Catalogue description Palatinate of Lancaster: Chancery: Patent Rolls

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Reference: PL 1
Title: Palatinate of Lancaster: Chancery: Patent Rolls

The patent rolls in this series run from the first year of John of Gaunt's Palatinate (ducal years were used for dating 1377-1399) to 21 Henry VII. The series is incomplete, the main gaps being 1 Henry V to 10 Henry VI and 28 Henry VI to 1 Henry VII.

The rolls contain copies of documents which were issued under the Palatinate great seal, including grants, pardons, appointments, and leases. Since the royal writ did not run in the Palatinate the enrolments also include writs and mandates from the King for action in the county (for example to levy taxes); these become more numerous during the 15th century.

Date: 1380-1506
Separated material:

Chancery patent rolls, 8-9 Edward IV, together with a few grants and letters patent are on the close rolls at PL 2/3

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English, French and Latin
Physical description: 11 roll(s)
Physical condition: Some of the rolls are defective, particularly a roll in PL 1/2, which is a series of fragments from John of Gaunt and the first five years of Henry IV.
Publication note:

The first ten rolls are calendared in Deputy Keeper's report XL, app, no 4, pp 521-545.

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