Catalogue description Papers concerning the lease of Bank Mill Salford by James Ackers to John Seaton, John Fox Seaton and Robert Seaton, Bankers of Pontefract who leased Bank Mill for a rent of £700 pa in 1809

This record is held by Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives)

Details of E16/4/4
Reference: E16/4/4
Title: Papers concerning the lease of Bank Mill Salford by James Ackers to John Seaton, John Fox Seaton and Robert Seaton, Bankers of Pontefract who leased Bank Mill for a rent of £700 pa in 1809

The mill was involved in Spinning Cotton. These papers include an inventory of the premises made by Jacob Goodier in 1809, a counterpart lease of the mill and two fire insurance policies dated 1849 for properties on Silk Street and Broughton Road.

Date: 1809-1849
Held by: Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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