Catalogue description Counterpart lease for 21 years from 29 September 1844 with licence to dig brick earth.

This record is held by The London Archives: City of London

Details of ACC/0328/051
Reference: ACC/0328/051
Title: Counterpart lease for 21 years from 29 September 1844 with licence to dig brick earth.

1. George Robert Rowe of Chigwell, Essex, esq., M.D. and Francis Passingham of Truro, Cornwall, gent.


2. James Basire the elder of Red Lion Square, engraver, and Emma his wife.


3. Edward Westbrook of Heston, brickmaker.


Premises: 10a. of freehold land called North Hyde Shott, part of North Hyde Farm, par. Heston [abuttals given; coloured brown on plan]; with licence to dig brick earth and manufacture bricks.


Rent: £30. yearly plus royalty of 2s. per 1000 bricks.

Date: 1845
Held by: The London Archives: City of London, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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