Catalogue description Volume assembled by Gillyatt Sumner

This record is held by East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Local Studies Service

Details of DDBC/35
Reference: DDBC/35
Title: Volume assembled by Gillyatt Sumner

Contains: Section 'A' 1 Extracts from indentures enrolled at East Riding Deeds Registry John Acklam and Robert Burton both of Beverley gentlemen Property: tenement at Barley Holme in Beverley; and property at Holme upon Spaldingmoor (1717) Richard Burton esquire and William Parker tailor both of Beverley Property: messuage near the Beckside (1764) 2 Draft agreement for sale for £13: Mentions William Lowther of Beverley innkeeper, three daughters of William and Ann Lowther deceased to Gillyatt Sumner junior of Beverley Property: moiety of messuage and garth at Barley Holme in Beverley 1818 Section 'B' 1-2 Memoranda of deeds in hand of Gillyatt Sumner 3-5 Prospectuses of, and Receipt for, premium paid to the Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company 1829 Section 'C' Missing Section 'D' 1 Copy mortgage for £10: Thomas Tong shipcarpenter to Thomas Berriman gentleman both of Beverley Property: warehouse and orchard at Beckside (Beverley Beck South; Rattle Garth West) 19 Dec 1757 2 Copy assignment of mortgage for £12: Thomas Berriman to Richard Hopwood of Beverley shipscarpenter 19 Dec 1761 3 Copy of further assignment of mortgage for £20: Richard Hopwood (as D/2) to Thomas Taylor of Beverley gardener 30 Jan 1768 4 Probate Copy of will of Thomas Taylor of Beverley gardener Bequests to daughter Mary wife of Thomas Dawson and their grandson William son of Roger D: son Thomas T; grand- children Thomas, Elizabeth, Jane and Emma Dawson and Reaves Taylor; daughter in law Ann widow of John Taylor and her children William, John and Mary; daughters Hannah Lazenby, Alice (Hyinson?) Property: three messuages and garths at Beckside and Rattle Garth in Beverley- -: Probate 7 Mar 1794 1 Nov 1793 5-6 Copy of lease and release for £40 Parties: 1) Thomas Taylor senior gardener and 2) his son Thomas to 3) Jane Redshaw widow all of Beverley Property: messuage, garth and garden on North side of Beverley Beck 29/30 Jan 1813 7-8 Copy of lease and release for £45: John Richardson junior of Hull cornmerchant, John Boddy of Bishop Thornton farmer and John Andrew of Beverley sadler (devisees of Thomas Dawson of Beverley gardener deceased) to Jane Redshaw (as 5-6) Property: messuage, garth and garden on North side of Beverley Beck 18/19 Sep 1818 9 Assignment for £12: Joseph Birkinshaw waterman and wife Maria to Gillyatt Sumner junior gentleman all of Beverley Property: legacy under will of Thomas Dawson 20 Oct 1821 10-13 Vouchers and letter relating to annuity as 9 14-18 Copy of case and opinion of Matthew Carr and correspondence relating to the will of Thomas Taylor (as 4) Section 'E' 1 Memoranda relating to baptisms, burials et cetera of family of Train of Woodmansey (1719-1811) 2 'Proposal to John Train for the purchase of his Cottages and Land in Beverley Park' 18 Sep 1834 3 Copy of the will of John Train of Woodmansey labourer Bequests to wife Mary; daughters Hannah Williamson and Betty Loft; sons David, George and William; grandchildren Sally and Mary Hague Property: cottages in Woodmansey Personalty Endorsed 'Cancelled' 10 Feb 1836 4 Will of John Train (as 3) Bequests as 3 Endorsed 'nul and void John Train having conveyed his property' 14 Apr 1836 5 Agreement for sale for £15: John Train yeoman to John Fisher blacksmith both of Beverley Park Property: garden in Beverley Park 9 Aug 1836 6-7 Copy of lease and release for £15: John Train to John Fisher (both as 5) Property: as 5 Sep 1836 8 Memorial of 6-7 Section 'F' 1-2 Copy of lease and release for £168: Ann Hunter widow and William Hunter gentleman (son and heir of William H gentleman deceased) to John Pratman carpenter all of Beverley Property: messuage and garden in Wednesday Market or East Gate (except South East part of garden belonging to heirs of Sir Michael Warton deceased) 30/31 Dec 1767 3 Copy of the appointment and conveyance for £890 Parties: 1) William Dickinson of Brocklesby and William Hesleden of Barton upon Humber,both co-heirs, events, trustees of Charles, Lord Yarborough and Charles Anderson Pelham 2) John Prattman (as 1-2) Property: close (seven acres 16 perches) and tithes in Beverley Park (Long Lane West) 6 Apr 1809 p4, 6-9 Vouchers of Robert Prattman debtor to Gillyatt Sumner 1819-1834 p5 Copy of the will of Samuel Prattman of Beverley gentleman Bequests to housekeeper Martha Tranter and her sister Sarah; cousins Stephen Thirlwell late of Great Driffield now of Nafferton, William Towse of Beverley, Mary Green of Full Sutton, Ann Holmes of Doncaster; Robert Green son of Mary G; Robert Prattman (Clerk to Anthony Johnson attorney); friends John Walker yeoman, William Farrah joiner (Trustees) all of Beverley Property: Codsall, county Staffordshire, Beverley Personalty Codicil 3 Jul 1822 28 Jun 1822 Section 'G' and 'H' Missing Section 'I' 1 Abstract of title of George Parkin relating to messuage in West Street in Myton (1788-1797) 2-3 Proposal and Fire Insurance Policy with the Phoenix Assurance Co relating to a house on North side of New George Street parish Sculcoates 26 Jan 1808 4-6 Correspondence between Gillyatt Sumner, Woodmansey and William Johnson late grocer near the Paragon Inn now of Garden Street, Hull relating to financial affairs 1829-1831 Sections 'J', 'K' and 'L' missing Section 'M' 1 Letter from James Middleton, Beverley to William Garforth relating to financial affairs 27 Mar 1797 2-10 Vouchers of Gillyatt Sumner junior 1814-1815 Section 'N' 1-2 Testimonials of Charles Broadley and Samuel Walker to character of John Palmer 26 Apr 1798 3,5-19 Vouchers of John Palmer 4 Notice from Robert Taylor to John Palmer to quit house in Flemingate 6 Oct 1804 Section '0' 1-4 Letter from Summons and Vouchers relating to case of George Dunn versus Gilead Sumley (Gillyatt Sumner) for debt Sep-Nov 1801 Section 'P' 1-3 Letters and account: Francis Wilkinson to Gillyatt Sumner both of Beverley relating to purchase of property Apr-Jun 1804 Section 'Q' 1 Copy of the will of John Champion of Beverley innkeeper Bequests to wife Hannah; sons John and David; daughters Hannah (wife of John Wallis of Beverley oatshiller), Mary and Sarah Property: two messuages on East side of Market Place (one being the Pack Horse Inn) in Beverley 29 Jan 1808 2-3 Copy of will of John Champion of Bridlington Quay surgeon and apothecary Bequests to wife Ann; brother in law John Coverley of Bridlington gentleman; friend Anthony Atkinson of Beverley gentleman; son John Property: messuage in Bridlington Personalty Codicil 24 Sep 1817 2 Dec 1813 4 Abstract of Will as 1 5 Abstract of title of Michael Hobson to legacy of £300 bequeathed by John Champion (as 1) 6 Mortgage for £120: Michael Hobson of Brandsburton yeoman and wife Sarah (daughter of John Champion as 1) to Charles Bamford of Hull merchant's clerk Property: annuity of £300 of SH under Will as 1 18 Jan 1820 7 Abstract of mortgage as 6 8 Assignment for £165: Michael Hobson of Beverley horsedealer to Thomas Browne of Hull gentleman: legacy as 6 15 Nov 1824 9 Abstract of 8 10-11 Notices: Michael Hobson (as 8) and wife Sarah of assignment as 8 15 Nov 1824 12-13 Agreement: Michael Hobson to Gillyatt Sumner for assignment of legacy 24 Dec 1824 14-23, 27-29, 33-35, 37-42 Correspondence, vouchers and accounts relating to assignments of legacy 1824-1840 25 Copy of assignment for £170 in all Parties: 1) Charles Bamford of Hull merchant's clerk 2) Michael Hobson late of Drypool victualler now of Beverley yeoman and wife Sarah (daughter of John Champion as 1) to 3) Gillyatt Sumner junior of Beverley gentleman and Thomas Windras of Beverley Park farmer For legacy as 6 5 Jan 1825 26 Notice of assignment of legacy as 25 5 Jan 1825 36 Notice to Trustees of John Champion (as 1) to raise legacy of £300 13 Feb 1830 Section 'R' 1 Copy of the will of Thomas Bugg of Molescroft yeoman Bequests to sons William and John; grandson John B; daughters Jane Potter and Mary Towse Property: tenement and moiety of close at Molescroft 3 Apr 1810 Section 'S' 1-7 Vouchers relating to payments of interest to Mary Burgess 1810-1816 8 Letter from C Sumner junior of Beverley to Joseph Nettleton, Hornsea relating to payment of £50 due on a lost Promissory Note 16 Aug 1825 9 Bond in £100: Joseph Nettleton of Hornsea to Gillyatt Sumner senior of Beverley yeomen Property: indemnifying GS on payment by him of £50 (as 8) due on Promissory Note from GSouth to Mary Burgess natural daughter of JN and now wife of William Dales of Hornsea 3 Dec 1825 Section 'T' 1 Copy of supplemental abstract of title Property: close called Little Criftings and close between Skidby Drain and Beverley and Barmston Drain in Woodmansey (1811-1812) Section 'U' 1 Copy of the will of Gillyatt Sumner of Beverley fellmonger Bequests, 8s a week to daughter Susan wife of John Palmer; residue to son Gillyatt 1813 Section 'V' 1-18, 20-29, 31-33 Correspondence: receipts for rent; notices to distrain goods; to quit premises and to pay increased rent relating to closes at Beverley Park bought by Gillyatt Sumner from Richard Brigham, and tenanted by Thomas Rodman and Samuel Sunman 1816-1826 19 Copy of lease for 6 years at £7 17 6d rent: Gillyatt Sumner junior of Woodmansey gentleman to George Botterill junior of Beverley cartman Property: close (one acres two roods 31 perches) in Beverley Park 12 Dec 1825 30 Extract from deed relating to two closes in Beverley Parks (Beverley-Hull Road East) Section 'W' 1 Account: George Brown, late of Hull now of Paull, debtor to Gillyatt Sunmer Jan-Oct 1812 Section 'X' 1 Letter of attorney to appear for Robert Cressey of Beverley breechesmaker in action of debt at suit of Gillyatt Sumner junior 1 Sep 1816 2-22 Vouchers and correspondence relating to debt as 1 1818-1838 Section 'Y' 1-5 Vouchers: Elizabeth Harrison debtor to Gillyatt Sumner for interest on mortgage 1817-1820 Section 'Z' 1-3 Notice, voucher and letter from Gillyatt Sumner junior of Beverley to William and Mary Wray for payment 'principal and interest due to GS' 28 Oct 1818 Section 'AA' 1 Pedigree and notes on Waines family, nd Section 'AB' 1A-1B Instruction for and will of John Webster of Beverley dealer in coals Bequests to Gillyatt Sumner junior gentleman and John Walker yeoman; John Hodgson junior of Beverley book-keeper Property: messuage, warehouse and garth on South side of Beverley Beck 18 Jan 1820 2 Directions for Mr John Webster's funeral 20 Jan 1820 3-4 Copy of instructions for and will of John Webster (as 1) Bequests to William Hodgson of Hull grocer (son of John H of Beverley coal merchant); Josiah Burkinshaw bone crusher and George Smith joiner both of Beverley; George Jewison senior of Beverley Park; Burton Greenside of Beverley apprentice with GS; George Welburn son of GW 'my servant' Property: messuage on South side of Beverley Beck Cancelled 27 Feb 1828 Section 'AB' Continued 5-7 Copy of will and Codicils of John Webster (as 1) Bequests as 3-4 and Henry Palmer of Marlow, county Bucks; William Bielby son of WB of Beverley innholder; wife of William Crump of Risby farmer: Jane wife of George Smith of Beverley joiner Property: messuage on South side of Beverley Beck Personalty Codicils 20 Nov 1828 Not executed 17 Nov 1828 Section 'AC' 1 Memorandum relating to assault on Gillyatt Sumner by Pete Hunsley of Beverley cabinet maker 11 Feb 1820 Section 'AD' 1-38 Correspondence and accounts: Gillyatt Sumner and John Sargeant, Wrawby, near Brigg, Lincolnshire relating to invitation to visit Beverley, mentions races and fair; interest due on mortgage of property at Wintringham, county Lincolnshire 1821-1836 Section 'AE' 1-2 Instruction for, and copy will of, William Botterill of Middleton labourer Bequests to wife Isabell; children Samuel and Alice 29 Jan 1822 Section 'AF' 1 Memorandum of title deeds, nd Section 'AG' 1 Cover of bundle of title deeds 'relating to cottage and premises at Catwick: William Gray in mortgage to Gillyatt Sumner junior for £40' nd 2, 5-6 Notices: Gillyatt Sumner junior to William Gray of Arram, to pay interest due on mortgage as 1 1822-1823 3-4 Schedules of title deeds (as 1) (1767-1821) Section 'AH' 1-11 Vouchers for interest due to Thomas Windras from Gillyatt Sumner 1822-1831 Section 'AI' 1 Notice from Elizabeth Collison to George Stephenson, Beverley giving intention to quit house in Flemingate, Beverley 1 Apr 1831 Section 'AJ' 1 Letter from Gillyatt Sumner junior to Thomas Shepherdson, Beverley demanding papers belonging to Elizabeth Mary Taylor of Hull 1 May 1823 Section 'AK' 1 Extract from deed relating to Rill Garth alias Hell Garth c.1808 Section 'AL' 1 Copy agreement: William Cooper blacksmith and Ann Longbottom widow both of Beverley Property: to refer dispute, concerning fences and ditch between close of AL and WC, to arbitration of John Lee and Gillyatt Sumner junior of Beverley gentlemen 29 Jul 1824 Section 'AM' 1-3 Letters between Gillyatt Sumner, Beverley and Edward Knowsley esquire, High Street, Hull relating to sale of farm in Beverley Park 2, 9 May 1825 Section 'AN' 1 Cover of letter to Gillyatt Sumner relating to £100 and interest due from George Smith 10 Jun 1825 2 Letter of attorney to confess judgement on behalf of George Smith of Beverley joiner and wheelwright for debt to Gillyatt Sumner junior 10 Jun 1825 3-4 Copy notices: Gillyatt Sumner to George Smith relating to payment of principal and interest (as 2) 26 Sep 1826 5 Letter from George Smith to Gillyatt Sumner relating to debt as 1 Section 'AC' 1-2 Letters between Thomas Jackson at Reverend Ewbanks, Worksop and Gillyatt Sumner, Beverley relating to Worksop and district; new house of GS at Woodmansey; 'I believe the gass will succeed well in Beverley Mr Malam has sold the works and a company is established'; Methodism in Beverley and Woodmansey; other local gossip 7 Nov; 2 Dec 1826 Section 'AP' 1 Notice from Thomas Audus to Michael Hardy to quit house at Woodmansey 10 May 1827 Section 'AQ' 1 Notice from Josiah Burkinshaw tanner to Robert Clubley both of Beverley to quit messuage in parish St Nicholas 30 Aug 1827 Section 'AR' 1 Apology of Francis Middleton of Beverley carpenter for defaming character of Gillyatt Sumner junior of Woodmansey 18 Sep 1827 Section 'AS' 1 Letter from Rebecca Snowdon, Scarborough to 'Mr Sunlew, Woodmansly' relating to a will and deeds of William Graybourn 13 Oct 1827 Section 'AT' 1 Handbill for meeting of owners and occupiers of parish St John to consider resisting payment of and County Rate 10 May 1828 2 Case for the opinion of Mr Parke relating to liability for payment of a rate levied at Beverley Quarter Sessions 27 Jun 1828 Section 'AU' 1 Copy of will of Richard Windas of Beverley gentleman Bequests to nephew Thomas of Beverley Park yeoman; brother John W of Hessle labourer; sisters Fanny Herdsman of Swanland widow, Hannah Underwood of Riplingham widow, Elizabeth wife of Robert Fox of Lockington farmer, Mary wife of Robert Waddingham of Hotham labourer, Martha wife of George Clapham of Welton yeoman; sisters in law Mary widow of William W of Welton yeoman, Hannah widow of Joseph W of Beverley Park yeoman; nephews John Gilson of Raisthorpe jobber, Thomas Gilson of Cherry Burton labourer and George Gilson of Risby labourer (children of sister Jane G deceased) Personalty 20 Jun 1828 Section 'AV' 1-2 Letters from Shepherd and Myers, Beverley to G Sumner, Woodmansey relating to purchase of property at Grovehill 19, 25 Nov 1828 Section 'AW' 1 Letter from Jonathan Myers, Clerk to the Trustees of Beverley and Skidby Drainage to John Sumnar, Dunswell relating to demanding payment of Drainage Assessment 29 Dec 1828 Section 'AX' 1 Plan of closes (in Beverley?) belonging to William Wilberforce esquire nd Section 'AY' 1 Letter from Robert Mathison to Mr Sumner relating to 'Mr Windas now seems much worse come down Immediatly with one or more copies of what you have got done' (See 2 below) Endorsed on advertise ment of R Oxtoby, grocer,tea dealer and coffee roaster, Market Place, Beverley 2 Apr 1829 2 Copy of will of Thomas Windras of Beverley Park farmer Bequests to friends Robert Mathison of Beverly Park farmer and Gillyatt Sumner junior of Woodmansey gentleman (executors); mother Hannah; brothers and sisters 2 Apr 1829 Section 'AZ' 1 Copy of letter from G Sumner, junior, Woodmansey to George Gibson of Catwick relating to money due to Thomas Windras 18 Apr 1829 Section 'BA' 1 Bond in £400: Gillyatt Sumner junior of Woodmaasey gentleman to John Shearsmith of Bishop Burton yeoman for payment of £200 and interest Discharged 9 Jul 1831 15 Oct 1829 2-3 Receipts for payment of interest as 1 15 Apr; 15 Oct 1830 4 Letter from John Shearsmith executor of father John South to Gillyatt Sumner, Woodmansey relating to payment of £200 to Benjamin Moat of Holme on the Wolds 26 Mar 1831 5 Copy of letter from G Sumner to John Shearsmith, Scale Lane, Hull relating to discharge of bond as 1 6 May 1831 6 Account for payment of £200 and interest as 1 1830 Section 'BB' 1 'Particulars of widow Halls estate at Tickton' 8 Mar 1830 Section 'BC' 1 Apology of John Swaddle for making use of 'expressions reflecting on Mr Sumner's character' 25 Oct 1830 Section 'BD' 1 Copy admission in Houghton with Castleford manor court of Thomas Garrison Habbershaw (son of John H of Castleford tailor and his deceased wife Elizabeth) and Rachel wife of William Hewgale of Woodmansey labourer Property: five cottages and parcel in the New Close in Castleford On death of Thomas Harrison of Castleford yeoman father of EH and RH 10 May 1832 2 Rental and accounts of estate at Castleford (as 1) 1832 3-20 Letters and accounts between G Sumner, Woodmansey, John Atkinson esquire, solicitor, Leeds, and William Morley esquire, Garforth Property: mortgage of property as 1 Jan-Jul 1834 22 Tenancy agreement: John Habbershaw of Castleford and Gillyatt Sumner gentleman to John Watson Property: close as 1 16 Jun 1835 25 Letter of attorney: Gillyatt Sumner of Woodmansey gentleman to John Watson of Castleford schoolmasterProperty: to receive rents from property as 1 16 Jun 1835 24 Particulars of estate as 1 16 Jun 1835 25 Receipt for interest paid by William Hewgill to G Sumner 31 Jul 1835 26-27, 29-31, 36 Correspondence between Gillyatt Sumner, Woodmansey and John Abbershaw, Castleford and John Watson (as 23) relating to inclusion of GS on list of voters for West Riding; interest due on mortgage Sep 1835-Feb 1836 32-33 Surrender in Houghton with Castleford manor court for £122 10s in all: William Hewgill of Woodmansey labourer and wife Rachel and Gillyatt Sumner of Woodmansey gentleman to Charles Beaumont of Allerton Bywater gentleman Property: moiety of six cottages, and three roods in the New Close in Castleford With copy 20 Feb 1836 34-35 Accounts: William Hewgill and wife Rachel debtors to Gillyatt Sumner 1836 Section 'BE' 1 Letter from Campbell Son and Phillips, Beverley to Gillyatt Sumner relating to Mr Beaumont of Brantingham has seen Whisker of Elloughton and agreed to let him have the Money Feb 1833 Section 'BF' 1 Letter from John Blacker to (Gillyatt Sumner?) requesting loan of money on mortgage 12 Jun 1835 Section 'BG' 1-99 Papers in Cases in York Chancery Court: Sumner versus Plaxton and Bugg versus Nutchey relating to disputes between Churchwardens of St Martin's and St Johns over pew in Beverley Minster 1833-1834 Section 'BH' 1-30 Papers in case: Smith versus Sumner relating to debt for joinery work 1836-1837 Section 'BI' 1 Drainage Tax Assessment for Beverley, Grovehill, Sandholme, Molescroft 5 Sep 1835 2 Drainage Tax Assessment for Wilfholme 5 Sep 1835 Section 'BJ' 1 Tenancy agreement at £60 rent: William Reaston of Woodmansey and Jeremiah Reaston of Ulram farmers Property: farm at Ulram with 44 and a half acres 7 Oct 1836 2 Notice from William Reaston to Jeremiah R (as 1) to quit tenancy as 1 3 Oct 1837 Section 'BK' 1 List of 'documents necessary in a Conveyance from John Duncum as heir at Law to Elizabeth Galloway formerly Elizabeth Duncum spinster', nd Section 'BL' 1-5, 8-9 Letters between Gillyatt Sumner and George Foster, 27 Bishop Lane, Hull relating to purchase of a bakehouse and premises in West Street, Hull Nov 1836-Jan 1837 6-7 Sale bill for four houses and land in Temple's Court, Cogan Street parish Myton 6 Feb 1837 Section 'BM' 1 Copy case and opinion of WB Glasse, 10 New Square, Lincoln's Inn relating to £100 loaned by Hannah Champion,widow,to James Dutton, whom she subsequently married 22 Apr 1837 Section 'BN' 1 Note of Benjamin Reynolds seeking pardon of Gillyatt Sumner and William Ruston for assault upon them 16 Nov 1837 Section 'BO' 1 Sale bill for for houses and joiner's shop at Woodmansey 8 Jan 1838 2 Copy of surrender in manor of Beverley Water Town: James Mould Robinson, chemist and druggist, and James Baker Bainton gentleman both of Beverley (trustees of Elizabeth wife of Richard Berriman of Bishop Burton labourer and Mary Wray of Beverley widows)to Robert David Billany Property: garth, four messuages and barn at Woodmansey 31 Mar 1838 Section 'BP' 1 Letter from William Lowther, Beverley to Gillyatt Sumner relating to accounts between Henry Thompson and his sons James and William Lowther 3 Aug 1838 Section 'BQ' 1 Copy of will of Jane Skinner of Sculcoates widow to be buried in Waltham Street Chapel, Hull Bequests to sister Sarah Cobb of Hull widow; Mary wife of William Hayes of Sculcoates labourer; Gillyatt Sumner of Woodmansey gentleman; niece Catherine Cobb daughter of John C of Hull lighterman; friends John Palmer of Beverley labourer and wife Sarah Personalty 1838 Index

Date: 1717-1838
Held by: East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Local Studies Service, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 1 Item

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