Catalogue description STONELEIGH Fletchampstead

This record is held by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Details of DR 18/1/954
Reference: DR 18/1/954
Title: STONELEIGH Fletchampstead

Grant by Thomas (de Pype) abbot of Stoneleye to William Hally of Canleye, of a messuage and six (?) of land of Flicchampstede, lying between land of William and that of Henry Rachel; viz 2 elions upon le Westefelde, between lands of Nicholas Campion and William Rudde; two upon le Muchefelde, between land of Henry and that of the heirs of Henry Zonge; and two upon Le Littelfelde, with a waste plot called 'Ruddewaste' lying in Westwode, extending from the land of Henry Alwyn to le Brodelone, and the waste called 'le Longe waste' rexhing from Slobetlone to Rudwaste. T. Richard de la Cloude, Nicholas Campion, Robert Swayne, Henry Rachel, Henry Reue, and others. Dated from the Abbey, 20 Feb: 37 Edward III (1362-3)


Seal an Agnus Dei.

Date: 1363
Held by: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, not available at The National Archives
Language: Latin
Physical condition: 10 by 6½ in.

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