Catalogue description Papers of Ethel Watts

This record is held by London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

Details of 7ETW
Reference: 7ETW
Title: Papers of Ethel Watts

The archive consists of files on the National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (1948-1953), Royal Commission on Taxation (1944-1960), Women's superannuation (1947-1950), the Institute of Chartered Accountants (undated.), equal pay (undated.) and the Fawcett Society (undated.); private correspondence including letters from Philippa Strachey (1928-1961).

Date: 1928-1961
Held by: London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Watts, Ethel, fl 1920, campaigner for women's rights

Physical description: 2 A boxes
Access conditions:

This collection is available for research. Readers are advised to contact The Women's Library in advance of their first visit.

Immediate source of acquisition:

Unknown. Deposited before the material was listed c.1974. [Fawcett Library Accession Registers to be checked]

Administrative / biographical background:

Ethel Watts (fl.1920-1960) was active in the movement to secure equality for women from the 1920s to the 1960s. She was involved with the London and National Society for Women's Service since at least the 1920s, became Chair of the Junior Council in the mid-twenties and then the Chair of the Executive Committee, taking over from Mrs Kinnell when she retired. Her special interests were wide and ranged over the issues of superannuation paid by women, the taxation of married women, the marriage bar in the Civil Service and the general area of accountancy. She continued this work when it became the Fawcett Society and offered her services as an accountant to this and other organisations with which she had links.

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