Catalogue description DEEDS AND PAPERS

This record is held by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Details of DR10/1025
Reference: DR10/1025

Gift with warranty from Thomas Rychonde of Bretforde to John Russel of Coventr' of one acre of land in Fynham with its appurtenances which lies in the field called Meredenefurlonges between land of the Abbot of Stonleye and land which Roger de Hulle formerly held in breadth and extending in length from Coleweye to Meredene; to hold the same of the chief lord of the fee, rendering annually 2 pence; and for this the said John gives 50 shillings sterling.


Witnesses: Alexander de Crulefeld, Roger de la More, John de Fynham, Simon del Cloude, William le Westerne and others.


Dated at Fynham Thursday in the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 1 Edward II.


Tag and seal lost.


Endorsed: acra terre pro servitio iid [AG]

Date: 21 December 1307
Held by: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, not available at The National Archives
Language: Latin
Physical condition: Parchment, 8½ x 4¾ ins.

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