Catalogue description 1637

This record is held by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Details of
Title: 1637

1. MELLING Excommunications for person from Clapham, Burton Kendal, Budworth, Witton, Heapey.


2. ROCHDALE (Rattindale) Fragment from a defamation case of Ralph Strongfellow and Maria Turner (fragile).


3. SINGLETON (Lancaster) James Tompson c John Gaunt concerning the obligation of Gaunt to maintain him for life from exchange of land - indentures.


4. MARBURY George Bickerton c Thomas Heath in a disputed pew in the chancel - interrogations, depositions, responsions.


5. ROSTHERN Wm Leigh c Catherine Sprosten concerning his title to a pew belonging to West Hall - series of fragments only (fragile).


6. LANCASTER Augustine Wildbore S.T.P. vicar c Laurence Copeland for tithes and dues - full file.


7. LANCASTER Augustine Wildbore c Thomas Clayton for tithe pease - libel, responsions.


8. LANCASTER Fragment of a tithe cause concerning Augustine Wildbore c Thomas Dalton.


9. ARKHOLME Office c Wm Ellison curate, for not wearing surplice, not using sign of cross, giving communion to persons seated, keeping Conventicles, not bowing at Holy Name and giving support to Henry Burton sentenced by Star Chamber - libel.


10. WARRINGTON Isabella Lawrence c Anna Mollineux saying she was naughty with Thomas Jollibrand - libel, depositions.


11. WARRINGTON Report of a Commission from Bishop of Chester concerning the complaint by the inhabitants against the feoffees of Burtonwood chapel and school - file includes the school accounts.


12. WOODPLUMTON Ellena Roades c Jane Taylor for slander - libel.


13. CHRISTLETON Christiana Williamson alias Wainwright c Robert Wainwright & Elizabeth Gouldborne alias Wainwright concerning legality of the marriage of Robert to Elizabeth (file contains informative depositions on family relationships).


14. CHRISTLETON Full file of documents giving the defendants side of the above case.


15. ORMSKIRK Bridget Parr c Catherine Stopforth for slander. References to services in the chapel in Lathom House - full file.


16. ORMSKIRK Thomas Stanley c John Broscopp for holding conventicles in the vicarage at night, not wearing suplice, giving communion to persons seated, before Quarter Sessions for bastardy - libel, interrogations, depositions.


17. ORMSKIRK Ann Sankie c Maria Hawett for slander - depositions.


18. ORMSKIRK Lease for 21 years of lands in Ainscough by Edward Ireland to Lawrence Barker for 12/3 in two equal parts at Pentecost and St Marton the Bishop.


19. DARWEN (Blackburn) Robert Haydock clerk c James Walton for non payment of stipend - "says it was a voluntary contribution" - libel, responsions, depositions.


20. DARWEN James Walton clerk c Edmund Entwistle for not paying his share of the stipend - full file.


21. DARWEN James Walton c Henry Berry for non payment of stipend - depositions.


22. DARWEN James Walton c Sir Edward Osbaldeston concerning stipend. Details of the history of the chapel and school with list of pew holders, places and rents in 1628 - depositions, (fragile).


23. BOLTON Churchwardens c churchwardens of Rivington concerning their obligation to pay towards the repair of Bolton church - full file (see 1636 No. 56).


24. RIVINGTON Copy of the foundation charter of the free Grammar School and the right to use the chapel as a parish church, 7 August 1568. (See 1636 No. 56).


25. COLNE Nicholas Mitchell and others c John Robinson concerning repewing of the chapel with, poor timber, rotten and full of mortice holes, "opposing double seats and preferring single, for some still sit with their backs to the communion table" - full file. (1636 No. 39).


26. ROSTHERNE Churchwardens c Peter Leigh for refusing to pay his lays to the repair of the church. "Seats not uniform, want repairs in roof, walls and windows, floor not paved, belfrie farr out of order, windows unglassed, the font very unhansome, foule & indecent. Walls of the church by raine & wett dropping & running thereon turned green & mouldie. Doors of the church are broken and decayed and the porch is decayed" - full file.


27. ROSTHERNE Catherine Sproston c Wm Leigh saying she was "cursed woman known as Jezebel" - libel, responsions, depositions. (See No. 5).


28. CHESTER (St John Baptist) Richard Bennett canon of Chester c Wm Fearnall saying that, "the devill had entered into his heart" -libel, confession.


29. CHESTER (St Oswald) Christiana Williamson alias Waynewright c Robert Waynewright in a case of matrimony (see Nos. 13,14).


30. CHESTER (St John Baptist) Thomas Dodd c John Maddocks for slander - libel.


31. CHESTER (St Oswald) Lydia Ravenscrosse c Robert Ince for slander - depositions.


32. PLEMONDSTALL Office c Thomas Holford, vicar, for preaching a sermon in St Peter's, Chester supporting puritans and Those who refuse to conform. Not wearing suplice, not using sign of the cross, not bowing at Holy name nor standing for creed and gospel - full file (fragile).


33. BURTON (Kendal) Richard Cartmell c John Comeinge for slander - libel.


34. OVER KELLETT Charles Knot vicar of Bolton le Sands c Roger Eskrigge for tithe hemp- libel.


35. OVER KELLETT Charles Knott c Robert Cocke for tithe hemp - libel.


36. OLDHAM Edmund Atherton impropriatorriator c Robert Taylor for tithe goslings - libel.


37. ROSTHERNE Ellen Gregory c Margaret Eccles for slander - libel, depositions.


38. SHOTWICK Edward Lloyd c Margaret Whitehead saying he "had been naughty with her in a barn and once in the great Church in Chester - libel (fragile).


39. GULDEN SUTTON John Dutton c John Ditchfield for tithe of winter hemp, "19 bottles of 10 beets in a bottle", and gorse and thorns cut in the Milnefield - libel (fragile).


40. GUILDEN SUTTON John Dutton c John Woodcock for tithe, sentence costs (see 1636 No. 90) (fragile).


41. MALPAS Thomas Brereton c Roger Wakefield, schoolmaster, for negligence, depositions, responsions (see 1636 No. 103).


42. MALPAS Thomas Dawson c Margaret Tompkin concerning title to a pew - sentence.


43. SANDBACH Thomas Tudman, vicar, c Robert Alsager of Barthomley for tithe of cattle - libel, responsions.


44. SANDBACH Thomas Tudman c Richard Ley for tithe cattle - libel, responsions (unfit to issue).


45. SANDBACH Thomas Tudman c George Mainwaring for tithe hay - libel, responsions (fragile).


46. SANDBACH Thomas Tudman c John Leake for tithe corn and hay - libel (fragile).


47. SANDBACH Thomas Tudman c Hugh Goodhand for tithe corn - libel (fragile).


48. MIDDLETON Sir Ralph Assheton c churchwardens concerning a change of pew arising from the unifying of seats. Deposition of Wm Assheton vicar gives full details of the changes made - responsions, depositions (fragile).


49. CLITHEROE Jane Hyde c Janet Heard for slander - libel, interrogations, depositions.


50. NANTWICH Sentence in case concerning Henry Whicksteed as the guardian of Lawrence Clutton.


51. DAVENHAM Thomas Clayton c Samuel Carrington for tithe pease - libel.


52. DAVENHAM Excommunication for Robert Atherton for contumacy.


53. PRESTBURY Churchwardens c Thomas Turner for refusing to pay his assessment to the repair of the church - libel.


54. PRESTBURY Excommunication for John and Matilda Blackshaw for contumacy (see 1635 No. 59).


55. PRESTBURY Fragment of a defamation case concerning Ruth Hall.


56. PRESTBURY Thomas Crowther & Susanna Clarke c Thomas Jackson for slander - depositions, responsions.


57. MACCLESFIELD Thomas Orme c John Higginbotham of Macclesfield Park for slander - libel.


58. LAWTON Disputed accounts of the churchwardens - libel.


59. HOLT Wm Wasse and others c churchwardens concerning their accounts - sentence.


60. HOLT Depositions in a case concerning Mr Williams late preacher at Wrexham for preaching in Welsh in Holt church between noon and 1.00pm on 16 July.


61. HALE Bishop of Chester c John & Dorothy Ponsonby for tithe.


62. WALTON Cuthbert Sharples c John Walworth reporting to the Mayor of Liverpool that he had caught Sharples in bed with his step daughter - libel.


63. ECCLES Hugh Wadworth and others c exors of Thomas Erlam deceased for tithes due on wheat - fragments of libel (repairs).


64. BLACKBURN Office c Thomas Bolton and Susanna Wood for adultery - libel.


65. ROCHDALE Maria Turner c Gerrard newall for slander - libel.


66. ROCHDALE Michael Butterworth c Samuel Wilson for saying that "the Chancellor and Consistory at Chester kept him in fee and were as glad to see him come to court as a man in a Scarlet Coate" - depositions.


67. BARROW Excommunication for six persons concerned in the case of the churchwardens c Henry Brodhurst.


68. BARROW Churchwardens c Francis Fitton for refusing to pay his assessment towards the extension of the church, paving the floor, making seats uniform and beautifying the church - depositions, responsions.


69. STANDISH Richard Wallel c Elizabeth Pemberton for fornication - full file.


70. FRODSHAM Rowland Heywood S T P, c Wm Pickering for tithe hay from Dutton Moor - libel, responsions, depositions.


71. FRODSHAM Churchwardens c Henry Whitbie concerning his refusal to pay his assessments towards the unifying of pews and repair of church - libel, responsions.


72. WHALLEY Richard Assheton c Samuel Radcliffe of Great Mearely for tithe corn - libel.


73. WHALLEY Isabella Greene c Nicholas Stevenson concerning a contract of matrimony - libel, excommunication, sentence.


74. CHILDWALL John Barkley notary public c Wm Lewis vicar for non payment of fees - libel, fees.


75. CROSTON James Lyett vicar c Wm Hesketh for tithe barley and oats - libel, responsions.


76. CROSTON James Lyett c Gilbert Blundell for tithe from the improved ground of Holmewood Moss - libel, responsions.


77. CROSTON James Lyett c Wm Dobson for tithe oats from improved ground of Hooles - libel, responsions, depositions (fragile).


78. WIGAN John Barnes c James Finch and Robert Waring for obtaining services of Edward Tempest curate of Holland to marry Finch to Jennet Mell in a private house - depositions.


79. WIGAN Office c Elizabeth Barker as a scold and sower of strife in alehouses - libel, responsions.


80. WIGAN Office c Elizabeth Hulme for fornication with Titus Marsh 24 years before and having a bastard and 20 years before with Richard Rownson and having a bastard. To do penance in a white sheet at Bolton and Blackrod - responsions.


81. ACTON Thomas Stockton c churchwardens concerning the allocation of seats after repewing - libel.


82. ACTON Margaret Hatton c Ellen Pollet saying she locked her husband in the buttery - libel, responsions (unfit to issue) see 1636 No. 24.


83. WIGAN Richard Bradley c Ralph Brown for saying he had two wives - depositions.


84. WIGAN Fragment of Letters of Orders for John Glendale M.A. made deacon at Wigan by Bishop Bridgman in 1626 (fragile).


85. SANDBACH Excommunication for Margaret Minshall in case of Shaw c Minshall.


86. PRESCOT Churchwardens c Henry Ogle for refusing to pay his assessment to repair of the church. Details of repairs given. 82 church layes were levied between 1634 May and October 1637 to meet costs - libel.


87. WINWICK Thomas Greenhalgh c Grace Greenhalgh for adultery with James Clough - libel.


88. ASHTON ON MERSEY James Massie c Ralph Stirrop rector concerning his title to a pew in the chancel. "The arms of Massie are in the east window with other gentlemen's arms" - libel, responsions.


89. ASHTON UNDER LYNE Ralph Bould c Thomas Scholefield concerning his title to a pew belonging to Treehouse Bank - full file.


90. ASHTON UNDER LYNE Mary Walker c Seth Ashton saying she committed adultery - libel, depositions, sentence.


91. ASHTON UNDER LYNE Disputed confirmation of a pew in the chancel to John Sandiford - responsions.


92. HUYTON Elizabeth Smith c Anna Blundell concerning a disputed pew belonging to Whittaker House - libel, responsions.


93. LAWTON Churchwardens c Wm Lawton clerk concerning the irregular election of Thomas Booth as churchwarden - libel.


94. LAWTON Michael Wilkinson c Elizabeth Pearson concerning a marriage contract - libel, sentence (fragile).


95. WEAVERHAM Office c John Youll for fornication with Ellen Alott - responsions.


96. WEAVERHAM Margaret Gorst c John Billington & John Dove churchwarden concerning title to a seat - interrogations, sentence.


97. BARTHOMLEY Faculty for a pew for Ralph Crowe in the middle alley.


98. BARTHOMLEY Letter from Edmund Mainwaring to Richard Fowler, rector stating he intends to visit the church on 5 October to consult with churchwardens and others concerned about unifying the seats and other matters. 23 October, a certificate by the churchwardens they have unified the pew in question (fragile).


99. BARTHOMLEY Office c Richard and Anna Deane causing their son to be baptised by the name of Jane by Richard Fowler - libel, depositions, baptism certificate (fragile).


100. BURY Churchwardens c Thomas Hamar of Bentilee concerning a seat in church - libel, excommunication.


101. BURY Accounts of Thomas Haworth churchwarden for the township of Walmisley 1636.


102. MACCLESFIELD Thomas Jackson c Thomas Crowther and Susanna Clarke concerning a disputed seat - libel, responsions.


103. MANCHESTER Lady Ann Moseley c Stephen Gee concerning title to a pew in the Collegiate Church - libel, interrogations, sentence and loose court book folios (fragile).


104. RUNCORN John Fletcher c Elizabeth Marshe saying his wife had a child four weeks before marriage - depositions, sentence (fragile).


105. RUNCORN Anna Fletcher wife of John c Jane Norman saying that Anna had committed fornication - libel, depositions, interrogation, responsions, repair.


106. MACCLESFIELD Sentence in pew dispute of Francis Lowe of Hordern c Anthony Booth (fragile).


107. WYBUNBURY Elizabeth Reeve c Thomas Collie for slander - libel, responsions, sentence, costs, depositions.


108. WYBUNBURY Fragment of the nomination of William Clarke as school master - "he being unfitt for any (torn) comon welth except keping of schole" - (fragile).


109. BUNBURY Jane Ashbrooke c Thomas Fisher of Christleton for slander - fragment.


110. HARTHILL Confirmation of a seat for Thomas Hodgkiss in the chancel at the request of Viscount Kells as his tenant.


111. ECCLESTON Elizabeth Pemberton c Janet Wallel saying she saw her in a ditch in Woodcock Lane with Wm Horneby on Palm Sunday - depositions, excommunication.


112. ECCLESTON Elizabeth Pemberton c Alice Wakefield for slander - libel, interrogations, costs (fragile).


113. ECCLESTON Petition of Robert Mawdesley of Heskyne Hall for a licence to erect a pew - consent of churchwardens, confirmation of faculty.


114. GOOSTREY Katherine Thornicroft c Jane Cadman for slander - depositions, responsions.


115. GRESFORD John, Count of Bridgewater and vicar c Roger Morris for tithe cattle - libel, responsions, depositions.


116. ASTBURY Maria Jodrell c Richard Deane for slander - libel, depositions.


117. GREAT BUDWORTH John Oliver c Margaret Massie of Barlington for slander - fragment needs (fragile).


118. GARSTANG Nicholas Wilkinson c Isabella Butler for slander - depositions.


119. LOWER PEOVER Peter Leycester c churchwardens concerning a pew on the south side - allegations.


120. NANTWICH Office c Richard Walthall for adultery with Susan Brasse - fragments only.


121. WOODCHURCH Office c Anna Spurstow of Bunbury for adultery with Richard Hockenhall of Prenton (Woodchurch) - libel.


122. NORTHENDEN Thomas Mallory rector c Henry Cartwright of Bowden for tithe animals - libel, responsions.


123. PULFORD Sentence in dispute between Thmas Barker and Henry Wickstead.


124. WHITTINGTON Fragment of depositions in matrimonial case of Edwards.


125. CONGLETON Anna Hamar c James Taylor for slander - responsions.


126. WESTHOUGHTON (WIGAN) Responsions in a tithe dispute of Hugh Rigby.


127. WORTHENBURY Excommunication for Thomas Pritchard, rector.


128. TATTENHALL Excommunication for John Bradshaw and others.


129. COLNE Depositions concerning rights of way along a bridle path from Barnside House through Maulholme Gate to Colne (appears to be a stray from 1638 No. 86).


130. CHESTER Disputed estate of Matilda Richardson deceased before Palatine Court.


131. Fragments of unrelated cases; bills of costs for Wm Bradley, Fish c Entwistle, Ann Cowper. John Towers for administering goods of Jane Bradshaw of Ratcliffe deceased.

Held by: Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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