Catalogue description Bargain and sale with feoffment

This record is held by Museum of English Rural Life

Details of BER 36/5/19
Reference: BER 36/5/19
Title: Bargain and sale with feoffment

William HUSEY of Hungerford, co. Berks, Sir Robert MASON of Kingsclere, co. Hants and Katherine (his wife), Sir William BOREMAN of East Greenwich, co. Kent, John GODDARD of Hungerford, co. Berks, Thomas HAWLES of Sarum, co. Wilts, John ELWES of Kintbury, co. Berks, Giles HUNGERFORD and Francis MUNDY to Sir Bulstrode WHITELOCKE of Fawley Court, co. Bucks. Chilton Park, Chilton Foliat, co. Wilts and co. Berks. Consideration £11,000


Signed: William Husey; Robert Mason; Katherine Mason; William Boreman; John Goddard; Thomas Hawles; John Elwes; Francis Mundy



Date: 1663 June 12
Held by: Museum of English Rural Life, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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