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1939 Register - Request a search of closed records where the data subject is living

You can request a search of closed records for information about a living person if:

  • you are searching for information about yourself in the 1939 Register
  • you are acting on behalf of someone who has authorised you to request information about them

If we are able to locate the requested information, we will send you a full transcription of the record.

Please note that the information will only be disclosed to you and the record itself will remain closed.

We handle these requests free of charge under the terms of the Data Protection Act. They take up to 28 calendar days to complete.

The National Archives is not responsible for the content of the records.

If you want to request a search of closed records for information about someone who is deceased, you will need to use our other 1939 Register form to make a request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act.

What you need to send us

To enable us to carry out a search for a record of a living person, you must provide proof of your identity when you submit your request. This should be a copy of an officially issued document bearing your signature, such as:

  • a valid passport
  • a driving licence
  • a national identity card

If you are acting on someone else's behalf, we will require proof of their identity (not yours).

You also need to provide us with a letter of consent signed by that person.

Search details

Please provide us with information about the 1939 Register person that you want us to search for. We will use this information to search our systems for the closed record.

Address within the Register. Please note we require the address as of 29 September 1939
(the date the Register was taken) for the person about whom you are enquiring.

Additional information (Enter other relevant information,
for example information about siblings,
occupation, evacuation.) (optional)
Data subject access

Are you the data subject (is the above information about you)?

Proof of identity

Supply evidence of the data subject’s identity. It must bear a signature. For example, a copy of a driving licence or passport.

Files supported: .jpg, .png, .gif

Your contact details

Please choose how you would like to be contacted (email or post).

Email Post

Please note that any attempt to mislead may result in prosecution.
