Catalogue description Main Papers

This record is held by Parliamentary Archives

Details of HL/PO/JO/10/1/263
Reference: HL/PO/JO/10/1/263
Title: Main Papers

8 June 1648 -- Petition of Arthur Annesley. John Earl of Bridgwater stands indebted to petitioner.


8 June 1648 -- Resolution approving the action of Colonel Thomas Wayte in suppressing the insurrection in Rutlandshire, Leicestershire, and Northamptonshire. Lords Journals, X. 314. In extenso.


8 June 1648 -- Draft letter of thanks from Parliament to Colonel Thomas Wayte. Lords Journals, X. 314. In extenso.


8 June 1648 -- Petition of Edward Davenport, defendant in a writ of error wherein John Ware is plaintiff. Prays that a day may be appointed for hearing. Lords Journals, X. 314.


9 June 1648 -- Petition of William Saby, blacksmith.




1 Another petition of William Saby to the like effect.


10 June 1648 -- Petition of William Sykes, of Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant.




1 Certificate of the Committee of Accounts as to the sum due to Sykes. 30 July 1647.


12 June 1648 -- Letter from Lord Maynard to the Commissioners of the Great Seal.


12 June 1648 -- Notice from the Sheriff of Norfolk to the Deputy Sheriffs of the county, that he has allowed Mr. Wortham's protection in his office, it being signed and owned by Lord Maynard. Lords Journals, X. 316.




1 Writ for arrest of Wortham. 15 May 1648.


12 June 1648 -- Petition of John Earl of Thanet Island. Prays that privilege may be granted to him for the stay of proceedings upon a pretended decree of the Court of Chancery. Lords Journals, X. 316. In extenso.


12 June 1648 -- Draft order appointing a day for hearing the matter respecting the appointment of Mr. Launce, as minister of St. Edmund's, Lombard Street, London. Lords Journals, X. 317.




1 Petition of parishioners of Edmund the King.


2 Petition of inhabitants of the parish of Edmund the King, Lombard Street. Pray that Mr. Launce may be appointed rector of the parish.


3 Certificate of John Browne, churchwarden of the parish of St. Michael le Quern, that Mr. Launce took the solemn league and covenant. 29 October 1646.


4 Certificate of Solomon Cole.


5 Application of the parishioners of Edmund, Lombard Street, that a day may be appointed for hearing the matter.


6 Certificate from the Assembly of Divines that they cannot give Mr. Launce their approbation. 13 February 1647.


7 Statement of the Assembly of Divines giving their reasons for refusing their approbation.


8 Certificate from the Assembly of Divines.


12 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of the arrears due to the officers of Cumberland. Lords Journals, X. 318. In extenso.


12 June 1648 -- Order for payment of £20 to Mr. Mosse, the messenger who brought the good news of the taking of Tenby Castle. Lords Journals, X. 318. In extenso.


12 June 1648 -- Draft of preceding.


12 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £10 to John Williams, and £20 to the rest of the messengers who brought the news of the victory at Maidstone. Lords Journals, X. 318. In extenso.


12 June 1648 -- Draft Order for the Committee at Derby House to take some fitting course for the safety of the Isle of Anglesey and the counties of North Wales. Lords Journals, X. 318. In extenso.


12 June 1648 -- Order for William Hawkins to be Commissary General of provisions for Ireland. Lords Journals, X. 318. In extenso.


12 June 1648 -- Draft of preceding.


12 June 1648 -- Draft order for the Commissioners of the Navy to treat for six merchant ships for service.


13 June 1648 -- Petition of Maryan Countess Dowager of Mulgrave.


13 June 1648 -- Petition of Sir Paul Pindar. Prays that he may be left in quiet possession of the alum mines and works in Mulgrave.




1 Certificate that Thomas Shipton and others.


13 June 1648 -- Resolution approving of the actions of the General in reducing the county of Kent, etc. Lords Journals, X. 320. In extenso.


13 June 1648 -- Draft of preceding.


13 June 1648 -- Draft resolution respecting the discovery of persons who have not compounded. Lords Journals, X. 320. In extenso.


14 June 1648 -- Pass for Mr. Finch, brother of the Earl of Winchilsea, to go to any port of this Kingdom to embark for Holland. Lords Journals, X. 321.


14 June 1648 -- Petition of Thomas Kirke.


14 June 1648 -- Order for the clerk of the late Court of Wards to deliver to George Speake, late his Majesty's ward, his bonds and indentures. Lords Journals, X. 322.




1 Draft of preceding.


2 Copy of order of the Court of Wards respecting the wardship of George Speake, etc. 11 November 1645.


14 June 1648 -- Petition of John Donne, Doctor of Divinity. Petitioner, who is chaplain in ordinary to the Earl of Denbigh, complains that he has been arrested contrary to privilege by James Vickars. Prays for discharge, and that Vickars may be sent for to answer his contempt. Lords Journals, X. 322.


14 June 1648 -- Report of the Judges in the cause between the Governors of Christ's Hospital and the Trinity House respecting certain lands left by the late Thomas Hawes. Lords Journals, X. 323. In extenso.


14 June 1648 -- Rota of Judges for the next Summer Circuit. Lords Journals, X. 324. In extenso.


14 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £20 to William Clerke. Lords Journals, X. 324. In extenso.


14 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £200 to Lord Cawfeild for his losses in Ireland, etc. Lords Journals, X. 324. In extenso.


[14 June 1648] -- Petition of Alexander Lord Forbes.




1 Another petition of Alexander Lord Forbes.


2 Statement referred to in preceding.


14 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £200 to Jane, widow [of Colonel John Meldrum slain in the Parliament service. Lords Journals, X. 384. In extenso.


14 June 1648 -- Draft order for the "St. George" and the "Unicorn" to be sent to sea as part of this summer's guard, etc. Lords Journals, X. 324. In extenso.


14 June 1648 -- The answer of Roger Hill, of Taunton, guardian to Samuel Darker, an orphan, and administrator during his minority, to the petition of John Farmer.


15 June 1648 -- Affidavit of Henry Lemon respecting the arrest of Henry Cooke, solicitor to the Earl of Mulgrave, at the suit of John Warren, contrary to privilege. Lords Journals, X. 324.


15 June 1648 -- Petition of Henry Vernon.




1 Certificate of the Council of War at Nantwich, that Vernon was by special command attending upon the Council at the time of the making of the decrees. 10 April 1648.


2 Certificate from the office of the Six Clerks as to the irregularity of Cudworth's proceedings. 9 October 1645.


16 June 1648 -- Petition of Dame Anne Countess Dowager of Middlesex.


16 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for making the Planters born in New England free denizens of England. Brought in this day, read twice and committed, but no further proceeding. Lords Journals, X. 325.




1 Order of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, recommending preceding ordinance for the approval of Parliament. 14 June 1648.


16 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for payment of £2,000 to Viscount Say and Sele for Banbury Castle; for the Castle to be demolished, and the materials employed for the repair of the town of Banbury. Lords Journals, X. 326. In extenso.


16 June 1648 -- Paper from the Committee for his Majesty's revenue concerning the Duke of Gloucester's servants, etc. Lords Journals, X. 327. In extenso.


16 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for the remainder of the £150,000 formerly ordered to be paid to the Treasurers at Wars for the army under Lord Fairfax, to be used for the buying of arms and ammunition, and for payment of the army. Lords Journals, X. 328. In extenso.


16 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £20 to Nathaniel Barker, the messenger who brought the news of the suppression of the insurrection about Stamford. Lords Journals, X. 328. In extenso.


18 June 1648 -- Draft order for the Committee at Derby House to secure the town of Yarmouth, etc. Lords Journals, X. 328. In extenso.


16 June 1648 -- Draft order giving power to the Committee at Derby House to grant commissions to Captain William Boteler and others to raise volunteers for securing the County of Northampton, and suppressing tumults in those parts. Lords Journals, X. 328. In extenso.




1 Draft order authorising the Committee at Derby House to nominate Commissioners for the safety and preservation of the town of Northampton.


16 June 1648 -- Draft order referring it to the Commissioners of the Great Seal to consider of fit persons to be appointed judges, etc. Lords Journals, X. 328. In extenso.


16 June 1648 -- Draft of additional ordinance for putting papists and delinquents out of the late lines of communication. Lords Journals, X. 328. In extenso.


17 June 1648 -- Petition of Edward Odling, doctor in physic.




1 Brief remonstrance of petitioner's service, sufferings, and expense.


17 June 1648 -- Petition of Captain John Jessop.




1 Copy of order for release of Captain Jasper Hartwell. 2 June 1646.


2 Petition of Elizabeth Ebbotson.


17 June 1648 -- Petition of Nicholas Sheene and others. A suit being commenced in the King's Bench by Richard Golty, rector of Framlingham, against John Waldgrave, tenant to the Earl of Suffolk, respecting the payment of tithes.




1 Copy of order referred to in preceding. 31 October 1645.


17 June 1648 -- Order upon petition of Nicholas Sheene and others. Lords Journals, X. 330. In extenso.


17 June 1648 -- Draft order for the Committee at Derby House to grant commissions to Colonel Hubbert, of Well, in the Isle of Ely, to raise forces for the safety of those parts. Lords Journals, X. 330. In extenso.


17 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £35,000 to the Marquess of Argyll and the heritors of the shiredom of Argyll. Lords Journals, X. 330. In extenso.


17 June 1648 -- Another draft.


17 June 1648 -- Another draft.


17 June 1648 -- Order for payment of £791 to Mrs. Margaret and Mrs. Mary Mounsell, arrears due to their late brother, Captain Peter Mounsell, Lords Journals, X. 331. In extenso.


17 June 1648 -- Draft of preceding.


19 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £200 to Lady Elizabeth Gray. Lords Journals, X. 333. In extenso.


19 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for payment of £42,000 to certain officers and soldiers. Lords Journals, X. 333. In extenso.


19 June 1648 -- Order for the more speedy bringing in the assessments for the army. Lords Journals, X. 333. In extenso.


19 June 1648 -- Draft of preceding.


19 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for sequestration of the estates of Major-General Langhorne, and divers ether papists and delinquents in the late rebellion, in the counties of South Wales and Monmouthshire. Lords Journals, X. 333. In extenso.


19 June 1648 -- Draft instructions for the Commissioners for the sequestration of the estates of Major-General Langhorne, and divers other delinquents. Lords Journals, X. 334. In extenso.


19 June 1648 -- Certificate from the Assembly of Divines that they have approved of Richard Culverwell for the rectory of Grundisburgh, Suffolk. Lords Journals, X. 334.


19 June 1648 -- Affidavit of Robert Erlambe with reference to the forcible entry of Rowland Furnis and others into the mines of the Earl of Rutland in the manor of Nether Haddon, Derbyshire. Lords Journals, X. 335.




1 Similar affidavit of Jonas Crossegill.


2 Similar affidavit of Thomas Needham.


19 June 1648 -- Order of the House of Lords for the Committee at Goldsmiths' Hall to grant permission to Elizabeth Countess Rivers to remain with her retinue in and about the cities of London and Westminster. Lords Journals, X. 335. In extenso.


19 June 1648 -- Similar order of the House of Commons.


20 June 1648 -- Petition of Sir Henry Frederick Thynne.


20 June 1648 -- Answer and petition of Edmond Earl of Mulgrave.


20 June 1648 -- Answer and petition of the Earl of Mulgrave to the petition of Sir Paul Pindar. Very similar to preceding. Lords Journals, X. 335.




1 Affidavit of Henry Leman with reference to the proceedings of Sir Paul Pindar and his servants.


20 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for Lady Newburgh to have returned to her the deeds deposited by her in the late Court of Wards in her suit against Sir Humfrey Foster. Lords Journals, X. 336.


20 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance confirming the articles for the surrender of Oxford. Lords Journals, X. 338. In extenso.


20 June 1648 -- Draft declaration against those who take up arms against the Parliament. (Three papers.) Lords Journals, X. 338.


20 June 1648 -- Petition of James Earl of Middlesex.




1 Affidavit of William Cooke detailing the circumstances of his ejectment.


20 June 1648 -- Petition of Robert Sprague, defendant in a writ of error wherein William Glide is plaintiff. Prays for an early day for hearing.


20 June 1648 -- Petition of Stephen Pacye.




1 Similar petition of Stephen Pacye. (Undated.)


2 Copy of letter from Lord Fairfax at Windsor to Snellock desiring him to forbear his proceedings against Captain Bushell's bail, etc. 4 May 1648.


21 June 1648 -- Petition of George Ralegh.


21 June 1648 -- Order for attendance of witnesses at the hearing of the cause, Ralegh v. Vivers et al.


[21 June 1648] -- Petition of Sir Arthur Loftus to the House of Commons.




1 Copy of preceding.


2 Accounts of sums due to Sir Arthur Loftus.


3 Petition of Sir Arthur Loftus, Knight and Colonel; about £6,000 are due to him for arrears of pay, but he is prisoner in the King's Bench for debt.


4 Copy of order for release of Colonel Thomas Powell, to whom large arrears were owing by the State. 26 November 1646.


22 June 1648 -- Draft order giving leave to Richard Osborne to come with safety to his person to make good the allegations mentioned in his letter. Lords Journals, X. 341. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £200 to William Perkins. Lords Journals, X. 341. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance for settling the militia in Bristol. Lords Journals, X. 341. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Draft order granting Ely House for the use of sick and wounded soldiers. Lords Journals, X. 342. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Draft order for payment of £500 to the Earl of Kildare in part payment of his arrears. Lords Journals, X. 342. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Draft order for the £500 owing to George Thomasin, for a parcel of manuscripts bought for the public Library of the University of Cambridge, to bear interest. Lords Journals, X. 342. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Draft ordinance appointing Thomas Spademan, rector of Althorpe, Lincolnshire. Lords Journals, X. 342. In extenso.


22 June 1648 -- Application for an order for Dr. Aylett to institute and induct Symon Pecke to the rectory of Boresford alias Husbands-Bosworth, Leicester. Lords Journals, X. 343.




1 Certificate of the Assembly of Divines that they have approved of Pecke for the cure. 21 June 1648.

Date: 8 Jun 1648 - 22 Jun 1648

Some documents may have been removed from this file to the Parchment Collection, the Large Parchments or the Parchment Main Papers. Where this has occurred it is noted in brackets in the descriptions above. Please see relevant entries in the Parchment Collection (HL/PO/JO/10/2), Large Parchments (HL/PO/JO/10/3) or Parchment Main Papers (HL/PO/JO/10/4) for further details.

Related material:

See Journals of the House of Lords for the same date for entries relating to the laying of these papers.

Held by: Parliamentary Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Unpublished finding aids:

Calendared in HMC 7th Report, pp 29-33

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