Catalogue description Matthew Long

This record is held by Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)

Details of 2845 A-99/PO2/39
Reference: 2845 A-99/PO2/39
Title: Matthew Long

Now in Membury, he was born in Stockland, Dorset and lived there until he was a man when he came to Membury for 9 months, he went back to Stockland and received relief there, he then returned to Membury and rented a small estate from his father in law W [torn away] Bellett for £11 10s which he stocked with two [torn away] which cost £9 15s, half this sum was advanced by the parishioners of Stockland so he would get a settlement in Membury, part was given him by his brother Benjamin and the rest he had earned

Date: 1756
Held by: Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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