Catalogue description Grant

This record is held by West Sussex Record Office

Details of Add Mss268
Reference: Add Mss268
Title: Grant

For one mark


Muriel atte Hale and Joan atte Hale of Madehurst, daus. of William atte Hale, to John Whateman of Madehurst


Arable land (1a.) in Suthfeld called 'la Gore', lying between land of Robert Maheu on E., and land of William Poynaunt on W


Warranty clause


Witnesses - William de Bulsham, Robert de Hiburghedene, Martin de Eltuer, Richard de Faverche, James le Kyng, Richard Burgeys


Given at Madehurst


[Seals missing]


[Moulton, Palaeography, etc., p.290]

Date: 17 May 1316
Held by: West Sussex Record Office, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
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