Ltd
- Clydebank Haulage Co Ltd Clydebank, Dunbartonshire
- Continental Seaways Ltd
- Conveyancer Scott Electric Vehicles Ltd, electric vehicle mfrs
- Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd Manchester, Lancashire
- Courtaulds Ltd, manufacturers of crape, dress fabric, artificial silk and other manmade fibres London;Braintree, Essex;Coventry, Warwickshire
- Cowley Builders and Woodworkers Ltd Oxford, Oxfordshire
- Crossley Motors Ltd, motor vehicle manufacturers Manchester, Lancashire
- D Robertson & Sons (Haulage Contractors) Ltd Inverness, Inverness-shire
- Daily Herald, newspaper London
- Daimler Co Ltd, motor manufacturers Coventry, Warwickshire
- Darlaston and District Housing Co Darlaston, Staffordshire
- Easiclene Porcelain Enamel Co Ltd, porcelain enamellers Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
- Electro-Hydraulics Ltd, manufacturers of aircraft landing gear, forklift trucks and hydraulic mining equipment Warrington, Lancashire
- Fakenham Enterprises Ltd, shoe manufacturers Fakenham, Norfolk
- Favil Press Ltd, printers
- Fishers Wharves Ltd, wharfingers
- Forward Radiator Co Ltd, sheet metal workers Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Four Wheel Drive Motors Ltd (afterwards ACV Sales Ltd)
- Frederick Banbury & Sons, stockbrokers London
- Furley & Co Ltd, shipping agents and lighter owners Hull, Yorkshire
- Gasel Appliances Ltd, manufacturers of gas and electrical appliances
- Gatehouse Motors Ltd, motor dealers Highgate, Middlesex
- Germ Lubricants Ltd London
- Gillott Motors Ltd, motor vehicle dealers Sheffield, Yorkshire
- GPS LaGrue, carpenter
- Gray's Inn Press
- H Evers (Aggregates) Ltd, road haulage contractors Manchester, Lancashire
- Ham Wharfage Co Ltd
- Hardy Motors Ltd, railway carriage builders
- Hardy Rail Motors Ltd
- Hartlepools Motor Haulage Co Ltd Hartlepool, Durham
- Hudson Brown Ltd, structural engineers Oldbury, Worcestershire
- Incomes Data Services Ltd, publishers London
- Invicta Electrodes Ltd, electrode manufacturers Willenhall, Staffordshire
- Isherwood & Co Ltd, transport company Warrington, Lancashire
- J Benton Ltd, road transport contractors London
- J Leftley Ltd, transport company Barking, Essex
- J Parnell & Son Ltd, builders Rugby, Warwickshire
- JA Smith (Enderby) Ltd, motor haulage contractors Enderby, Leicestershire
- James Fraser Transport Service Ltd Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
- Jensen Motors Ltd, motor car manufacturers West Bromwich, Staffordshire
- JK Starley & Co Ltd, cycle manufacturers Coventry, Warwickshire
- John Harling Ltd, transport company
- John Jackson (Contractors) Ltd, transport company Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire
- JW Catton (IBS) Ltd, haulage contractors
- K Allan & Co Ltd, oil refiners Bream, Gloucestershire
- Kalmar Industries Ltd, engingeers, Coventry Coventry, Warwickshire
- Knight & Kilbourne (European) Patents Co Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Leabank Chairs Ltd, chair manufacturers Wrexham, Denbighshire
- Leabank Office Equipment Ltd, steel office furniture manufacturers Wrexham, Denbighshire
- Leith Haulage Ltd Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Link Line (Continental) Ltd, shipping company
- London & Welsh Transport Service Ltd Cardiff, Glamorgan
- Macclesfield Silk Manufacturing Society Ltd, silk manufacturers Macclesfield, Cheshire
- Main Transport Co Ltd, road hauliers
- McKelvie & Co (Transport) Ltd, road transport contractors Paisley, Renfrewshire
- Men & Boy's Wear Exhibitions Ltd
- Merseyside Transport Services Ltd Liverpool, Lancashire
- MG Car Co Ltd, motor car manufacturers Abingdon, Berkshire
- Morris Commercial Cars Ltd, commercial vehicle manufacturers Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Morris Motors Ltd Coventry, Warwickshire
- Mulliners Ltd, motor body builders Birmingham, Warwickshire
- NALGO Insurance Association Ltd London
- National Coal Board
- National Wharf (Rotherhithe) Ltd, wharfingers and warehouse keepers London
- North Eastern Railway Co York, Yorkshire
- Norton Villiers Ltd, motorcycle manufacturers Andover, Hampshire
- Nuffield Exports Ltd (formerly Morris Industries Exports Ltd), motor vehicle exporters
- Nuffield Mechanizations Ltd, engine manufacturers Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Nuts & Bolts (Darlaston) Ltd, nut and bolt manufacturers Darlaston, Staffordshire
- O Smith (Haulage) Ltd Rochdale, Lancashire
- One World Action
- Owen Organisation Housing Association Ltd Darlaston, Staffordshire
- Pratts Road Transport Ltd Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
- Quay Road Property Co Ltd Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Ragosine Oil Co Ltd London
- Ralph Cropper, road transport consultant and operator
- Report, photographic bureau
- Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd, iron, steel and tin-plate mfrs and colliery proprietors London;Swansea, Glamorgan;Lydbrook, Gloucestershire;Brockmoor, Staffordshire
- Riding Transport (Halifax) Ltd Halifax, Yorkshire
- Riley (Coventry) Successors Ltd, motor manufacturers Coventry, Warwickshire
- Rogers & Jackson Ltd, engineers, ironmongers and builders Wrexham, Denbighshire
- Rover Co Ltd, motor vehicle and bicycle manufacturers Coventry, Warwickshire
- Rover Gas Turbines Ltd Coventry, Warwickshire
- Rubery Owen & Co Ltd, manufacturers of vehicle and aircraft bodies and components, machine tools and structural steel Darlaston, Staffordshire;Walsall, Staffordshire
- Salopian Kenneth Hudson Ltd, agricultural implement manufacturers Market Drayton, Shropshire
- Scott Bader Commonwealth Ltd, employee-owned chemical manufacturers Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
- Shenstone Transport Co Ltd, motor haulage contractors Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Shorrock Superchargers Ltd, vehicle engine component manufacturers Wednesbury, Staffordshire
- Socialist Commentary Publications Limited
- Standard Motor Co Ltd, motor vehicle builders Coventry, Warwickshire
- SW Taylor's Transport Ltd Oldham, Lancashire
- Templewood Cabinets Ltd, wholesale cabinetmakers Wednesbury, Staffordshire
- Thames Dry Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, barge builders and repairers London
- The Mountfield Transport & Engineering Co Ltd
- The West Ferry Wharfage Co Ltd, wharfingers London
- Thomas Moscrop & Co Ltd, oil manufacturers Bolton, Lancashire
- Transport Development Group Ltd, holding company for road hauliers London
- Trinity Wharf Co Ltd, road hauliers, wharfingers and warehouse keepers London
- Triumph Engineering Co Ltd, motorcycle manufacturers Coventry, Warwickshire
- UK Fashion and Textile Association Ltd
- Union Transit Co Ltd, transport company
- Victor Gollancz Ltd, publishers
- Vokins & Co Ltd, general lightermen London
- W & J Parker (Haulage Contractors) Ltd Bolton, Lancashire
- W Carey & Son, cycle mfrs Shirley, Hampshire
- W Gwennap (Agricultural) Ltd, agricultural engineers Stafford, Staffordshire
- Walsh Brothers & Co Ltd, transport company Manchester, Lancashire
- West Yorkshire Foundries Ltd Leeds, Yorkshire
- William Dalziel & Co Ltd, transport company
- Williams Bros, hauliers Queensferry, Flintshire
- Wray's (Engineers) Ltd, Kenilworth Kenilworth, Warwickshire
- Wright & Co (King's Cross) Ltd, motor transport contractors London
Organisations (975)
- Abbey Members Against Flotation
- Action for Sick Children London
- Alliance for Workers Liberty
- Almond Trade Association
- Altogether Builders Labourers and Constructional Workers Society
- Amalgamated Association of Operative Cotton Spinners of Lancashire and Cheshire
- Amalgamated Engineering Union
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Birmingham East district Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Crewe no 4 branch Crewe, Cheshire
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Division 16
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Marylebone branch St Marylebone, Middlesex
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Pontypool branch Pontypool, Monmouthshire
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Rhondda branch Rhondda, Glamorgan
- Amalgamated Engineering Union: Southall district council Southall, Middlesex
- Amalgamated Instrument Makers Society
- Amalgamated Instrument Makers Society: London district committee London
- Amalgamated Machine, Engine and Iron Grinders and Glazers Society
- Amalgamated Moulders and Kindred Industries' Trade Union
- Amalgamated Slaters, Tilers and Roofing Operatives Society
- Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipwrights, Blacksmiths and Structural Workers
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Balham branch Balham, Surrey
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Belfast no 6 branch Belfast, County Antrim
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Dublin managing committee Dublin, County Dublin
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Ealing branch Ealing, Middlesex
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Kidderminster branch Kidderminster, Worcestershire
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: London district management committee London
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Maidstone branch Maidstone, Kent
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Manchester no 1 branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: unidentified branch
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners: Worthing branch Worthing, Sussex
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters, Cabinetmakers and Joiners
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters, Cabinetmakers and Joiners: Blackburn no 2 branch Blackburn, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Society of Coremakers of Great Britain and Ireland
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Bridgend branch Bridgend, Glamorgan
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Chesterfield branch Chesterfield, Derbyshire
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Drogheda branch Drogheda, County Louth
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Faversham branch Faversham, Kent
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Port Glasgow branch Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: South London branch London
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Southwark branch Southwark, Surrey
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Stockport branch Stockport, Cheshire
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Sunderland no 4 branch Sunderland, Durham
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Todmorden branch Todmorden, Yorkshire
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers: Two Waters branch Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
- Amalgamated Society of General Tool Makers, Engineers and Machinists
- Amalgamated Society of Gilders London
- Amalgamated Society of House Decorators and Painters
- Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Printers
- Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Printers: Bradford branch Bradford, Yorkshire
- Amalgamated Society of Metal Planers, Shapers, Slotters, Horizontal Borers and Milling Machine Workers: Deptford branch Deptford, Kent
- Amalgamated Society of Metal Planers, Shapers, Slotters, Horizontal Borers and Milling Machine Workers: Horwich branch Horwich, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Society of Metal Planers, Shapers, Slotters, Horizontal Borers and Milling Machine Workers: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Society of Metal Planers, Shapers, Slotters, Horizontal Borers and Milling Machine Workers: Springburn branch Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Amalgamated Society of Papermakers
- Amalgamated Society of Plate and Machine Moulders: Oldham and district Oldham, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants
- Amalgamated Society of Telegraph and Telephone Construction Men: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Amalgamated Society of Vehicle Builders, Wheelwrights, Carpenters and Mechanics
- Amalgamated Society of Whitesmiths, Domestic Engineers and General Pipe Fitters: Bradford No.3 branch Bradford, Yorkshire
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Ampthill branch Ampthill, Bedfordshire
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Birmingham no 6 branch Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Bristol no 6 branch Bristol, Gloucestershire
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Glasgow no 7 branch Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: London district management committee London
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Newcastle upon Tyne branch Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Southwark Progressive branch Southwark, Surrey
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: Uxbridge branch Uxbridge, Middlesex
- Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers
- Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers: Constantine branch Constantine, Cornwall
- Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers: Eastern Counties divisional council
- Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers: Lambeth and Borough branch Lambeth, Surrey
- Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers: London division London
- Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers: Workington/Cumberland district committee Workington, Cumberland
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Foundry Section
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Foundry Section: Chester branch Chester, Cheshire
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Technical, Administrative and Supervisory section
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers: Consett branch Consett, Durham
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers: Constructional Section
- Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers: Pontypool district Pontypool, Monmouthshire
- Amalgamated Union of Foundry Workers
- Amalgamated Union of Shipbuilding, Engineering and Constructional Workers
- Amalgamated Wheelwrights, Smiths and Kindred Trades Union
- Amalgamated Wheelwrights, Smiths and Kindred Trades Union: Walsall branch Walsall, Staffordshire
- Amicus, trade union London
- Amnesty International
- Anglo-Israel Association
- Anglo-Soviet Public Relations Committee
- Anna Westmacott Trust and Teachers Guild Benevolent Fund
- Anti-Concorde Project
- Anti-Nazi League
- Apparel and Fashion Industry's Association
- Apparel Manufacturers Association
- Architects and Surveyors Assistants Professional Union: Scottish divisional council
- Ashton, Haydock and Bolton Miners Trade Union Ashton, Lancashire;Haydock, Lancashire;Bolton, Lancashire
- Ashton-under-Lyne and District Association of Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire
- Associated Blacksmiths, Forge and Smithy Workers Society
- Associated Blacksmiths, Forge and Smithy Workers Society: Springburn branch Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Associated Brassfounders, Turners, Fitters, Finishers and Coppersmiths Society
- Associated Carpenters and Joiners Society of Scotland
- Associated Carpenters and Joiners Society of Scotland: Glasgow district branches Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Associated Iron and Steel Workers of Great Britain
- Associated Iron Moulders of Scotland
- Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
- Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen: Toton branch Toton, Nottinghamshire
- Associated Society of Shipwrights
- Association for Education Welfare Management
- Association for the Democratic Integration of Industry (DEMINTRY)
- Association of Assistant Inspectors of the National Health Insurance Commissions Warwickshire
- Association of Assistant Mistresses
- Association of Assistant Mistresses: East Anglia area
- Association of Assistant Mistresses: Warwickshire branch Warwickshire;Warwickshire
- Association of Brazil Nut Importers
- Association of Building Technicians
- Association of Child Care Officers
- Association of Civil Service Assistant Clerks Warwickshire
- Association of Clerical, Technical and Supervisory Staff
- Association of Colleges for Further and Higher Education
- Association of Community Workers
- Association of Correctors of the Press
- Association of Correctors of the Press: WH Smith and Sons reading department chapel London
- Association of Family Case Workers
- Association of Head Mistresses
- Association of Head Mistresses: Essex branch Essex;Essex
- Association of Head Mistresses: Kent sub-branch Kent;Kent
- Association of Head Mistresses: Kent, Surrey and Sussex branch Surrey;Kent;Sussex
- Association of Head Mistresses: London branch London
- Association of Head Mistresses: Midland branch
- Association of Head Mistresses: six counties branch Buckinghamshire;Hertfordshire;Hampshire;Oxfordshire;Berkshire;Bedfordshire;Bedfordshire;Hampshire;Buckinghamshire;Oxfordshire;Hertfordshire;Berkshire
- Association of Head Mistresses: Welsh branch
- Association of Head Mistresses: Yorkshire branch Yorkshire and the Humber
- Association of Headmistresses of Independent and Direct Grant Schools
- Association of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences
- Association of Magisterial Officers
- Association of Master Lightermen and Barge Owners, Port of London London
- Association of National Health Service Officers
- Association of Patternmakers and Allied Craftsmen
- Association of Professional Engineers
- Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff (APEX)
- Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff: Crewe branch Crewe, Cheshire
- Association of Psychiatric Social Workers
- Association of Publishers Educational Representatives
- Association of Scientific Workers
- Association of Scientific Workers: Central London branch London
- Association of Scientific Workers: London area committee London
- Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs, Pearl Section
- Association of Social Workers
- Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education
- Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education: East Midlands branch
- Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education: North branch
- Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education: West Midlands branch
- Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions
- Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions: East Anglian division
- Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions: Kent division Kent;Kent
- Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions: London branch London
- Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions: Solihull branch Solihull, Warwickshire
- Association of Teachers of Domestic Science
- Association of Teachers of Domestic Science: Buckinghamshire branch Buckinghamshire;Buckinghamshire
- Association of Teachers of Domestic Science: Cambridge and West Suffolk branch Suffolk;Cambridgeshire;Suffolk;Cambridgeshire
- Association of Teachers of Domestic Science: London and Central Counties London
- Association of Technical Institutions
- Association of Training College Principals
- Association of University Teachers
- Association of University Teachers: University of Warwick branch Coventry, Warwickshire
- Australian Wine and Spirit Association
- Auto-Cycle Union
- Bank Officers' Guild
- Banking Staff Council
- Banking, Insurance and Finance Union (formerly National Union of Bank Employees)
- Barclay Inquiry into the Tasks and Role of Social Workers
- Barclays Bank Staff Association
- Basque Children's Committee
- Beeston Trades and Labour Council Beeston, Nottinghamshire
- Belfast Cabinet Makers Trade Society Belfast, County Antrim
- Bexhill and District Trades Council Bexhill, Sussex
- Bicycle Association of Great Britain, trade association
- Birmingham and Midland Sheet Metal Workers Society Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Birmingham and Wolverhampton Operative Tin Plate, Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers Societies Birmingham, Warwickshire;Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
- Birmingham Handsworth Constituency Labour Party Handsworth, Staffordshire
- Birmingham Tin Plate Workers Society Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Birmingham Trades Council: Trade Union Resource Centre Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Birmingham, Wolverhampton and District Engineering Trades Employers Association Birmingham, Warwickshire;Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society: Ashton-under-Lyne branch Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society: Bolton branch Bolton, Lancashire
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society: Dundee branch Dundee, Angus
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society: Falkland (Lancaster) branch Lancaster, Lancashire
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society: Langley branch Langley, Worcestershire
- Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters Society: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Bradford Tin Plate Workers Society Bradford, Yorkshire
- Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association
- Brewers Society London
- Bridgebuilding and Constructional Engineering Employers Association
- Bridgebuilding and Constructional Engineering Employers Association: East Midlands area committee
- Bristol Unity Players Bristol, Gloucestershire
- British Airline Pilots Association
- British Airways Closed Shop Liaison Group
- British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education
- British Association of Social Workers
- British Clothing Industry Association London
- British Committee for Refugees from Spain
- British Council Staff Association
- British Dextrine Manufacturers Association London
- British Educational Research Association
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association London
- British Employers Confederation London
- British Engineers Association London
- British Fashion Trade and Apparel Manufacturers Association
- British Gas Staff Association
- British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus Manufacturers Association London
- British Iron and Steel Consumers Council
- British Iron, Steel and Kindred Trades Association
- British Leyland Joint Management Council
- British Leyland Motor Corporation Combined Trade Union Committee
- British Leyland Trades Union Committee
- British Mantle Manufacturers Association
- British Marine Industries Federation Egham, Surrey
- British Motor Cycle and Cyclecar Research Association Coventry, Warwickshire
- British Nuclear Tests Veterans Association
- British Productivity Council
- British Rainwear Manufacturers Federation (formerly Rubber Proofed Garment Manufactueres Association)
- British Sailing Ship Owners Association Ltd
- British Seafarers Union
- British Sociological Association: Medical Sociology group London
- British Steel Smelters, Mill, Iron, Tinplate and Kindred Trades Association
- British Telecommunications Union Council
- British Towel Manufacturers Association Manchester, Lancashire
- British Universities Industrial Relations Association
- Building and Monumental Workers Association of Scotland
- Building Employers Confederation London
- Calder Valley Trades Council Halifax, Yorkshire
- Campaign for Equal State Pension Ages
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: West Midlands
- Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)
- Campaign for State Education
- Career Development Institute and predecessors
- Carlyle Cycling Club, Chelsea
- Central Council of Bank Staff Associations
- Central Labour College, London London
- Central Labour College: North Eastern branch North East
- Certification Office for Trade Unions and Employers Associations
- Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom
- Childline, childrens charity London
- Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Chrysler UK Ltd Joint Shop Stewards' Committee
- Civil and Public Services Association
- Civil Service Confederation
- Civil Service Union
- Clearing Bank Union
- Clothing Export Council
- Clothing Manufacturers Federation of Great Britain London
- CND: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament London
- Coachmakers Friendly Society of the City of Cork Cork, County Cork
- Coastal Tramp Shipowners Mutual Association Ltd
- Cocoa, Chocolate and Confectionery Alliance and the Cake and Biscuit Alliance
- Coke Oven Contractors Association
- Commercial Vehicle and Road Transport Club Uxbridge, Middlesex
- Commission on Industrial and Commercial Representation (Devlin Commission)
- Committee for Research into Teacher Education
- Committee of Directors of Polytechnics
- Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom London
- Common Ownership Association
- Commonwealth Industries Association London
- Communication Managers Association (formerly Post Office Management Staff Association)
- Communications Workers' Union
- Communist Party of Great Britain: Nottingham branch Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
- Community and Youth Workers’ Union (CYWU)
- Community Development Programme, government agency
- Community, the Union for Life
- Confederation of Bank Staff Associations
- Confederation of British Industry London
- Confederation of Employee Organisations
- Confederation of Health Service Employees
- Confederation of Health Service Employees: Ryhope Mental Hospital branch Ryhope, Durham
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions: Coventry district committee Coventry, Warwickshire
- Conference of Heads of Institute Directors
- Conference of Heads of University Departments of Education
- Corset Manufacturers Association London
- Corset Trade Board
- Council for National Academic Awards
- Council of Bank Staff Associations
- Council of Civil Service Unions
- Council of Post Office Unions
- Country Brewers Society London
- Covent Garden Haulage Ltd, road hauliers' association Covent Garden, Middlesex
- Coventry Borough Labour group Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry Chain Co Ltd shop stewards committee Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry East Constituency Labour Party Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry Lesbian Line Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry North Constituency Labour Party Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry Precision Ltd shop stewards committee Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry Trades and Labour Hall Fund and Coventry Tom Mann Memorial Trades and Labour Hall Fund Coventry, Warwickshire
- Coventry Trades Council Coventry, Warwickshire
- Cumberland and Westmorland Federation of Trades Councils
- Currant Importers' Association Ltd
- Cycle Trade Union Coventry, Warwickshire
- Cyclists Touring Association: Metropolitan District Association London
- Cyclists' Touring Club
- Cyclists Touring Club: East Surrey District Association Surrey
- Cyclists Touring Club: Northumberland District Association Northumberland
- Cyclists Touring Club: Southampton District Association
- Cyclists' Touring Club: West London District Association
- Darwen and District Trades Council Darwen, Lancashire
- Date Importers' Association
- Department of Education and Science
- Department of Social Security Staff Benevolent Society
- Dessicated Coconut Association
- Disability Alliance
- Disablement Income Group: Coventry branch Coventry, Warwickshire
- Dock, Wharf, Riverside and General Labourers Union
- Drawing Office Materials Manufacturers and Dealers Association
- East London Ropemakers' Union
- East Midlands Region Labour Party East Midlands
- Edible Nuts in Shell Association
- Edinburgh Union Society of Journeymen Bookbinders Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Education Guild
- Education Reform Council
- Education Welfare Officers National Association
- Education Welfare Officers National Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Electrical Trades Union
- Electrical Trades Union: London central branch London
- Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Union
- Empire Industries Association London
- Engineering Employers Federation London
- Engineering Employers Federation: Coventry and District Association Coventry, Warwickshire
- Engineering Employers Federation: Derby and district association Derby, Derbyshire
- Engineering Employers Federation: East Midlands joint standing committee
- Engineering Employers Federation: Grimsby association Grimsby, Lincolnshire
- Engineering Employers Federation: Leicester and district association Leicester, Leicestershire
- Engineering Employers Federation: Lincoln district committee Lincoln, Lincolnshire
- Engineering Employers Federation: Nottingham and district associatiion Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
- Engineering Employers Federation: Shropshire association Shropshire;Shropshire
- Engineering Employers Federation: West Midlands association Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Engineering Officers (Telecommunications) Association
- European Forum for Teamwork
- Family Service Units
- Fawcett Association
- Fawcett Association: Eastern District branch
- Federated Admiralty Contractors London
- Federation of British Industries London
- Federation of Engineering and Shipbuilding Trades
- Federation of Post Office Supervising Officers
- Federation of Sailmakers
- Fire Brigades Union
- Fire Brigades Union: Cambridge Branch Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- Forward Trust Staff Association
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Burnley branch Burnley, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Cleckheaton branch Cleckheaton, Yorkshire
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Portsmouth branch Portsmouth, Hampshire
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Sheffield no 1 branch Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Smethwick branch Smethwick, Staffordshire
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Stalybridge branch Stalybridge, Cheshire
- Friendly Society of Ironfounders: Worcester branch Worcester, Worcestershire
- Friendly Society of Operative Cabinet Makers: Belfast branch Belfast, County Antrim
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Birmingham lodge Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Bolton lodge Bolton, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Box lodge Box, Wiltshire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Coventry lodge Coventry, Warwickshire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Liverpool (North) lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Liverpool (Pontack) lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Liverpool (Sir Walter Scott) lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Liverpool (South) lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Liverpool Central lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: London district committee London
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Louth lodge Louth, Lincolnshire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Morpeth and District lodge Morpeth, Northumberland
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Nottingham B lodge Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Nuneaton lodge Nuneaton, Warwickshire
- Friendly Society of Operative Stonemasons: Reading lodge Reading, Berkshire
- Friendly Union of Mechanics: Bolton branch Bolton, Lancashire
- Galvanised Hollow-Ware, Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers Association
- Gas Meter Making Employers Federation
- General Council of British Shipping
- General Railway Workers Union
- General Union of Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers
- General Union of Carpenters and Joiners
- General Union of Carpenters and Joiners: Ashton-under-Lyne lodge Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire
- General Union of Carpenters and Joiners: Coventry no 1 lodge Coventry, Warwickshire
- General Union of Carpenters and Joiners: Lily of the Valley lodge, Cardiff Cardiff, Glamorgan
- General Union of Carpenters and Joiners: New Mills lodge New Mills, Derbyshire
- General Union of Carpenters and Joiners: Salford lodge Salford, Lancashire
- General Union of Tin-Plate Workers
- General, Municipal, Boilermakers and Allied Trades Union
- Girls Schools Association
- Glacier Metal Works Committee Alperton, Middlesex
- Glasgow Joiners Club Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Government Communications Head Quarters (GCHQ) Trade Union Campaign
- Graphical, Paper and Media Union
- Graphical, Paper and Media Union: Central Midlands branch
- Green Party
- Grimsby Enginemen's Club and Institute Grimsby, Lincolnshire
- Grimsby Steam and Diesel Fishing Vessels Engineers and Firemen's Union Grimsby, Lincolnshire
- Guild of Editors
- Guild of Insurance Officials London
- Handicapped Adventure Playground Association
- Handsworth Constituency Labour Party Handsworth, Yorkshire
- Hazlenut Kernels Association
- Headmasters Association
- Headmasters Conference
- Her Majesty's Stationery Office federated house chapel, Harrow Harrow, Middlesex
- Home Counties Federation of Trades Councils
- Hospital and Welfare Services Union: London area Greater London
- Howard League for Penal Reform London
- Humber Ltd AEU shop stewards committee Coventry, Warwickshire
- Imperial Industries Club
- India Pakistan and Burma Association London
- Industrial Common Ownership Movement (ICOM) Ltd Leeds, Yorkshire
- Industrial Relations Research Unit
- Industrial Society London
- Inland Revenue Departmental Whitley Council, trade union side
- Inland Revenue Staff Federation
- Institute for Learning, professional association for teaching in post-compulsory education and training
- Institute of Administrative Management (formerly Office Management Association)
- Institute of Business Process Re-engineering
- Institute of Management Services
- Institute of Management Services: Devon and Cornwall branch Devon;Cornwall
- Institute of Management Services: West Midland Region/Birmingham and District branch West Midlands
- Institute of Medical Social Workers (formerly Institute of Almoners)
- Institute of Operational Research
- Institute of Personnel Management London
- Institute of Personnel Management: Birmingham branch Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Institute of Personnel Management: Midland region
- Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists
- Inter-Banks Organisation and Methods Association
- International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace
- International Marxist Group
- International Metalworkers' Federation: British Section
- International Secretariat of Lithographers
- International Shipping Conference
- International Shipping Federation
- International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation
- International Transport Workers Federation
- Involvement and Participation Association
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
- Iron Trade Employers Federation
- Joint Four Executive Committee: Oldham Branch
- Joint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry
- Joint Negotiating Committee for Approved Schools and Remand Homes in England and Wales
- Joint Negotiating Council for Banking
- Joint NUVB/AWSKTU London shop stewards London
- Journeymen Steam Engine, Machine Makers and Millwrights Friendly Society: Greenock branch Greenock, Renfrewshire
- Journeymen Steam Engine, Machine Makers and Millwrights' Friendly Society: Huddersfield branch Huddersfield, Yorkshire
- Kenilworth Labour Party Kenilworth, Warwickshire
- Knitting Industries Federation Leicester, Leicestershire
- Labour Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament United Kingdom
- Lancashire and Cheshire Clothing Manufacturers Association Manchester, Lancashire
- Lancashire and Cheshire Miners Federation Cheshire;Lancashire
- Lancashire and District Trade Effluent Committee Lancashire
- League of Nations Union: Northwood branch Northwood, Middlesex
- Leamington Anti-Racist Anti-Fascist Committee Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
- Leamington Peace Festival Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
- Leeds and District Trade and Friendly Society of Sheet Metal Workers Leeds, Yorkshire
- Leeds and District Warpdressers, Twisters and Kindred Trades Association Leeds, Yorkshire
- Leicester District Engineering Trades Foremens Benevolent Fund Leicester, Leicestershire
- Librarians of Institutes and Schools of Education
- Library Association: Education Librarians group London
- Lighthouse Advisory Committee
- Linoleum (& Floorcloth) Manufacturers' Association London
- Liverpool Operative Braziers and Sheet Metal Workers Society (formerly Operative Tin-Plate Workers Society) Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Steamship Owners Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Liverpool Welfare Workers Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Lollard Adventure Playground Association, Surrey Lambeth, Surrey
- London Adventure Playground Association London
- London and District Coasting and Short Sea Tramp Shipowners Association London
- London and District Wholesale Clothing Manufacturers Association London
- London and Provincial Coachmakers Trade Union
- London Association of Californian Dried Fruit Agents London
- London Cabinet Makers Union London
- London Carmens Trade Union London
- London Co-operative Tin-Plate Workers Society London
- London Deep Sea Tramp Ship Owners Association London
- London Dried Fruit Trade Association (and Benevolent Fund) London
- London Friendly Society of Workers in Copper London
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: Ealing branch Ealing, Middlesex
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: Gosport branch Gosport, Hampshire
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: Hull branch Hull, Yorkshire
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: King's Cross branch St Pancras, Middlesex
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: Lambeth branch Lambeth, Surrey
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- London Order of Operative Bricklayers Society: Whitchurch branch Whitchurch, Shropshire
- London Society of Compositors: Eden Fisher and Co chapel London
- London Society of Compositors: Odhams Press Composing chapel London
- London Society of Lithographic Printers London
- London Society of Sheet Metal Workers, Braziers and Gas Meter Makers London
- London Telephone Traffic Officers Association London;Greater London
- London Transport: Aldenham Works Joint Trades Works Committee Aldenham, Hertfordshire
- London Typographical Society London
- London Typographical Society: Odhams Press Composing chapel London
- London Wholesale Spice and Rice Dealers' Association London
- Low Pay Commission
- Make Poverty History
- Maltsters' Association of Great Britain
- Manchester Alliance of Operative House Painters
- Manchester Brassfounders, Turners, Fitters and Finishers Association Manchester, Lancashire
- Manchester Tin Plate Workers Society Manchester, Lancashire
- Manchester Typographical Society: Manchester Evening News chapel Manchester, Lancashire
- Manchester Unity of Operative Bricklayers Society
- Manchester Unity of Operative Bricklayers Society: Liverpool lodge Liverpool, Lancashire
- Manufacturing, Science, Finance (MSF)
- Massey-Ferguson, joint shop stewards committee
- Meat Carriers Assoc (Southern) Ltd, road hauliers' association London
- Medical Practitioners Union
- Medical Staff Association
- Mental Hospital and Institutional Workers Union: Gloucester branch Gloucester, Gloucestershire
- Mersey Ship Joiners Association Liverpool, Lancashire
- Midland Bolt Nut Screw and Rivet Employers Association Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Miners Federation of Great Britain
- Ministry of Health Departmental Whitley Council
- Ministry of Production Midland Regional Board
- Ministry of Works building division shop stewards joint central co-ordinating committee
- Monotype Casters and Typefounders Society (formerly Amalgamated Typefounders Trade Society): Edinburgh Chapel Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Monotype Casters and Typefounders Trade Society (formerly Amalgamated Typefounders Trade Society)
- Moral Welfare Workers Association
- Motor Cycle Association Coventry, Warwickshire
- Nat West Staff Association
- National Amalgamated Iron Plate Trade Society
- National Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers
- National Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers: Swindon branch Swindon, Wiltshire
- National Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers: Yeovil branch Yeovil, Somerset
- National Amalgamated Society of Operative House and Ship Painters and Decorators
- National Amalgamated Society of Printers Warehousemen and Cutters
- National Amalgamated Tin Plate Workers of Great Britain (formerly Amalgamated Tin Plate Workers Society of Birmingham, Wolverhampton and District)
- National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers
- National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers: Hackney branch Hackney, Middlesex
- National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers: Islington branch Islington, Middlesex
- National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers: North London branch London;Greater London
- National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers: Romford and East London branch Romford, Essex
- National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers: Scottish legal section
- National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assistants, Warehousemen and Clerks: Coventry branch Coventry, Warwickshire
- National and Local Government Officers Association
- National and Local Government Officers Association: Middlesex Polytechnic branch
- National and Local Government Officers Association: Salop County branch Shropshire;Shropshire
- National and Local Government Officers' Association: Wolverhampton and District Branch Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
- National and Provincial Staff Association Warwick, Warwickshire
- National Association for Pastoral Care in Education
- National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
- National Association of Bath Superintendents
- National Association of British Manufacturers London
- National Association of Probation Officers
- National Association of Schoolmasters
- National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers: Southampton Schoolmasters Association Southampton, Hampshire
- National Association of Schoolmasters: Leicester association Leicester, Leicestershire
- National Association of Schoolmasters: London association London;Greater London
- National Association of Schoolmasters: Newcastle upon Tyne branch Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- National Association of Staff Support (within the Health Care Services)
- National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
- National Builders Labourers and Constructional Workers Society
- National Campaign for the Reform of the Obscene Publications Acts
- National Confederation of Employers' Organisations
- National Conference of Express Carriers
- National Conference of Parcels Carriers
- National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design
- National Council for Technological Awards
- National Council for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
- National Council of Labour
- National Council of Labour Colleges
- National Cycle Archive
- National Dried Fruit Trade Association
- National Federation of Building Trades Operatives
- National Federation of Building Trades Operatives: London region London;Greater London
- National Federation of Construction Unions
- National Federation of Construction Unions: London Region London
- National Federation of Insurance Workers
- National Federation of Professional Workers
- National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom
- National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom: Coventry branch Coventry, Warwickshire
- National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom: Wirral branch Wirral, Cheshire
- National Foremens Association
- National Glass Workers Trade Protection Association: Yorkshire council Yorkshire and the Humber
- National Glass Workers Trade Protection Society
- National Graphical Association
- National Graphical Association: Cornwall Press machine managers department chapel London
- National Graphical Association: Daily Express machine managers chapel London
- National Graphical Association: Daily Telegraph graphical chapel London
- National Graphical Association: Evening News composing trade department chapel London
- National Graphical Association: London region London;Greater London
- National Graphical Association: Walker and Co (Printers) Ltd chapel Twickenham, Middlesex
- National Graphical Association: Waterlow and Sons Ltd (Radio Times) Park Royal printing machine managers chapel London
- National Graphical Association: Waterlow and Sons Ltd Composing Chapel
- National Guild of Telephonists
- National Institute for Social Work
- National Institute of Social Workers
- National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief
- National Joint Committee of Postal and Telegraph Associations
- National Joint Council for Local Authorities Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical Services
- National Joint Council for Local Authorities Services
- National Joint Council for the Engineering Construction Industry
- National Joint Council for the Monumental Masonry Industry for England and Wales
- National League of the Blind and Disabled London
- National Minority Movement: Coventry branch Coventry, Warwickshire
- National Minority Movement: Midland bureau
- National Motor Manufacturers and Ancillary Trades Shop Stewards Committee
- National Poor Law Officers Association
- National Society of Amalgamated Metal Wire and Tube Makers
- National Society of Amalgamated Metal, Wire and Tube Workers
- National Society of Brassworkers and Metal Mechanics
- National Society of Coppersmiths, Braziers and Metal Workers
- National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers: Daily Herald Foundry/Stereo Chapel
- National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers: London branch London
- National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers: Northern region
- National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers: Scottish region
- National Society of Metal Mechanics
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: Birmingham shop stewards Birmingham, Warwickshire
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: Bristol branch Bristol, Gloucestershire
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: Doncaster branch Doncaster, Yorkshire
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: London district council London
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: Midlands district council
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: Northern district council
- National Society of Metal Mechanics: Western district council
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: Daily Herald Warehouse Chapel
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: Daily Mail chapels London
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: Daily Sketch Machine Chapel
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: electrotypers and stereotypers branch London
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: London Machine Branch London
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: News of the World Machine Chapel
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: Officers chapel
- National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants: The Times chapel
- National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel
- National Trade Development Association Greater London
- National Union of Bank Employees United Kingdom
- National Union of Bank Employees: Grantham and Newark branch
- National Union of Basket, Cane, Wicker and Fibre Furniture Makers of Great Britain and Ireland
- National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers and Kindred Trades
- National Union of Boobinders and Machine Rulers: London branch (women's section) London
- National Union of Bookbinders and Machine Rulers
- National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives (NUBSO)
- National Union of Clerks and Administrative Workers
- National Union of Co-operative Insurance Society Employees and predecessors
- National Union of Corporation Workers
- National Union of Domestic Workers
- National Union of Enginemen, Firemen, Mechanics and Electrical Workers
- National Union of Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades
- National Union of Foundry Workers
- National Union of Glovers and Leatherworkers Yeovil, Somerset
- National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades
- National Union of Hosiery and Knitwear Workers
- National Union of Insurance Workers
- National Union of Insurance Workers Retired Members Association
- National Union of Journalists
- National Union of Journalists: Cambridge branch Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- National Union of Journalists: Central London branch London
- National Union of Journalists: Hastings and district branch Hastings, Sussex
- National Union of Journalists: Star editorial chapel London
- National Union of Knitwear, Footwear and Apparel Trades
- National Union of Life Assurance Agents
- National Union of Mineworkers
- National Union of Mineworkers, Midlands area
- National Union of Mineworkers, Midlands area: Birch Coppice branch Birch Coppice, Warwickshire
- National Union of Operative Heating and Domestic Engineers
- National Union of Operative Heating and Domestic Engineers, Whitesmiths and General Iron Workers: Bradford branch Bradford, Yorkshire
- National Union of Operative Heating and Domestic Engineers, Whitesmiths and General Iron Workers: Newcastle branch Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- National Union of Paper Mill Workers
- National Union of Press Telegraphists
- National Union of Press Telegraphists: London branch London
- National Union of Press Telegraphists: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- National Union of Printing and Paper Workers
- National Union of Printing and Paper Workers Convalescent Home, Carshalton Carshalton, Surrey
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers Castleton, Lancashire;Oldham, Lancashire;Rochdale, Lancashire
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers Convalescent Homes, Hastings and Bexhill Hastings, Sussex;Bexhill, Sussex
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers: Bury branch Bury, Lancashire
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers: Daily Herald Circulation Representatives' Chapel
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers: Daily Herald Warehouse chapel
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers: Dartford branch Dartford, Kent
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding, Machine Ruling and Paper Workers
- National Union of Printing, Bookbinding, Machine Ruling and Paper Workers Convalescent Homes, Carshalton and Hastings Carshalton, Surrey;Hastings, Sussex
- National Union of Public Employees
- National Union of Public Employees: Blackpool branch Blackpool, Lancashire
- National Union of Public Employees: South West Area
- National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
- National Union of Railwaymen
- National Union of Railwaymen: Battersea no 2 branch Battersea, Surrey
- National Union of Railwaymen: Bermondsey branch Bermondsey, Surrey
- National Union of Railwaymen: Camborne branch Camborne, Cornwall
- National Union of Railwaymen: Cirencester branch Cirencester, Gloucestershire
- National Union of Railwaymen: Feltham branch Feltham, Middlesex
- National Union of Railwaymen: Hornsey and Wood Green branch Hornsey, Middlesex;Wood Green, Middlesex
- National Union of Railwaymen: Stratford no 1 branch Stratford, Essex
- National Union of Railwaymen: Tredegar Junction and Pontllanfraith branch Tredegar, Monmouthshire
- National Union of Railwaymen: Wadebridge branch Wadebridge, Cornwall
- National Union of Railwaymen: Weymouth branch Weymouth, Dorset
- National Union of Retail Confectioners
- National Union of Scalemakers
- National Union of Seamen
- National Union of Seamen: Ardrossan branch Ardrossan, Ayrshire
- National Union of Seamen: Bristol and Avonmouth branch Bristol, Gloucestershire;Avonmouth, Gloucestershire
- National Union of Seamen: Bristol Channel district committee
- National Union of Seamen: East of Scotland district committee
- National Union of Seamen: Goole branch Goole, Yorkshire
- National Union of Seamen: Harwich branch Harwich, Essex
- National Union of Seamen: Holyhead branch Holyhead, Anglesey
- National Union of Seamen: Isle of Man branch Isle of Man
- National Union of Seamen: Leith branch Leith, Midlothian
- National Union of Seamen: London district committee London
- National Union of Seamen: Malta branch
- National Union of Seamen: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- National Union of Seamen: Middlesbrough branch Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
- National Union of Seamen: Newcastle branch Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- National Union of Seamen: North Shields branch North Shields, Northumberland
- National Union of Seamen: Plymouth branch Plymouth, Devon
- National Union of Seamen: Southampton branch Southampton, Hampshire
- National Union of Seamen: Sunderland branch Sunderland, Durham
- National Union of Seamen: Tilbury branch Tilbury, Essex
- National Union of Seamen: West Hartlepool branch West Hartlepool, Durham
- National Union of Seamen: Weymouth branch Weymouth, Dorset
- National Union of Sheet Metal Workers and Braziers
- National Union of Sheet Metal Workers, Coppersmiths, Heating and Domestic Engineers
- National Union of Students
- National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers
- National Union of Teachers
- National Union of Teachers and National Association of Teachers of Further and Higher Education/Association of University Teachers
- National Union of Teachers: Cambridge Borough/City Association Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
- National Union of Teachers: Northern region Durham, Durham
- National Union of Vehicle Builders
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Aylesbury branch Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Birmingham district Birmingham, Warwickshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Blackpool branch Blackpool, Lancashire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Bradford branch Bradford, Yorkshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Darlington branch Darlington, Durham
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Grantham branch Grantham, Lincolnshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Handsworth branch Handsworth, Staffordshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Hull branch Hull, Yorkshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Leeds district Leeds, Yorkshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: London district committee London
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Norwich branch Norwich, Norfolk
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Paisley branch Paisley, Renfrewshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Preston branch Preston, Lancashire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Saltley branch Saltley, Warwickshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Sunderland branch Sunderland, Durham
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Swindon branch Swindon, Wiltshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: Wakefield branch Wakefield, Yorkshire
- National Union of Vehicle Builders: York branch York, Yorkshire
- National Union of Wallcoverings, Decorative and Allied Trades
- NATSOPA: National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel: London branch London
- Newspaper Proprietors Association London
- North and East Midlands Association of Controlled Firms
- Northumberland Miners Mutual Confident Association Northumberland;Northumberland
- Norwich Boot and Shoe Manufacturers Association Norwich, Norfolk
- Nottingham and District Sheet Metal Employers Association Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
- Oil and Chemical Plant Constructors Association
- Oldham Education Committee
- Oldham Tin Plate Workers Trade Union Oldham, Lancashire
- Operational Research of British Coal
- Operational Research Society
- Overall Manufacturers Association of Great Britain Liverpool, Lancashire
- Paper Stainers Union of General Workers
- Pearl Unions Federation London
- Penworkers Federation
- Phenol Producers Association
- Philanthropic Society of Millwrights of Great Britain: Manchester Manchester, Lancashire
- Plumbers, Glaziers and Domestic Engineers Union: Torquay lodge Torquay, Devon
- Plumbing Trades Union
- Poor Law Officers Union: London provincial council London;Greater London
- Post Office Controlling Officers' Association
- Post Office Engineering Union
- Post Office Management Staff Association: Shrewsbury branch Shrewsbury, Shropshire
- Postal and Telegraph Clerks' Association
- Postal Inspectors Association: South Midland Group
- Postal Telegraph Clerks' Association
- Postmen's federation
- Preston Joiners Society Preston, Lancashire
- Printing and Kindred Trades Federation
- Printing and Kindred Trades Federation: London London
- Printing Machine Managers Trade Society
- Progressive Party: Coventry Coventry, Warwickshire
- PROS (Programme for Reform of the Law on Soliciting)
- Prospect trade union
- Public and Commercial Services Union
- Railway Clerks Association
- Railway Clerks Association: Huddersfield branch Huddersfield, Yorkshire
- Railway Clerks Association: Liverpool Street branch London
- Railway Clerks Association: London North West (St Pancras) branch St Pancras, Middlesex
- Railway Clerks Association: Nottingham branch Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
- Railway Clerks Association: Sheffield branch Sheffield, Yorkshire
- Railway Signalmen's United Aid and Sick Society
- Ready Made and Wholesale Bespoke Tailoring TradeBoard
- Refractory Users Federation London
- Release, charity for drug users London
- Revolutionary Communist Party
- Road and Rail Central Conference
- Road Haulage Association London
- Road Hauliers National Organisations Standing Joint Committee
- Rolls Royce Joint Shop Stewards' Combine
- Rooks Gift Society London
- Rover Shop Stewards Committee
- Rugby Constituency Labour Party Rugby, Warwickshire
- Rugby Voluntary Co-operative Party Rugby, Warwickshire
- Ryton Car Plant Joint Shop Stewards Committee Coventry, Warwickshire
- School Attendance Officers National Association: Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales federation
- School Attendance Officers National Association: Leeds branch Leeds, Yorkshire
- Science Technology and Society Association
- Scott Bader Commonwealth Foundation Ltd
- Scottish National Operative Plasterers Federal Union: Glasgow district Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Scottish Plasterers Union (formerly Scottish National Operative Plasterers Federal Union)
- Secondary Heads Association: London branch London;Greater London
- Selly Oak Constituency Labour Party Selly Oak, Warwickshire
- Sheet Iron and Light Plate Workers Society
- Sheet Iron and Light Plate Workers Society: Newcastle upon Tyne branch Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Shelled Walnuts Association
- Ship and Boat Builders Association
- Ship and Boat Builders National Federation London
- Shipbuilding and Allied Industries Management Association Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland
- Shipowners Parliamentary Committee
- Shipping Federation London
- Shipping Federation: National Maritime Board
- Shirt Collar and Tie Manufacturers Federation London
- Shirt-making Trade Board
- Shotton Steelworkers Action Committee Shotton, Flintshire
- Sign and Display Trades Union
- Social Care Association Surbiton, Surrey
- Social Workers Benevolent Trust
- Social Workers' Christian Fellowship
- Socialist Action
- Socialist Party
- Socialist Party of Great Britain
- Socialist Reproduction
- Socialist Union
- Socialist Vanguard Group
- Socialist Vanguard Group: London branch London
- Socialist Workers Party (formerly International Socialism Group)
- Society for Research into Higher Education
- Society for the Furtherance of Critical Philosophy
- Society for the Study of Labour History
- Society for Training in Rural Industries and Village Enterprises
- Society of British Gas Industries London
- Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
- Society of Civil and Public Servants
- Society of Civil Servants (Executive, Directing and Analagous Grades)
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades 1982
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades 1982 Convalescent Homes, Bexhill, Rottingdean and Ayr Bexhill, Sussex;Rottingdean, Sussex;Ayr, Ayrshire
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades Convalescent Home, Bexhill Bexhill, Sussex
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades Division 1
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades Division A
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades Division A Convalescent Home, Bexhill Bexhill, Sussex
- Society of Graphical and Allied Trades: The Sun Combined Warehouse chapel
- Society of Litho Stone and Plate Preparers
- Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Printers Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Printers: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Society of Mental Welfare Officers
- Society of Municipal and County Chief Librarians Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Society of Post Office Engineering Inspectorate: North Midlands branch
- Society of Post Office Engineering Inspectorate: North Wales branch
- Society of Radiographers London
- Society of Telecommunication Engineers: Eastern branch
- Society of Telecommunication Engineers: London power/postal branch London;Greater London
- Society of Telecommunications Executives (formerly Society of Post Office Executives)
- South Lancashire Road Club Lancashire
- Staff Management Association
- Standing Conference of Organisations of Social Workers
- Stansted Airport Action Group Stansted, Essex
- Steam Engine Makers Society
- Steam Engine Makers Society: Glasgow branch Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Steam Engine Makers Society: Manchester branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Steam Engine Makers Society: Wigan branch Wigan, Lancashire
- Steel Industry Management Association
- Stoke Plant Joint Shop Stewards Committee Coventry, Warwickshire
- Tea Council of Great Britain
- Teachers Guild
- Telecommunication Traffic Officers Association
- Telecommunications Staff Association
- The Centenary Cycle Club
- The McDougall Trust and the Electoral Reform Society
- The Wallpaper Manufacturers Association Limited
- Tie Manufacturers Association London
- Tobacco Workers Union
- Tobacco Workers Union: Glasgow no 1 branch Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Tobacco Workers Union: Liverpool no 2 branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- Tobacco Workers Union: London branch London
- Tobacco Workers Union: London general branch London
- Tobacco Workers Union: Manchester no 1 branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Tobacco Workers Union: North West England district committee
- Tourism Concern, pressure group
- Trade Union Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Trade Union Information Group
- Traders Co-ordinating Committee on Transport London
- Trades Union Congress
- Training College Association
- Transport and General Workers Union
- Transport and General Workers Union: 5/105 branch
- Transport and General Workers Union: Black Country transport branch Sandwell, Staffordshire
- Transport and General Workers Union: Black Country Transport Branch
- Transport and General Workers Union: Coventry district Coventry, Warwickshire
- Transport and General Workers Union: Kingsbury branch Kingsbury, Warwickshire
- Transport and General Workers Union: Rotherham (glassworkers?) branch Rotherham, Yorkshire
- Transport Salaried Staffs Association
- Transport Salaried Staffs Association: Accrington branch Accrington, Lancashire
- Transport Salaried Staffs Association: Lincoln branch Lincoln, Lincolnshire
- Transport Salaried Staffs Association: Manchester Rail House branch Manchester, Lancashire
- Transport Salaried Staffs Association: Middlesbrough no 1 branch Middlesbrough, Yorkshire
- Transport Salaried Staffs Association: Walsall branch Walsall, Staffordshire
- Typographical Association
- Typographical Association: London branch London
- UK Steel Association
- Union of Bookmakers Employees
- Union of Communication Workers
- Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians
- Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians: supervisory, technical, administrative, managerial and professional section
- Union of Electrical Operatives London
- Union of Post Office Workers
- Union of Post Office Workers: Bournemouth and Poole Indoor Branch Bournemouth, Hampshire;Poole, Dorset
- Union of Post Office Workers: Sussex district committee
- Union of Speech Therapists
- Unite, trade union
- United Commercial Travellers Association
- United Commercial Travellers Association: Birmingham branch Birmingham, Warwickshire
- United Commercial Travellers Association: Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch branches Bournemouth, Hampshire;Poole, Dorset;Christchurch, Hampshire
- United Kingdom Commercial Travellers Association: Eastern Counties Federation
- United Kingdom Postal Clerks' Association
- United Kingdom Postal Clerks Association: Liverpool branch Liverpool, Lancashire
- United Kingdom Society of Coachmakers: Stockport branch Stockport, Cheshire
- United Kingdom Steel Association
- United Machine Workers Association
- United Metal Founders' Society
- United Operative Masons Association of Scotland: Glasgow and suburban district Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- United Operative Masons of Granite Workers Union
- United Operative Plumbers and Domestic Engineers Association: North Wales district committee
- United Operative Plumbers Association of Scotland: Edinburgh lodge Edinburgh, Midlothian
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Blyth lodge Blyth, Northumberland
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Brighton lodge Brighton, Sussex
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Colwyn Bay lodge Colwyn Bay, Denbighshire
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Doncaster lodge Doncaster, Yorkshire
- United Operative Plumbers Association: East London lodge London
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Exeter lodge Exeter, Devon
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Grantham lodge Grantham, Lincolnshire
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Manchester lodge Manchester, Lancashire
- United Operative Plumbers Association: Preston branch Preston, Lancashire
- United Operative Plumbers Association: West Central London lodge London
- United Operative Spindle and Flyer Makers Trade and Friendly Society
- United Pattern Makers Association
- United Pattern Makers Association: Manchester/Openshaw Branch Manchester, Lancashire;Openshaw, Lancashire
- United Patternmakers Association
- United Tin-plate Workers Friendly and Protective Society of Glasgow and the West of Scotland Glasgow, Lanarkshire
- Universities Association for Lifelong Learning
- Universities Council for the Education of Teachers
- University of Warwick, Cultural History of the NHS project
- Wallcoverings Staff Association
- Wallpaper Stainers Trade Union Federation
- Wallpaper Workers Union
- Wallpaper Workers Union: Darwen branch Darwen, Lancashire
- Wallpaper Workers Union: Derby branch Derby, Derbyshire
- Wallpaper Workers Union: Gosport branch Gosport, Hampshire
- Wallpaper Workers Union: Peterlee branch Peterlee, Durham
- Warrington Operative Stonemasons Society: no 3 lodge Warrington, Lancashire
- Warwick and Leamington Constituency Labour Party Warwick, Warwickshire;Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
- Warwick University, Voices of the University Project
- Water Companies Association
- Welfare Workers Institute: London branch London
- Welfare Workers Institute: Scottish branch
- West Midlands Engineering Employers' Association West Midlands
- West Midlands Region Labour Party West Midlands
- Whitley Council for New Towns Staff
- Wholesale Fashion Trades Association
- Wolseley Motors Ltd joint vehicle builders committee Birmingham, Warwickshire
- Wolverhampton Operative Tin-Plate Workers' Society Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
- Womens Fashion Export Group
- Workers International League
- Workers Revolutionary Party
- Workers Union: Brierley Hill branch Brierley Hill, Staffordshire
- Workers Union: Lincoln and Newark district committee Lincoln, Lincolnshire;Newark, Nottinghamshire
- Workers Union: various branches
- World Federation of Scientific Workers
- World University Service (WUS) Chile
- Writers' Guild of Great Britain London
- York Cycle Rally York, Yorkshire
- Young Womens Christian Association London
- Young Womens Christian Association College, Selly Oak
Persons (304)
- Boyd, Dennis, (d2009), public administrator
- Tarbuck, Ken, (1911-1998), Trotskyist writer and activist
- Acland, Richard Thomas Dyke, (1906-1990), 15th Baronet, politician
- Adamson, William Owen Campbell, (1922-2000), Knight, industrialist
- Ahrens, Dani, (b 1968), political activist
- Allen, Charles Peter, (1861-1930), MP
- Allen, Lady Marjory, (1897-1976), Lady Allen of Hurtwood, Educationist Landscape Architect
- Allen, Reginald Clifford, (1889-1939), 1st Baron Allen of Hurtwood, politician
- Allott, Percy, (c1881-1963), trade unionist
- Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett, (1873-1955), politician and journalist
- Anderson, Lady Flavia Joan Lucy, (b 1910), Author
- Appleton, Jon, (fl 1970-1993), trade unionist
- Aris, John B, (1934-2010), computer programmer and historian
- Arthur, Chris, (fl 1961-1980), academic
- Ashbourn, Philip, (b1936), town planner and cyclist Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
- Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank Trelawny Arthur, (1889-1976), diplomat
- Askins, Jack, (fl 1950-1960), trade unionist and anti-Vietnam war campaigner
- Attlee, Clement Richard, (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, statesman
- Bader, Ernest, (1890-1982), campaigner for industrial democracy
- Bain, George Sayers, (b1939), industrial relations analyst
- Baldwin, Stanley, (1867-1947), 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, statesman
- Barker, Colin, (b 1939), sociologist and Marxist
- Barnes, James, (d 2007), trade union and peace activist
- Barraclough, Joan , (fl1930-1990), social worker
- Barrett, Rowland, (1877-1950), Socialist Journalist and Campaigner
- Bartlett, Sir Charles John, (1889-1955), Knight Industrialist
- Bateman, Sir Ralph Melton, (1910-1996), Knight, President of the Confederation of British Industry
- Beaver, Sir Hugh Eyre Campbell, (1890-1967), Knight, civil servant
- Beazley, Sir Hugh Loveday, (1880-1964), Knight Judge
- Beckett, Sir Terence Norman, (1923-2013), Knight, businessman, President of the CBI
- Bell, Richard, (1859-1930), MP Trade Unionist
- Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood, (1925-2014), Labour politician
- Benn, Sir Ernest John Pickstone, (1875-1954), 2nd Baronet Publisher
- Benn, Lady Gwendoline Dorothy, (c1880-1966), philanthropist
- Bentwich, Norman, (1883-1971), Attorney General for Palestine
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah, (1909-1997), Knight, historian and philosopher
- Bevin, Ernest, (1881-1951), statesman and trade union leader
- Bickerstaffe, Rodney Kevan, (1945-2017), public sector trade union leader Doncaster, Yorkshire
- Bing, Harold, (d 1975), Pacifist Educationist Historian of Co Operative Movement
- Blake, Sir Nicholas , (b1949), QC and High Court Judge of the Queen’s Bench Division
- Bligh, Donald Arthur, (b1936), Professor
- Bowen, Kenneth Crewdson, (1919-2007), Professor
- Brennan, Mary, (fl 1970-97), peace campaigner
- Briggs, Asa, (1921-2016), Baron Briggs of Lewes, historian
- Brown, Sir Arthur James Stephen, (1906-1998), Knight, engineer
- Brown, William Arthur, (b 1945), Master of Darwin College, Cambridge
- Buckle, David, (fl1960-1989), trade unionist
- Bullen, Arthur Henry, (1857-1920), publisher and author
- Burton, Elaine Frances, (1904-1991), Baroness Burton of Coventry, Labour MP and Writer Scarborough, Yorkshire
- Buxton, William, (1894-1979), trade unionist Coventry, Warwickshire
- Candler, David, (1940-2011), journalist and press officer Leeds, Yorkshire
- Cannon, Sir Leslie, (1920-1970), Knight Trade Unionist
- Cathery, Edmund, (1852-1929), Trade Union Leader
- Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, (1869-1940), statesman
- Chandler, Sir Geoffrey, (b 1922), businessman and public servant
- Chapple, Frank, (1917-2004), Socialist Activist
- Chomsky, Avram Noam, (b 1928), linguist
- Citrine, Walter Mclennan, (1887-1983), 1st Baron Citrine, trade unionist
- Clapham, Sir Michael John Sinclair, (b 1912), Knight, President of the CBI
- Clegg, Hugh Armstrong, (1920-1995), professor of industrial relations
- Cliff, Tony, (1917-2000), founder of the Socialist Workers Party
- Clinton, Alan, (1943-2005), politician and historian
- Collet, Clara Elizabeth, (1860-1948), civil servant and author
- Collins, Lewis John, (1905-1982), Canon of St Paul's
- Cook, Arthur James, (1885-1931), General Secretary of Miners Federation
- Cook, Stephen Lennox, (1919-1979), Professor of Operational Research
- Coombs, Derek Michael, (b1937), journalist and Conservative MP
- Cooper, William Joseph, (1902-1981), personnel manager
- Cousins, Frank, (1904-1986), Trade Unionist
- Cousins, John, (1931-2018) Trade Unionist
- Cowling, Keith, (1937-2016), professor of economics Warwick, Warwickshire
- Cramp, Concemore Thomas, (1876-1933), Trade Union Leader
- Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford, (1907-1974), MP Journalist
- Crump, Frank, (d1987), insurance trade union official
- Currie, RM, (fl 1960-1969), writer on management services
- Daly, Lawrence, (b 1924), Trade Unionist
- Dalyell, Sir Thomas, (1932-2017), 11th Baronet, politician Edinburgh, Midlothian
- Davies, John Emerson Harding, (1916-1979), Foreign Secretary, Director General of the CBI
- Davis, Martin C, (fl 1970-1989), academic
- de Medeiros, Paulo, (fl2016) Professor, academic
- Deakin, Arthur, (1890 - 1955), Trade Unionist
- Dean, Brenda, (1943 - 2009), Trade Union Leader
- Deane, Jimmy, (b 1921), Trotskyist
- Donaldson, John George Stuart, (b 1907), Baron Donaldson of Kingsbridge
- Du Maurier, Dame Daphne, (1907-1989), author Cornwall
- Dunbar, Charles Stuart, (1900-1992), Road Haulage Operator Writer and Consultant
- Edelman, Maurice, (1911-1975), Labour MP Novelist
- Engelbach, Charles Richard Fox, (1876-1943), motor vehicle manufacturer
- Etheridge, Richard Albert, (1909-1985), Trade Unionist and Communist
- Farson, Negley, (1890-1960), Author
- Felgate, Eric Monroe, (b 1921), Secretary to the CBI
- Fenby, Charles, (1905-1974), Newspaper Editor
- Fields, Terence, (1937-2008), MP Liverpool, Lancashire
- Fisher, Alan Wainwright, (1922-1988), trade unionist
- Fisher, John, (fl1988), educationist
- Flanders, Allan David, (1910-1973), Reader in Industrial Relations Warwick University
- Foot, Michael, (1913-2010), politician and author
- Forbes, Sir Archibald Finlayson, (1903-1989), Knight, chartered accountant
- Fraser, Sir James Campbell, (b 1923), Knight, President of the CBI
- Fry, Sir Edward, (1827-1918), Knight, judge, arbitrator and zoologist
- Fryer, R H, (fl1970-2000), professor, industrial relations specialist
- Fyrth, Hubert James, (1918-2010), historian Torbay, Devon
- Geddes, Sir Eric Campbell, (1875-1937), Knight, industrialist and statesman
- George, David Lloyd, (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor, statesman
- Gibson, George, (1885-1953), public servant
- Gilbert, Sir Martin John, (b 1936), Knight and historian
- Gill, Colin Unwin, (1892-1940), painter
- Gissing, George Robert, (1857-1903), novelist
- Glover, Reg, (1900-1977), engineer and socialist
- Goldthorpe, John, (fl 1957-2002), Emeritus Fellow of Nuffield College Cambridge
- Gollancz, Sir Victor, (1893-1967), Knight, publisher, author and political campaigner
- Goodman, Geoffrey George, (1921-), editor and writer
- Gosling, Harry, (1861-1930), MP Trade Unionist
- Gough, John, (1910-1992), secretary of the CBI
- Goyder, George Armin, (1908-1997), businessman, author and Anglican layman
- Granet, Sir William Guy, (1867-1943), Knight, railway administrator
- Gray, Frank, (1880-1935), MP
- Green, Henry, (1905-1973), Author
- Greenborough, Sir John Hedley, (b 1922), Knight, President of the CBI
- Grindley, Mike, (b 1937), trade unionist Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
- Groves, Reginald, (1908-1988), journalist, author and socialist
- Grubb, Edward, (1854-1939), Quaker Author and Editor
- Habakkuk, Sir Hrothgar John, (1915-2002), knight, economic historian
- Haig, Sir Douglas, (1861-1928), 1st Earl Haig of Bermersyde, Field Marshal
- Haigh, Tony, (fl 1900-2000), cycling enthusiast
- Hallsworth, Sir Joseph, (1884-1974), Knight Trade Unionist
- Hamilton, David, (1905-2001)
- Hamilton, Hamish, (1900-1988), Publisher
- Hamling, William, (1912-1975), Labour MP Liverpool, Lancashire
- Harber, Denzil D, (1909-1966), Revolutionary Socialist and ornithologist
- Harber, Julian, (fl 1990), Peace Campaigner
- Harley, John Hunter, (1865-1947), Congregational minister and journalist
- Harrison, Sir Cyril Ernest, (1901-1980), Knight, Chairman, English Sewing Cotton Co Ltd
- Haslett, Dame Caroline Harriet, (1895-1957), Electrical Engineer
- Hayman, Sir Cecil George Graham, (1893-1966), Knight, Chairman of the Distillers Co
- Hayter, Dianne, (b 1949), General Secretary of the Fabian Society
- Heywood, Harold, (1905-1971), mechanical engineer
- Hills, Christopher, (b 1926), microbiologist and author
- Hinden, Rita, (1909-1971), Socialist and Anti Colonialist
- Hinton, James, (fl1981-1987), academic and peace activist
- Hobsbawm, Eric, (1917-2012), historian
- Hocking, Silas Kitto, (1850-1935), Methodist minister and novelist
- Hockley, Henry, (1928-1932), Henry Hockley, woodworker and missionary Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire;Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire
- Hodges, Frank, (1887-1947), MP, miners' leader
- Hodgkinson, George Edward, (1893-1986), Mayor of Coventry
- Hoe, Susanna, (b 1945), biographer and author
- Holford, John, (1953-), academic
- Holland, Sydney George, (1855-1931), 2nd Viscount Knutsford, hospital reformer
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, (1841-1935), American Jurist
- Housman, Laurence, (1865-1959), writer and artist
- Hughes, Lynette, (fl1987-2017), social worker
- Hunt, Maurice William, (b 1936), Businessman Secretary of the CBI
- Hyman, Richard, (b 1942), Professor of Industrial Relations
- James, Edward Foster, (b 1917), businessman
- Jenkins, David Clive, (b 1926), Trade Unionist
- Jones, James Larkin Jack, (1913-2009), trade unionist
- Kempson, AW, (1902-1976), cyclist
- Kent, Bruce, (b 1929), Chairman of CND
- Kipping, Sir Norman Victor, (1901-1979), Knight, Director General of Federation of British Industry
- Koestler, Arthur, (1905-1983), author
- Laing, Sir John Maurice, (b 1918), Knight, Director of the Bank of England President of the CBI
- Laker, Howard Charles, (1948-1949)
- Lemare, Iris, (1902-1997), musician
- Lewis, Antony John, (b 1942), statistician
- Lewis, Ernest Isaac, (1876-1961), Chemist and Educationalist
- Lewis, John Spedan, (1885-1963), businessman
- Lilleyman, Donald, (fl 1991-2002), historian Yorkshire and the Humber
- Lindley, Charles Gustaf, (1865-1957), Swedish Trade Unionist and MP
- Litterick, Thomas, (1929-1981), MP for Birmingham Selly Oak Selly Oak, Warwickshire
- Little, John Carruthers, (1874-1957), Trade Union Leader
- Livingstone, Sir Richard Winn, (1880-1960), Knight Educationist
- Locock, Sir Guy Harold, (1883-1958), Knight, Director of FBI
- Lubbock, John, (1834-1913), 1st Baron Avebury, politician
- Lyons, John, (1926-2016), trade union leader
- Macaulay, Dame Emilie Rose, (1881-1958), novelist, travel writer and critic
- Mackay, Ronald William Gordon, (1902-1960), politician
- Mackenzie, Sir James Moir, (1886-1963), Knight, Deputy Director General Federation of British Industries
- MacLeod, George Fielden, (1895-1991), Baron Macleod of Fuinary, Church of Scotland minister
- Mais, Stuart Peter Brodie, (1885-1975), Writer and Broadcaster
- Maldon, Amy, (1872-1957), cyclist
- Mann, Thomas, (1856-1941), Trade Unionist and Communist
- Marginson, Paul, (fl 1977-2014), emeritus professor of industrial relations
- Marquis, Frederick James, (1883-1964), 1st Earl of Woolton, politician and businessman
- Marsh, Arthur, (1922-1999), academic and industrial arbitrator
- Maude, Sir Frederick Stanley, (1864-1917), Knight, Lieutenant General
- McFadzean, William Hunter, (b 1903), Baron McFadzean
- Meakin, Walter, (1878-1940), journalist
- Menuhin, Yehudi, (1916-1999), Baron Menuhin, violinist
- Methven, Sir Malcolm John, (1926-1980), Knight, Director General of the CBI
- Michaelson, David, (1912-1975), trade unionist and Communist
- Mills, Leif, (1936-2020), trade union leader
- Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Sir Alan Richard, (1868-1949), Knight, Lieutenant General
- Moodie, Graeme, (fl1980-1991), researcher into higher education
- Morris, Sir William, (b1938), Knight Trade Unionist
- Mortimer, James Edward, (1921-2013), trade unionist, public servant and writer
- Mothersson, Keith, (d 2009), peace activist and campaigner
- Nellist, David, (b 1952), Labour MP
- Niblett, William Roy, (1906-2005), educationist
- Nicholas, Peter, (b 1914), Trade Unionist
- Norman, Sir Arthur Gordon, (b 1917), Knight, President of the CBI
- Nugent, Sir Roland Thomas, (1886-1962), 1st Baronet
- Owen, Sir Alfred George Beech, (1908-1975), Knight Industrialist
- Pakenham, Francis Aungier, (1905-2001), 7th Earl of Longford, politician, writer, and philanthropist
- Parkes, James William, (1896-1981), Historian and Theologian
- Parsons, Sir Harold Daniel Edmund, (1863-1925), Knight, Major General
- Partridge, Sir Ernest John, (1908-1982), Knight, President of the CBI
- Pennefather, Catherine, (1818-1893), Religious poet and evangelist
- Pennock, Raymond William, (b 1920), Baron Pennock
- Pilkington, William Henry, (1905-1983), Baron Pilkington, industrialist
- Pollitt, Harry, (1890-1960), Communist Party Leader
- Pope, Sir George Reginald, (1902-1982), Knight Director of the Times
- Purdie, Robert, (b 1940), Marxist
- Quick Smith, George William, (b 1905), Chief Executive of the National Freight Corporation
- Raine, Kathleen Jessie, (1908-2003), poet
- Rank, Joseph Arthur, (1888-1972), Baron Rank
- Rapoport Rollin, Aaron, (1885-1972), trade unionist
- Raven, Charles Earle, (1885-1964), Theologian Pacifist
- Redman, Arthur Stanley, (1879-1963), Brigadier
- Rees, Bryan, (b1951), socialist and trade unionist
- Rigby, Andrew, (fl 1950-1977)
- Rigby, Bryan, (b 1933), businessman
- Roberts, Wilfred, (1900-1991), MP
- Rose, Eliot Joseph Benn, (b 1909), Publisher
- Rose, Gillian, (1947-1995), Professor of Sociology
- Rosten, Leo, (b 1908), Author and Social Scientist
- Routh, Guy, (1916-1993), economist
- Rubinstein, Harold Frederick, (1891-1975), Playwright
- Runge, Sir Peter Francis, (1909-1970), Knight, Joint Vice Chairman, Tate & Lyle
- Russell, Sam, (1915-2010), journalist Hackney, Middlesex
- Russell, Sheridan William Robin, (1900-1991), cellist
- Samuels, Harry, (1893-1976), industrial lawyer, OBE Liverpool, Lancashire
- Sara, Henry, (1886-1953), Trotskyist
- Scamp, Sir Athelstan Jack, (1913-1977), Knight Industrial Relations Specialist
- Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich, (1911-1977), economist, conservationist and writer
- Scott, Sir Leslie Frederic, (1869-1950), Knight, judge and MP
- Scott-Moncrieff, Sir George, (1855-1924), Knight, Major General, Royal Engineers
- Sexton, Sir James, (1856-1938), Knight Labour Leader and Politician
- Shinton, Neville Keith, (1925-2018), clinician and professor
- Silver, Harold, (b 1928), academic
- Simmons, John Richardson Mainwaring, (1902-1985), management systems analyst
- Sinclair, Sir Robert John, (1893-1957), 1st Baron of Cleeve, Chairman Imperial Tobacco Co Ltd
- Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, (b 1939), Baron Skidelsky, economist, historian and politician
- Smith, Stirling, (fl 1970-2010), political activist
- Sorensen, Reginald William, (1891-1971), Baron Sorensen, MP
- Spencer, Terry, (fl 1991-2002), historian Yorkshire and the Humber
- Spender, Sir Stephen Harold, (1909-1995), Knight, poet
- Stacey, Margaret, (1922-2004), Professor of Sociology
- Stanton, Margaret, (1918-2012), political campaigner
- Steele, Joe, (d c1980), trade unionist Coventry, Warwickshire
- Stephen, Henrietta, (1925-2020), trade union official
- Stockwood, Arthur Mervyn, (1913-1995), Bishop of Southwark
- Stokes, Richard Rapier, (1897-1957), Labour politician
- Stokes, William Henry, (1894-1977), Trade Unionist and Industrialist
- Strachey, Evelyn John St Loe, (1901-1963), statesman and political thinker
- Streatfeild, Lucy Deane, (1865-1950), civil servant, social worker and first female factory inspector
- Stringer, Sidney, (1889-1969), Coventry City Councillor
- Stubbs, Albert Ernest, (1877-1962), Labour politician and trade unionist
- Sullivan, Martin Gloster, (b 1910), Dean of St Pauls
- Swinden, Thomas Alan, (b 1915), businessman
- Symons, Julian Gustave, (1912-1994), Author
- Tallack, William, (1831-1908), Prison Reformer
- Tawney, Richard Henry, (1880-1962), historian
- Taylor, Alan John Percivale, (1906-1990), Historian
- Temple, Simon, (fl 1967-1986), Trotskyist
- Thompson, Edward Palmer, (1924-1993), historian
- Thompson, Marjorie, (b 1957), peace activist
- Thornett, Alan, (b 1937), trade unionist and Trotskyist
- Tillett, Ben, (1860-1943), Labour Leader MP
- Titmuss, Richard Morris, (1907-1973), Professor of Social Administration
- Todd, Ron, (1927-2005), trade unionist
- Tofahrn, Paul, (1901-1979), Belgian Trade Unionist
- Tolliday, Steven, (fl 1937-1985), professor of economics and social history
- Trevor, John, (1855-1930), Founder of the Labour Church
- Turner, Herbert Arthur Frederick, (d 1998), professor of industrial relations, Cambridge University
- Undy, Roger, (b1938), industrial relations scholar and academic
- Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, (1881-1957), Baron Vansittart, diplomat
- Vick, Sir Francis Arthur, (1911-1998), Knight, academic and physicist
- Wade, Arthur Maurice, (b 1901), writer on finance and money
- Walker, Douglas, (1894-1962), General Secretary of FBI
- Wall, Ian, (fl 1970-2004), trade unionist
- Wall, Pat, (1933-1990), MP for Bradford North
- Walston, Henry David Leonard George, (1912-1991), Farmer
- Watkinson, Harold Arthur, (1910-1995), Viscount Watkinson
- Wedderburn, Kenneth William, (1927-2012), Lord Wedderburn of Charlton, academic lawyer
- Wellock, Wilfred, (1879-1972), MP and author
- Wess, William, (1861-1946), trade unionist
- Weston, Harry, (1896-1989), machine tool manufacturer, politician and philanthropist
- Whitehead, Philip, (1937-2005), MP and MEP
- Whitt, Frank Rowland, (1911-1984), chemical engineer and cycling expert
- Wicks, Harry, (b 1905), Trotskyist
- Wilkie, Alexander, (1850-1928), MP and trade unionist
- Wilkinson, James , (b1930), docks shop steward
- Wilkinson, Pete, (b 1946), environmental campaigner
- Willett, Arthur, (b 1910), Trade Unionist and Liberal Activist
- Williams, Robert, (1881-1936), MP, trade unionist and journalist
- Williams, Shirley Vivien Teresa Brittain, (b 1930), politician
- Wilson, Colin Henry, (1931-2013), philosopher, critic and author Leicester, Leicestershire
- Wilson, James Harold, (1916-1995), Baron Wilson of Rievaulx, statesman
- Wilson, Joseph Havelock, (1858-1929), Labour Leader
- Wilson, William, (1913-2010), solicitor and Labour MP Coventry, Warwickshire
- Wilton, Robb, (1881-1957), comedian
- Winslow, Barbara, (b 1945), historian and feminist
- Woodcock, George, (1904-1979), Trade Union leader
- Young, Arthur Primrose, (1885-1977), Manufacturing Engineer
Diaries (23)
- Ashcroft, Wayne, (b c1977-), former councillor and former member of National Front West Midlands
- Barker, Fred, (fl c1980), historian
- Blum, Fred Herman, (1955-1980), Writer On Industrial Democracy
- Brown, Richard Kemp, (1933-2007), sociologist
- Charlton, George, (1871-1877), Colliery Joiner Shaftsman And Engineer Durham;Durham
- Cohen, Alan, (1932-2012), social worker and lecturer in Social Administration Hackney, Middlesex;Lancaster, Lancashire
- Critcher, Charles, (fl1980-2014), sociologist
- Greendale, Walter, (fl 1981-), president of the Transport and General Workers' Union
- Guy, Joy, Social Worker
- Hastings, Sue, (fl 1990-2003), employment consultant
- Hewitt, George, (fl c1928-c1985), cyclist
- Hoskyns, Catherine, (fl 1990-2000), Professor of European Studies Coventry, Warwickshire
- Huiskamp, R Coventry, Warwickshire
- Lagrue, G P S, Carpenter
- Lane, Tony, (fl 1970-1989), industrial relations researcher
- Lindop, Fred, Professor Of History Birkenhead, Cheshire;Hull, Yorkshire;Liverpool, Lancashire;London
- MacLean, Frances Moira, (fl c1950-2000), teacher and journalist
- McDougall, Kay, Social Worker
- Richards, Kathleen B, (fl 1976-1979), social worker
- Rolls, Ken, (fl1938-1948), Cyclist Warwickshire
- Rookes, Douglas, (fl 1964), draughtsman
- Swinden, Alan, Engineer
- Wendelken, Claire, (fl c1983), social worker
Families (1)
- Tench family South West;Wales;Isle of Wight
Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (174)
- NRA 26468 Marjory Allen, Lady Allen of Hurtwood: corresp and papers
- NRA 28875 Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Constructional Section link to online catalogue
- NRA 33604 Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Engineering Section
- NRA 19922 Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, Foundry Section
- NRA 18603 Ashton, Haydock and Bolton Miners Trade Union link to online catalogue
- NRA 22696 Jack Askins: Manchester busmen union papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20908 Associated Society of Shipwrights link to online catalogue
- NRA 29895 Association of Assistant Mistresses link to online catalogue
- NRA 24513 Association of Head Mistresses link to online catalogue
- NRA 20685 Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions: Solihull branch
- NRA 23183 Association of Teachers of Domestic Science link to online catalogue
- NRA 32493 Association of University Teachers
- NRA 23101 Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs link to online catalogue
- NRA 11559 Atkinson Lorries (Holdings) Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 27758 Ernest Bader, promoter of common ownership in industry: corresp and papers
- NRA 20683 Colin Barker, politician: corresp and papers
- NRA 19551 Rowland Barrett, journalist: corresp and papers
- NRA 20292 Beeston Trades and Labour Council
- NRA 17830 Birmingham Small Arms Co Ltd, rifle, cycle, tool and aircraft components mfrs, Birmingham link to online catalogue
- NRA 20344 George Willliam Brassington, Anglican clergyman: corresp and papers for biography of John Trevor link to online catalogue
- NRA 16382 Brewers' Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 25473 Bristol Unity Players link to online catalogue
- NRA 39338 British Association of Social Workers link to online catalogue
- NRA 33797 British Clothing Industry Association: records of predecessor bodies
- NRA 28044 British Engineers Association
- NRA 38221 British Telecommunications Union Council
- NRA 28571 British Motor Industry Heritage Trust link to online catalogue
- NRA 29717 Sir Leslie Cannon, trade union official: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21635 Central Labour College
- NRA 17798 George Charlton, colliery joiner, shaftsman and engineer: journal link to online catalogue
- NRA 35310 Chrysler UK Ltd: Joint Shop Stewards' Committee link to online catalogue
- NRA 30482 Clearing Bank Union
- NRA 19844 Hugh A Clegg, professor of industrial relations: papers rel to footwear and other industries link to online catalogue
- NRA 30481 Clara Collet, civil servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24412 Commonwealth Industries Association
- NRA 23238 Confederation of British Industry
- NRA 36918 Confederation of Employee Organisations link to online catalogue
- NRA 24978 Confederation of Health Service Employees link to online catalogue
- NRA 33003 Council of Civil Service Unions
- NRA 20018 Council of Post Office Unions link to online catalogue
- NRA 19095 Courtaulds Senior Staff Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 22796 Courtaulds Group One Staff Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 19729 Coventry and District Engineering Employers' Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 19144 Coventry Borough Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 29716 Coventry Chain Co: shop stewards committee link to online catalogue
- NRA 17796 Coventry North Constituency Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 30929 Coventry Precision Ltd, engineers: shop stewards committee link to online catalogue
- NRA 17797 Coventry Progressive Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 17794 Coventry Trades Council link to online catalogue
- NRA 40315 Richard Howard Stafford Crossman MP: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24458 Cyclists Touring Club link to online catalogue
- NRA 32741 Lawrence Daly, trade unionist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 35299 Jimmy Deane, Trotskyist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25597 Devlin commission on industrial and commercial representation
- NRA 38300 Charles Stuart Dunbar, road haulage operator, writer and consultant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20259 East Midlands Region of the Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 8972 Electrical Trades Union
- NRA 31486 Engineering Employers East Midlands Association
- NRA 26593 Engineering Employers Federation link to online catalogue
- NRA 27377 Engineering Employers West Midlands Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 27655 Richard Albert Etheridge, trade unionist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19507 Federation of Sailmakers of Great Britain and Ireland link to online catalogue
- NRA 39844 Charles Fenby, newspaper editor: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 40314 Fire Brigades Union link to online catalogue
- NRA 19448 Gas Staff Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 21377 Gatehouse Motors Ltd, motor car dealers, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 31487 Gillott Motors Ltd, motor dealers, Sheffield link to online catalogue
- NRA 40639 Sir Victor Gollancz, publisher: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 42684 Government Communications Head Quarters, Cheltenham: trade union records link to online catalogue
- NRA 22556 Sir William Guy Granet, railway administrator: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 26872 Reginald Groves, journalist and historian: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19871 Sir Joseph Hallsworth: research papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 17827 Handsworth Constituency Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 18534 John Hunter Harley, Congregational minister and journalist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 24512 Head Masters Association
- NRA 19031 HMSO Press (Harrow) Federated House Chapel
- NRA 32344 Silas Kitto Hocking, Methodist minister and author: sermons and misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16356 Howard League for Penal Reform
- NRA 41292 Richard Hyman, industrial relations expert: papers rel to restructuring of the National Union of Ra link to online catalogue
- NRA 36919 Incomes Data Services Ltd, London
- NRA 32570 Inland Revenue Staff Federation link to online catalogue
- NRA 40027 Institute of Administrative Management link to online catalogue
- NRA 19808 Institute of Personnel Management
- NRA 43090 Inter-Banks Organisation and Methods Association
- NRA 19921 International Marxist Group link to online catalogue
- NRA 28059 International Transport Workers Federation link to online catalogue
- NRA 8975 Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
- NRA 42582 David Clive Jenkins, trade unionist: diaries, corresp and papers
- NRA 27654 Jensen Motors Ltd, motor car mfrs, West Bromwich link to online catalogue
- NRA 39595 Ernest Isaac Lewis, chemist and educationist: misc corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 26288 Linoleum Manufacturers Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 25596 John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury: papers rel to the regulation of shop hours link to online catalogue
- NRA 21673 Macclesfield Silk Manufacturing Society Ltd link to online catalogue
- NRA 33514 Tom Mann, trade unionist and communist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 27052 David Michaelson, labour activist and writer: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 18602 Midland Bolt, Nut, Screw & Rivet Employers' Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 28058 Motor Cycle Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 30930 Manufacturing, Science and Finance link to online catalogue
- NRA 20209 National and Local Government Officers Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 23021 National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders link to online catalogue
- NRA 21376 National Association of Schoolmasters link to online catalogue
- NRA 22528 National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education link to online catalogue
- NRA 32062 National Federation of Building Trades Operatives link to online catalogue
- NRA 37157 National Federation of Professional Workers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22527 National Graphical Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 9334 National Graphical Association: London Region
- NRA 19297 National Guild of Telephonists link to online catalogue
- NRA 19567 National Minority Movement: Coventry Branch and Midland Bureau
- NRA 9376 National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers link to online catalogue
- NRA 16381 National Trade Development Association
- NRA 19728 National Union of Bank Employees link to online catalogue
- NRA 40030 National Union of Glovers and Leatherworkers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19139 National Union of Journalists: National Executive Committee
- NRA 18682 National Union of Mineworkers: Birch Coppice branch link to online catalogue
- NRA 10065 National Union of Railwaymen link to online catalogue
- NRA 9207 National Union of Seamen link to online catalogue
- NRA 33798 National Union of Teachers link to online catalogue
- NRA 38385 Peter Nicholas, trade unionist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 40313 Operational Research Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 21546 J Parnell & Son Ltd, builders, Rugby link to online catalogue
- NRA 18601 Penworkers' Federation link to online catalogue
- NRA 33300 Phenol Producers Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 8977 Plumbing Trades Union link to online catalogue
- NRA 20086 Post Office Engineering Union link to online catalogue
- NRA 9378 Printing and Kindred Trades Federation
- NRA 20684 Robert Purdie, politician: misc papers and pamphlets link to online catalogue
- NRA 29937 Ragosine Oil Co Ltd, London link to online catalogue
- NRA 32343 Road Haulage Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 34917 Wilfrid Roberts MP: papers rel to Spanish refugees link to online catalogue
- NRA 42672 Rolls Royce Joint Shop Stewards' Combine link to online catalogue
- NRA 33410 Rooks Gift Society link to online catalogue
- NRA 33231 Rubery Owen Holdings Ltd, mfrs of vehicle and aircraft bodies and components, machine tools and str
- NRA 17795 Rugby Constituency Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 18553 Rugby Voluntary Co-operative Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 19094 Henry Sara, Trotskyist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21609 Sir Leslie Frederic Scott, judge, politician and public servant: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 17793 Selly Oak Constituency Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 36917 Ship and Boat Builders' National Federation link to online catalogue
- NRA 42583 The Shipping Federation
- NRA 35635 Shotton Steelworkers Action Committee link to online catalogue
- NRA 19727 Sign and Display Trades Union link to online catalogue
- NRA 39596 John Richardson Mainwaring Simmons, management systems analyst: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 25816 Socialist Vanguard Group link to online catalogue
- NRA 24977 Society of British Gas Industries link to online catalogue
- NRA 24976 Society of Civil and Public Servants link to online catalogue
- NRA 20773 Stansted Airport Action Group link to online catalogue
- NRA 38222 William Henry Stokes, trade unionist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21924 William Henry Stokes, trade unionist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19104 Lucy Anne Evelyn Deane Streatfeild, civil servant and social investigator: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 29308 Sidney Stringer, trade unionist and alderman, Coventry: letters and misc papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 22738 RJ Stynes, trade unionist: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 21336 Ken Tarbuck: collection rel to British Trotskyism incl Socialist Review Group minutes link to online catalogue
- NRA 40028 Edward Palmer Thompson, historian: corresp with Edward Ernest Dodd link to online catalogue
- NRA 42682 Alan Thornett, British Leyland shop steward: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 36652 Ben Tillett, trade unionist and MP: misc corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19307 Ben Tillett, trade unionist: papers (Ian Mackay collection) link to online catalogue
- NRA 27428 Paul Tofahrn, international trade unionist: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 35037 Trades Union Congress link to online catalogue
- NRA 9878 Transport and General Workers Union link to online catalogue
- NRA 24105 Transport and General Workers Union: Coventry district
- NRA 25817 Transport and General Workers Union: West Midlands region link to online catalogue
- NRA 31485 Transport Development Group plc: records of constituent companies link to online catalogue
- NRA 9208 Transport Salaried Staffs Association link to online catalogue
- NRA 21994 Triumph Engineering Co Ltd, motor cycle mfrs, Meriden link to online catalogue
- NRA 8970 Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians
- NRA 23132 Union of Post Office Workers
- NRA 18530 University of Warwick Modern Records Centre: misc accessions
- NRA 43091 Sir Francis Arthur Vick, Pro-Chancellor of Warwick University: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 20068 Warwick and Leamington Constituency Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 17826 West Midlands Region of the Labour Party link to online catalogue
- NRA 33329 Alexander Wilkie, general secretary of the Associated Society of Shipwrights: corresp link to online catalogue
- NRA 40072 Paul Worm, industrial relations expert: papers link to online catalogue
- NRA 19845 Wray's (Engineers) Ltd, Kenilworth
- NRA 33301 Arthur Primrose Young, works manager: corresp and papers link to online catalogue
These are selected lists of new or additional collections that were acquired by this archive during a specific year. If a date is not displayed there are no accessions for that year.