Catalogue description Papers relating to the sale of land at Thorne and Cobthorne, Ottery St. Mary, to the Sidmouth Railway Company

This record is held by Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)

Details of 2883 C/EFM 70
Reference: 2883 C/EFM 70
Title: Papers relating to the sale of land at Thorne and Cobthorne, Ottery St. Mary, to the Sidmouth Railway Company

Including: notices to owners, lessees and occupiers, with details of property affected, of an intended application to Parliament for an Act (Sidmouth Railway and Harbour) for making railways from Harpford to Ottery St. Mary and from Ottery St. Mary to Feniton, 1866, memoranda (2) of agreement, with plans, for the purchase of the land, 30 June 1873, draft abstract of title to Thorne and Cobthorne (1802-1874), 1874, order of Charity Commissioners authorising the sale, 6 January 1874, draft and statements of purchase money and interest, June 1874, 22 June 1874, copy conveyance, with plan, 22 June 1874

Date: 1866 - 1874
Held by: Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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