Catalogue description VOLUME I

This record is held by Lambeth Palace Library

Details of





1-2. Jacob Rice to Bishop Compton, St. Johns, Nov. 6, 1711. Bishop was unable to obtain support for him from either Government or the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, but friends have provided him with a 'small competency' for the winter. He fears an enemy attack because of smallness of garrison and dependence on 'undisciplined inhabitants'. Rebuffed by Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in application for church furnishings, he hopes bishop can have these and some tracts sent in the spring. The church was defaced and parish library plundered by residents while he was away. Captain Crowe, the present commander, has helped him.


3-4. Testimonial of military court, held before Sir Nicholas Trevanion, Oct. 20, 1712, to character of Rice, in answer to protests against his efforts to collect clerical allowance of fish.


5-6. Jacob Rice to Bishop Compton, St. Johns, Nov. 6, 1712. Encloses (3-4) and gives some further details of dispute. Sir William Courteney is presenting the complaint. Captain John Furser of H.M.S. Kingsale has supported him.


7-8. Humble remonstrance of Charles Davis, successor to Rice, to the Bishop of London. Undated, but identified in (9-10). Three bad fishing years in succession have made it impossible for the people to support him. Asks Bishop Robinson to obtain a stipend from Government or Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


9-10. Charles Davis to Bishop Robinson, St. Johns, Oct. 11, 1716. Refers to (7-8) as previously sent and repeats plea for help.


11-12. Charles Davis to Bishop Robinson, Oct. 1, 1717. He succeeded Rice in 1715, when Rice was transferred to Placentia. Complains that Edward Roberts, vicar of Queensbury and chaplain of the Newcastle, holds service in a neighbouring hamlet the inhabitants of which formerly attended his services and paid him their dues, and that Robert baptizes in his parish without his consent.


13-14. Charles Davis to Reverend W. Hall, bishop's secretary, St. Johns, Oct. 1, 1717, enclosing (11-12) and asking his good offices with the bishop.


15-16. Richard Coxe to --- (probably Hall), Placentia, Oct. 5, 1719. Just arrived as chaplain to garrison. Lieutenant-governor, Colonel Gledhill, and commandant, Maj. Hendy, support him, but some Scotch officers are hostile. A layman, Thomas Philips, was employed to read services before he came. Inhabitants mostly Roman Catholic. Asks to be transferred as support inadequate.


17-18. Henry Johns to Henry Newman, Bonavista, Nov. 6, 1725. He has been well received and inhabitants are planning to rebuild church in spring. He wants to establish a charity school and seeks aid of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


19-20. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Bonavista, Nov. 6, 1725. Asks his aid for charity school and his direction concerning local custom of marrying without either banns or licence.


21-22. Proposals of Jones to the inhabitants of Bonavista, 1725. Probably enclosed in (17-18). In the form of questions concerning provision for winter services, rebuilding of the church, building of a rectory, support of poor, and charity school.


23-24. Henry Newman to Bishop Gibson, Middle Temple, Jan. 20, 1725/6. Encloses (17-18) which was apparently sent him in belief that he represents Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, whereas his organization is S.P.C.K. Also mentions work of Society for Relieving Proselytes.


25-26. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Golden Artichoake, Covent Garden, Feb. 9, 1726/7. In England for winter because of poor health. Thanks bishop for obtaining gift of books from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


27-28. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Bonavista, Nov. 7, 1727. Returned in May. Inhabitants supported school by subscription, but their zeal is flagging now that war with Spain has interfered with trade. He will teach the children himself.


29. Statement signed by inhabitants of Trinity Bay, Aug. 12, 1729, expressing gratitude for lay ministry of John Moors.


30-31. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Bonavista, Dec. 1, 1729. Asks increase in Society for the Propagation of the Gospel allowance because of rising prices and decreased subscriptions. Heads of families still contribute, but servants refuse to do so since the punishment of some unspecified offenders by magistrates under Governor Henry Osborn. Jones has arranged for the reading of service in neighbouring hamlets by laymen.


32. Affadavit of John Moors, Poole, Mar. 5, 1730, that his ship, Agnes and Mary, was operated with one-fifth 'fresh' (inexperienced) seamen in accordance with an act of Parliament for encouraging trade to Newfoundland.


33-34. Lord Vere to Bishop Gibson, Portsmouth, June 1, 1730. Glad that a minister has been appointed for Trinity Bay.


35-36. John Fordyce to Bishop Gibson, St. Johns, Sept. 26, 1730. Thanks bishop for transferring his licence to that place. Well received by inhabitants and Lord Vere.


37-38. Robert Kilpatrick to Bishop Gibson, Trinity Bay, Oct. 21, 1730. Reached Trinity Sept. 2. People ignorant of Church ways. Has baptized seventeen children and two adults. Refers to himself as a convert to the Church.


39-40. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Bonavista, June 23, 1731. Has been visited by Kilpatrick, of whom he speaks well. Jones's church has been completed and he has a school-mistress teaching between twenty and thirty children.


41-42. Robert Kilpatrick to inhabitants of Trinity, July 4, 1731. Complains of unfriendly treatment and poor support. A local justice of the peace has stopped him from circulating a petition for further contributions.


43-44. Robert Kilpatrick to 'My Dear Parishoners,' Trinity, July 13, 1731. Apologetic in tone. Refers to dispute with Mr. Taverner as a misunderstanding.


45. Certificate of Henry Osborn (Governor), Sept. 9, 1731, that Reverend John Fordyce has presented a certificate of his good behaviour and devotion to duty, dated 28 June, 1731.


46-47. John Fordyce to Bishop Gibson, Oct. 2, 1731, says he obtained certificate above (45) because he had to deal with some 'capricious and fractious' people. Appends account of burials and baptisms (no names).


48. Robert Kilpatrick to John Moores, undated but speaks of a year and a half as having passed since his appointment, April 10, 1730. Asks Moores to collect his subscription. List of baptisms appended, with names of fathers.


49. Inhabitants of Trinity to Bishop Gibson. Undated, but with references to (41-44). Complain that Kilpatrick left them suddenly after securing dismissal by Governor Clinton of Jacob Taverner (one of the signers) from post as justice of the peace.


50-51. Robert Kilpatrick to Bishop Gibson, New Windsor, New York, Oct. 26, 1732. Asks to be returned to Newfoundland because of poor reception at New Windsor. Notation (51). At a meeting of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Apr. 20, 1733, Kilpatrick was permitted to return to Trinity with an allowance of £40 per annum.


52-53. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Bonavista, Nov. 27, 1733, has asked to be transferred, but received no reply. His parishioners have subscribed well this season, but will make no regular pledge.


54-55. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, Bonavista, July 8, 1734. A brief, general account of his work. Has baptized several adults. Visits Trinity as often as he conveniently can.


56-57. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson. Undated, but notation on back refers to Society for the Propagation of the Gospel meeting, Feb. 20, 1735. Asks for special aid as a poor fishing season has reduced subscriptions. Notation says a gratuity of £40 was granted him.


58-59. John Fordyce to Bishop Gibson, St. Johns, Sept. 11, 1735. He is sending the bishop a gift of the best fish.


60-61. Jos. Gorham, Lieutenant-governor of Placentia, to Bishop Terrick, Nov. 12, 1771, asking for a clergyman. Town and garrison have been without a regular minister for twelve years.


62-63. Henry Jones to Bishop Gibson, undated. Acknowledges gift from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and speaks of letter from Kilpatrick reporting his arrival in Trinity.


64-65. John Moors to Bishop Gibson. Damaged, date missing. After (first or second?) removal of Kilpatrick. Asks appointment of a clergyman for Trinity. (Cf. xl. 1-10 for a printed sermon by Moors.)




66-67. R. Watts to L. Armstrong (acting governor), Annapolis Royal, Apr. 10, 1729. Declines to account to governor for communion alms as he is accountable only to Bishop of London. Accuses Armstrong of discourtesy in interview. Threatens to cease ministerial labours until arrival of Governor Phillipps.


68-69. L. Armstrong to R. Watts, Annapolis Royal, Apr. 10, 1729 (copy in Watts's hand). Answer to (66-67). Claims plenary authority in province. Accuses Watts of discourtesy in interview.


70-71. Rich. Watts to L. Armstrong, Annapolis Royal, Apr. 11, 1729. Answer to (68-69). Admits Governor Armstrong's military and civil jurisdiction but denies his ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Indicates that Watts is deputy to a Mr. Harrison.


72. One side of sheet contains copy, in Watts's hand, of (70-71). Other side contains copy in same hand of Latin apology from Jean Baptiste Brault, dated Mar. 15, 1729, for burning his tracts (cf. 75-76).


73-74. Rich. Watts to Bishop Gibson, Annapolis Royal, Apr. 24, 1729. Governor Phillips and Lieutenant-Governor Cosby have received him kindly, but Armstrong, when acting governor, refused him use of a house in the fort and deprived him of services of a soldier who had assisted him in his school. Gives some account of his ministerial labours and asks ruling concerning cases of'a commanding officer or other person' having a wife in England who openly keeps a concubine and of a person who sells his concubine as prostitute to another.


75-76. Rich. Watts to Bishop Gibson, Annapolis Royal, Apr. 24, 1729. His relations with old French priest were friendly, but new priest, appointed by Governor Armstrong, burned some French tracts which he had distributed comparing Church of England with Roman Catholic Church. Probably as the result of pressure from Governor Cosby, priest has since written a letter of apology (72). Also gives account of dispute covered by (66-72).


77-78. Richard Watts to Bishop Gibson, Annapolis Royal, Apr. 24, 1729. Governor Cosby tells him that burning of tracts has promoted cause of Church by exciting curiosity of French about them. Governor Cosby, whose support is of great help to Watts, has lately married daughter of English merchant and Acadian wife. Lady, like her father, adheres to the Church.


79-80. Rich. Watts to Bishop Gibson, Annapolis Royal, Nov. 24, 1730. Dispute over communion alms settled by spending the money on Prayer Books, bound with Tate and Brady, for distribution to those who need them. Governor Philipps has promised his support to Watts in seeking chaplain's commission. Mrs. Watts is going home to solicit it and he asks the bishop's help. (Cf. xxxvi. 242-75 for additional letters of Watts.)


81-82. R. Philipps to Bishop Gibson, Annapolis Royal, Nov. 26, 1730, supporting Watts's application.


83. Testimonial in favour of Watts by Lieutenant-Governor Law, Armstrong, Nov. 25, 1732. Countersigned by William Shirreff, Secretary.


84-85. Memorial of Richard Watts to Bishop of London, Nov. 25, 1732, asking him to use his influence to secure the repair of the chapel, which is in ruinous condition.


86-87. R. Watts to Bishop Gibson, Annapolis Royal, Nov. 25, 1732, enclosing (83-85). Governor has allowed him the use of a barrack for his school.


88-89. Statement of Dumesnil de St. Pierre, July 1, 1767 (in French), that he has set apart 40,000 acres for the establishment of the Anglican Church in his colony of French Protestants at Cap de Sable, and proposes to appoint Jaques Adam de Martel as chaplain.


90-91. John Eagleson to Reverend Doctor Burton, Secretary of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Halifax, Jan. 3, 1769. He was sent by Lieutenant-governor to newly settled island of St. Johns, where he officiated five months and recommends appointment of permanent missionary. Has been assigned to Cornwallis for the winter.


92-95. Peter de la Roche to Bishop Terrick, Lunenburg, Nov. 22, 1771. Deplores lack of bishops in colonies. Lack of Confirmation gives scandal to Continental Protestants, as in their home churches no one is admitted to communion without a renewal of baptismal vows. Would it be lawful for a priest to perform the ceremony, omitting the laying on of hands? Plans a series of catechical lectures, based on Osterval's catechism. On communion days, of which they have but few a year, it is necessary to hold three services between ten and two. Would it be permissible to speak the words of administration just once to each rail? In some parts of North America the priest murmurs them continuously while distributing the elements, but he feels that this practice lacks dignity. Speaks of two colleagues, Mr. Bailly, French, and Mr. Bryzelius, German.


96-101. Peter de la Roche to ('Rev'd Sir'), Lunenburg, Aug. 4, 1772. A long complaint against Bryzelius. De la Roche was appointed on application for a French missionary, but found that what was really wanted was one who could read the English service properly. Bryzelius claims to have had a university education, but was apparently bred as a watchmaker. Was an itinerant Moravian preacher in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Recommended for Anglican orders by Reverend Richard Peters. Has the 'American Spirit ... a Spirit of Separation, dispute, animosity to good order and discipline, and fondness for independency'. He does not understand the English service, is lax in discipline and neglects his ministerial duties for his farm. Dominated by his wife. He connived at closing the school, splitting the salary with the schoolmaster.


102-5. William Knox to William Pitt, --- 1786. Copied by W. O. Raymond from original in Archives of the Province of New Brunswick, Sept. 2, 1905. Knox claims, as former Under-Secretary of State, to have been chief promoter of colonial bishopric, but as part of a general plan for extending the full Church Establishment to the colonies. He fears that the appointment of a bishop for Nova Scotia, as an isolated measure, may do more harm than good.




106-9. Petition, undated but identified (III) as presented in 1764, signed by civil officers, merchants, and other Protestant residents of Quebec, asking an Society for the Propagation of the Gospel allowance for J. Brooke, who has served the civil population while deputy chaplain (later chaplain) of the garrison. Also ask a missionary who can officiate in French.


110-11. J. Brooke to Bishop Terrick, undated, but referring to 1764 petition. Living in retirement, on official leave, while retaining his chaplaincy, Brooke answers plea of deputy chaplain, Montmoulin, for compensation from him by saying that his absence does not increase deputy's duties, and by citing his own past services to garrison and civil population.


112-13. An account of sums which Brooke says were due him for various services, and which were never paid.


114-15. Report of subcommittee to committee of Privy Council for plantation affairs, Whitehall, May 30, 1765 (copy). Asked to report on proposals for a Roman Catholic bishopric in Quebec from the Chapter of Quebec and from Governor James Murray, they say they append several propositions designed to grant freedom of worship to Roman Catholics while providing for a Protestant Establishment, but cannot pass on the legality of their own proposals. Appended propositions not included in this copy (cf. 197-202).


116-19. Jean Baptiste Noel Veyssiere to Bishop Terrick (in French), undated, but including copy of a certificate from Protestants of Quebec dated Aug. 29, 1767. Veyssiere, a former Recollet priest, educated in seminaries in France and Quebec, who served for a time as missionary to Iroquois, has been converted to Protestantism and offers his services as a Protestant minister in Quebec. Copies of documents in Latin and French bearing on his career. Certificate dated as above, in English, asks his appointment to minister to French-speaking protestants in Quebec.


120-60. Francis Maseres to Reverend Mr. Majendie, May 28, 1768. Glad to learn that Veyssiere has been appointed to Trois Rivieres and DeLisle to Quebec, presuming that latter appointment is as minister to French Protestants. If to English congregation, he would prefer Mr. Montgomery. Regrets admission of Roman Catholic bishop, as without one it might have been possible to win over the priests to Protestantism by allowing them to marry and encouraging use of Anglican liturgy in French. Proposes some measures to this end under existing conditions. Bishop could be forbidden to exercise any power save that of ordination. Then the two measures proposed above could still be adopted. Monastic property could be acquired by Crown, either through sequestration or by forbidding orders to admit new members so that property would escheat on death of present members. Governor should be given power of arbitrary arrest over priests. Protestant grammar schools should be established and Catholic seminaries reduced to one. That at Montreal, the richest, should be turned into a Protestant university.


161-2. Extract from a letter of Governor Carleton to the Earl of Hillsborough, Quebec, July 21, 1768, objecting because Veyssiere and Montmillon returned with mandamus requiring him to appoint them to parishes of Trois Rivières and Quebec respectively. Criticizes Veyssiere, for levity. Montmillon wants him to seize the Jesuits' church which they have repaired at some expense after it was used as a storehouse during early English occupation.


163-6. Sir Guy Carleton to Bishop Terrick, Quebec, Aug. 13, 1768, explaining need for toleration. Inhabitants almost all Roman Catholic, and are a hardy people, inured to arms and with powerful Indian allies. Few Protestants outside of English garrison, and number diminishing. He will protect Protestant ministers, if they behave prudently, but has warned Montmillon and Veyssiere against disputation. Hints at doubts as to the sincerity of Veyssiere's conversion. Letter to be delivered by Doctor Brooke, of whom he speaks favourably.


167-8. Lord Barrington to Bishop Terrick, June 8, 1769. He will appoint Montmillon, recommended by bishop, as chaplain at Quebec in succession to Doctor Brooke unless something unexpected prevents. Asks bishop to make sure that there is no monetary transaction between the two. Makes residence a condition of appointment. Indicates that Chabian DeLisle is chaplain at Montreal.


169-70. Df. de Montmollin to Bishop Terrick, Quebec, Oct. 6, 1773. Thanks him for past favours and asks help in education of eleven-year-old son.


171-2. J. King to --- Reddick, Whitehall, July 22, 1796, informing him that he has been appointed one of four chaplains to Upper Canada.


173-83. Copy of ecclesiastical clauses in draft of instructions to Governor Carleton. Undated. Toleration of freedom of worship does not include extending to Church of Rome the privileges of an established church. All appeals to any foreign ecclesiastical authority prohibited. Only such episcopal or vicarial powers to be exercised as are essential to the free exercise of religion, and those only on licence from the governor. No Roman Catholic, except present incumbents, allowed to hold any ecclesiastical benefice unless he is a native of province. Protestant minister to be appointed to any parish where a majority of the inhabitants desire it. Tithes paid by Protestants in a parish with a Roman Catholic incumbent to go to a general fund for the support of Protestant ministers. All Roman Catholic holders of benefices to take oath of allegiance. Incumbents to hold benefices during good behaviour. Priests who marry not to suffer any penalty. Burial in churchyards to be permitted to all Christians. Prayers for the King required. Seminaries of Quebec and Montreal to be continued, but subject to visitation by governor. Other religious orders, except Jesuits, to be continued tentatively, but forbidden (except those for women) to receive new members. Jesuits to be suppressed. Missionaries to Indians to be replaced with Protestants. Roman Catholic clergy forbidden to proselytize or influence persons making wills. Protestant clergy to be protected. They, as well as schoolmasters, to be licensed by Bishop of London, and his colonial jurisdiction to be supported, except for collating to benefices, probating of wills, and granting marriage licences, which powers are reserved to governor. Laws against vice and immorality to be enforced.


184-9. List of parishes, religious communities, and Indian missions, with estimated incomes. Undated. In French.


190-4. A similar, but not identical, list in English. Undated.


195-6. Undated. An estimate of ecclesiastical incomes together with proposals from an unknown correspondent for curbing Roman Catholicism and promoting Protestantism. Proposals include: establishing a Protestant ecclesiastical court; introducing a Protestant bishop, with dean and chapter, and suppressing the Roman Catholic bishops (plural used); requiring candidates to seek ordination from licensed Roman Catholic bishops in England or Ireland.


197-202. Undated. 'Heads of a plan for the Ecclesiastical Affairs in the Province of Quebec.' These may be the 'propositions' referred to in (114-15), but as they are in a different hand and on different size sheets, the identification is not thought certain enough to justify joining the two documents. They would introduce as full a Protestant establishment as is possible while allowing freedom of worship to Roman Catholics. Person 'licensed to superintend the affairs of the Romish Church' (term 'bishop' avoided throughout) to be limited to functions essential to freedom of worship. Jesuits to be suppressed and their property transferred to Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Indian missionaries to be replaced with Protestants. Chapter of Quebec to be abolished. Récollet order to be continued but forbidden to receive new members. Its property to go to Society for the Propagation of the Gospel when it dies out. Seminaries of Quebec and Montreal consolidated and surplus funds used for Protestant purposes. Religious communities of women continued with prohibition of new professions. Dependence of all ecclesiastical organizations on any authority in France to be abolished. Public processions prohibited. Churches to be shared with Anglicans. Protestants exempted from tithes. Protestant clergy to be introduced in such numbers as may be recommended by Bishop of London and Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.




203-4. Acts of colonial legislature relating to religion, beginning with act approving Saybrook Platform, 1708. Other acts undated. One allows dissenters from colonial establishment to claim the benefits of the English Toleration Act, but others seem to deny this, for they provide that the minister chosen by a majority of the legal voters and full church members shall be the official minister of the town, and that no other religious organization shall be allowed without express consent of legislature.


205-6. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, June 3,1724. Acknowledges queries, which he is answering and returning. Asks appointment of bearer, Thomas Salmon, as schoolmaster in Stratford, since there is no Church school in colony. Complains that Church people are prosecuted for not supporting Congregational establishment. Communion plate presented by Queen Anne to Narragansett transferred to Stratford by Bishop Compton when Narragansett was without a minister. Present minister, McSparran, has an order from Bishop Gibson for its return. Johnson is reluctant to surrender it, but will, if bishop insists.


207-8. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Oct. 10, 1724. Need for ecclesiastical authority shown by Harris-Cutler dispute in Boston, which he attributes to Harris's disappointment in not being called to Christ Church (cf. iv. 113-22) and by persecution of Churchmen in Connecticut. More about Communion plate.


209. Johnson's answers to Bishop Gibson's queries (cf. Introduction, p. xxiii). He has been in Stratford since Nov. I, 1723. Formerly a teacher in the 'Presbyterian method' at West Haven. Constantly resident in Stratford. Town is about 10 miles square with 250-300 families, of whom about 50 are Church. Church people from other towns also attend his services. About 200 Indians within the town, for whose conversion nothing is done. A few Negro slaves, some of whom attend church. Services on Sundays and holidays. Congregations range from 75 to 300. Communion administered monthly to about 30 and on high festivals to about 60. Youth catechized after evening service every Sunday. No church (though one is being built) and no furnishings except the disputed Communion plate. Receives little from people in addition to Society for the Propagation of the Gospel allowance of £60. No house, no glebe, no school, no library.


210-11. Joseph Browne to Bishop Gibson, New Haven, Mar. 15, 1724/5. Non-jurors have sent over two bishops, one of whom, with whom Browne has a slight acquaintance, has travelled about the country to promote their cause.


212. Samuel Johnson to ---, Stratford, June, 15, 1725. Chiefly about a matter of private business with which he is indirectly concerned, but has a postscript complaining of persecution of Churchmen in Connecticut.


213-14. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Nov. 4, 1725. Gratified to learn of bishop's efforts to secure an American episcopate. Encloses some account of the ecclesiastical laws under which Church people suffer. (Probably 203-4, but other documents seem also to have been sent.) Has no personal knowledge of facts in Communion plate controversy. Thinks Colonel Nicholson is probably the only one now living who does know the facts.


215. Henry Newman to Bishop Gibson, Nov. 25, 1725. Finding bishop engaged, he leaves this note, evidently hastily written, giving some information and asking instructions concerning correspondence relating to Connecticut and other colonies.


216. Samuel Johnson to --- ('Reverend, sir'), Stratford, Jan. 25, 1725/6. Gratified by bishop's support of episcopate. Church seems to gain favour in Stratford without making many actual converts.


217-18. Joseph Talcott to Bishop Gibson, Hartford, July 27, 1726, in answer to letters from bishop, says that Johnson's parishioners are exempted from paying to other ministers, but that exemption is not granted to individuals in towns having settled ministers and no Episcopal minister.


219-20. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Sept., 26, 1726. Repeats charges of persecution. Says that Churchmen who seek to settle in Connecticut are ordered out of town by constables.


221-2. Adherents of Church of England in New London to Bishop Gibson, Feb. 8, 1726/7, asking him to use his influence with Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to procure a missionary. McSparran of Narragansett, nearest Church minister, has visited them several times and baptized several adults and infants. They are building a church and will raise a subscription for a minister as soon as that is done.


223-4. Copy of (221-2).


225-6. Extracts from minutes of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Oct. 21, 1726, Jan. 20, 1726/7, Apr. 21, 1727. They employed Mr. Sharpe as solicitor to seek opinion of attorney and solicitor-general on validity under the charter of Connecticut laws taxing Churchmen for the support of Independent ministers. On the opinions being received, Mr. Sharpe was directed to lay the matter before the King.


227-8. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford Sept. 25, 1727. Grateful for increase in Society for the Propagation of the Gospel stipend, as local people are unable to contribute much. Henry Caner, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel schoolmaster in Fairfield has gone home for orders. Johnson hopes he will be returned as missionary to Fairfield, but recommends transfer of schoolmaster to Stratford.


229-30. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield Mar. 15, 1727/8. The legislature has passed an act to exempt Church members from paying for the support of Independent ministers, but local authorities interpret it as applying only to those living within a mile of Church minister.


231-2. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Apr. 2, 1728. Repeats information above. Has recently preached at New Haven, where Church people are trying to build a church. Refers to death of Samuel Myles and fears confusion in Boston from efforts of Harris to succeed him. Massachusetts General Court has excluded Church ministers of Boston from Harvard Board of Overseers, though they have served on it for several years and charter extends membership to all ministers in the area. Hopes case will be appealed to England.


233-4. Peter Buor to Bishop Gibson, New London, Sept. 13, 1728. Has glazed church at Fairfield and reserved enough glass for that at Westerly. Subscription for missionary at New London amounts to £40 currency per annum, but Church people are still being prosecuted for not supporting Independent ministers.


235-6. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Sept. 21, 1728. His congregation has increased, even though a number of former members are now affiliated with the Church in Fairfield. Seven whole families have been added, besides two Indians and two Jews. He continues to preach at New Haven and hopes to see a church there, though at present no one will sell them any land. Some Church people have moved to New York because of oppression in Connecticut.


237-8. William Lambert to Bishop Gibson, Boston, Dec. 5, 1728. Is forwarding a book of Connecticut laws and letter (233-4) at request of Major Buor. Lambert is Comptroller of Customs at Boston.


239-40. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, June 10, 1729. People are still fleeing the colony because of persecution, but he detects an increasing spirit of toleration in popular feeling. Having been convinced by fresh proof that the Communion plate belonged to Narragansett, he has delivered it to the church there, in spite of opposition from his own people in Stratford.


241-2. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Oct. 27, 1729. A number of members of King's Chapel, Boston, have urged him to become rector, but he leaves the decision to the bishop.


243-4. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Sept. 18, 1730. People unable to contribute as much to his support as Society for the Propagation of the Gospel expected, but they have worked out a long-term plan for support of future ministers.


245-6. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, June 4, 1731. Some dispute among American clergy on two points of practice. One concerns the injunction to godparents after baptism to bring the child to the bishop for confirmation. Some omit it entirely, others add the words, 'if there be opportunity', for adversaries of the Church ridicule the exhortation as a mere jest, when no bishops are available. The other practice is that of employing students who are candidates for the ministry to read sermons and prayers in villages which are destitute of a minister. Johnson has done this and believes that he has the implied approval of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for it, but some of the neighbouring clergy oppose it as irregular.


247-8. Samuel Johnson, J. Wetmore, and Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Mar. 25, 1732, recommending ordination of John Beach and his appointment to Newton or Reading. Beach, a Yale graduate and former dissenting minister, was sent to Newtown to oppose growth of Church, because of his superior ability and piety, but became a convert.


249-50. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Apr. 5, 1732. Accepts bishop's rullings (nature not stated) on points raised in (245-6), but wonders if, in entire lack of establishment, as attorney-general has ruled to be the case in Connecticut, some relaxation on unessential points might not be permitted. Speaks of enclosing some proposals not found in present papers. Refers to influx of Deistic writings and of disappointment of American Churchmen at failure of plans of Dean of Londonderry (George Berkeley, who sought to establish a college and bishopric in America).


251. Henry Caner to Reverend Doctor Becker, Rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, Fairfield, Apr. 6, 1732, introducing John Beach, and asking help for him in seeking ordination.


252. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Apr. 18, 1732. Some people, otherwise favourable to the Church, scruple at the sign of the cross in baptism and object to being obliged to have sponsors other than the natural parents of the child. He asks if it would be proper to indulge them on these points.


253. Act of General Assembly appointing certain elders to arbitrate dispute in church at Guildford, New Haven, Oct. 12, 1732.


254. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Nov. 6, 1732. Asks that his Society for the Propagation of the Gospel stipend be made equal to that of other missionaries in area. It is now £10 below general level.


255-6. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Apr. 19, 1733. Suggests the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel might pay the passage of candidates who come home for ordination. Recommends it especially in case of Mr. Browne, who had done much voluntary work as lay catechist. If Browne is appointed to Brookhaven, he will forego the extra £10 paid to Mr. Campbell there, and it can be used to employ his brother as schoolmaster in Stratford. Johnson recommends Mr. Arnold, another candidate, as an itinerant missionary.


257-8. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Dec. 10, 1733. Encloses (253) on supposition that it may violate ruling of Lords Justices in 1725 (relating to Massachussetts) forbiding the holding of synods without the King's consent. Contentions among the dissenters are turning people to the Church and he has hopes of several more converts from among the ministers.


259-60. Samuel Johnson, J. Wetmore, Henry Caner, and Isaac Browne to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Mar. 14, 1733/4. Testimonial in behalf of Ebenezer Punderson, formerly dissenting minister at North Groton, who is seeking orders.


261-2. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Mar. 29, 1734. Punderson and Arnold are both converts. Arnold had delayed going home for orders as he was unable to bring as many of his people into the Church as he hoped.


263-4. Clergy of Connecticut and part of New York to Bishop Gibson, New Haven, Sept. 11, 1735. Recommend ordination of Jonathan Arnold and his appointment as itinerant missionary in the vicinity of New Haven. He was formerly dissenting minister in New Haven.


265-6. Members of the Church of England in New Haven and neighbouring towns to Bishop Gibson, New Haven, Sept. 25, 1735. Informed by Johnson that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel is unable to add any new missions, they pledge themselves to pay £60 currency towards Mr. Arnold's support, hoping that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel will, in time, be able to supplement this. Note by Johnson says that this is a true copy of original which Arnold has with him.


267-8. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, May 10, 1736. Recommending John Cutler, son of Timothy for orders. He is a graduate of Harvard and has made some supplementary study of divinity, partly under Johnson. Postcript, dated Sept. 1, 1736, says that Cutler had delayed sailing until fall and thanks bishop for ordaining Arnold.


269-70. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Sept. 13, 1736. Has returned to Fairfield after a visit to England. Says dissenters are seeking to impede work of missionaries by accusing them to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


271-2. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Sept. 13, 1736. Enclosing (269-70) and recommending John Cutler for orders.


273-4. Ebenezer Punderson to Bishop Gibson, North Groton, Nov. 4, 1737. Three years after his ordination, he reports his work as progressing favourably. He has preached in a number of neighbouring towns.


275-6. Henry Caner to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Nov. 22,1738. Sent by Arnold, who has gone to England on business connected with his mission. Caner has preached in Norwalk, where there are now forty church families, and where he recommends establishing a mission. Asks additional allowance for his brother, Richard, who assists him as catechist and schoolmaster.


277. Jonathan Arnold to Bishop Gibson, New Haven, Dec. 14, 1738. Asks increase in missionary allowance.


278-9. Ebenezer Punderson to Bishop Gibson, North Groton, Dec. 12, 1741. A follower of Whitefield's named Davenport from Long Island preached recently in and about North Groton. He made a few converts who now hold regular meetings which are marked by various physical symptoms of religious frenzy.


280-1. Notice of action at meeting of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, Dec. 18, 1741. Agreed to appoint Richard Caner as assistant to his brother in Norwalk, Ridgefield, and Stanford at salary of £20 per annum, and to recommend him to bishop for orders.


282-3. Five of seven clergy in Connecticut to Bishop Gibson, Fairfield, Aug. 24, 1742. Suggest appointment of Johnson as commissary for colony, now nominally under commissary at Boston.


284-5. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Sept. 5, 1742. Endorses plea for commissary. Suggestion of his name not sought by him. Expresses condolence on death of bishop's wife and son.


286-7. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Gibson, Stratford, Feb. 10, 1747. Encloses an address (not now among the papers) of a group of Church people who are in jail for some violation of the religious laws. Colony has sent some of these laws home for confirmation, in hope of thus validating their establishment. Some of their ministers openly advocate lay ordination, though ministerial ordination is generally practised. People claim right to share with minister in all acts of discipline.


288. Matthew Graves to Bishop Sherlock, New London, July 20, 1750. Introduces Mr. Copp, son of 'Presbyterian' parents and former schoolmaster at New London, who is seeking orders. Having heard reports that bishop intends to appoint a native commissary for region, suggests that as an American is commissary for 'western' part of continent, a European might be named to the eastern part. Too modest to propose himself, he suggests MacSparran. Church people still subjected to some persecution. Praises bishop's sermon on the earth-quake.


289-90. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Sherlock, Stratford, Sept. 17, 1750. Acknowledges what appears to be appointment as commissary, though language is vague. Pleads for a bishop, subject to London. Finds it strange that 'true protestant English church' should not be supplied with bishops, when France and Spain provide for theirs, and even the 'little whimsical Sect of Moravians' have them.


291. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Sherlock, Stratford, Mar. 26, 1751. Sent by Thomas Bradbury Chandler, who is coming for orders. Expresses gratitude for bishop's efforts on behalf of American episcopate. Encloses paper sent by Connecticut clergy to a member of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel commenting on pamphlet sent from England with proposals for American bishops (292). Unable to give much account of work of former commissaries, as he had little contact with them.


292. Address of Connecticut clergy to member of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Undated, but attached to (291). They would like an episcopate with full power, as in England, but will accept a limited one as better than none. Think that a bishop might quieten disputes among dissenters that have followed Great Awakening. Can see no objections except such as proceed from hostility to Church. Believe an American bishop necessary to cause of Christianity under infidel attacks. Think that dissenters would become reconciled to it in a little time. Bishop needed to settle disputes and maintain discipline among Church clergy.


293-4. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Sherlock, Stratford, Sept. 25, 1755. Desire for episcopate heightened by fact that he hopes to see his son become a minister, but is shocked by thought of his having to cross the Atlantic for orders. Five of twenty-five clergy within his knowledge who have made the voyage have died before return. If a resident bishop cannot be obtained, he suggests that one of the youngest and ablest of the bishops of small dioceses be licensed to visit the colonies for a year or two.


295. Ebenezer Punderson to Bishop Sherlock, New Haven, Dec. 27, 1756. Acknowledges receipt of bishop's sermons, which he has ordered to be read in his several churches. He has four 'good timber' churches and two other congregations under his care. Asks gift of Bibles and Prayer Books from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


296-7. Clergy of Connecticut to Bishop Terrick, New Haven, Sept. 14, 1764 (signed by Samuel Johnson on behalf of whole group). Congratulate bishop on his translation and express hope for appointment of an American bishop.


298-9. Clergy of Connecticut to the King, Hebron, June 5,1765. Petition for the appointment of a bishop.


300-1. Clergy of Connecticut to Bishop Terrick, Hebron, June 6,1765. Enclose (298-9) and leave its presentation to the bishop's judgement.


302-3. Samuel Johnson to Bishop Terrick, Stratford, July 15, 1765. Answering request for information about religious situation in America. Writes with difficulty, because of trembling hand (noticeable difference in handwriting). Independents, 'or Congregationalists, as they call themselves', established by law in New England, especially Massachusetts and Connecticut, but torn by 'Arminian, Calvinistical, Antinomian & Enthusiastical controversies'. Presbyterians strongest in the 'Southwestern colonies', especially New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, where they have flourishing presbyteries. Renews plea for a bishop. Dissenters claim that civil government in England is on their side, and that episcopacy may eventually be abolished there.


304-5. Jeremiah Leaming to Bishop Terrick, Norwalk, July 20, 1765. Asks advice on case of woman who married in belief first husband was dead. He returned after some years, but refused to live with her, as she had children by second husband, but not by him. He left again and has not been heard from for eight years. Woman and second husband desire admission to communion.


306-7. Copy of (304-5).


308-9. Clergy of Connecticut to Bishop Terrick, Stratford, Oct. 8, 1766. Renew plea for a bishop, though they admit that turbulence of times makes measure temporarily inexpedient.


310-14. Rough notes of meeting held in Brookline, town of Pomfret, Connecticut, Feb. 6, 1770, and protest against action of meeting. Ostensible issue was the rebuilding of the meeting-house, but real issue appears to have been whether churchmen, who were building their own church, should be taxed for it. Meeting held that they should be.


315-16. Bond of James Masters and Hezekiah Thompson to pay £30 sterling to John Rutgers Marshall annually for life, Nov. 19, 1770.


317. Clergy of Connecticut to Bishop Terrick, May 19,1771 (signed by Jeremiah Leaming as secretary). Petition for a bishop.


318-19. Churchwardens and parishioners of Wallingford to Bishop ---. Undated. Speak of themselves as a newly organized church, served once a quarter by Theodore Morris. Some of them have been imprisoned for non-payment of ecclesiastical taxes.


(Cf. xxxvi. 246-50 for additional Connecticut documents.)

Date: 1708-1786
Held by: Lambeth Palace Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: FP I
Language: English

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