Catalogue description Main Papers

This record is held by Parliamentary Archives

Details of HL/PO/JO/10/1/26
Reference: HL/PO/JO/10/1/26
Title: Main Papers

20 May 1624 -- Draft of "An Act to avoid the extortions and exactions of customers, controllers, surveyors, collectors, searchers, waiters, clerks, and other officers or persons employed in or about the customs and subsidies of our sovereign Lord the King."




1 List of Committee on the Bill in the House of Commons.


20 May 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the relief of the master, wardens, and commonalty of the art or mystery of Feltmakers in London against a decree made in the High Court of Chancery at the suit of Christopher Warwick, gent."




1 List and proceedings of Committee in the House of Commons.


20 May 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the reversing of a decree made in the Court of Whitehall, commonly called the Court of Requests, between John Edwards the elder, Esquire, complainant, and John Edwards the younger, son and heir apparent of the said John Edwards the elder, and Richard Sherborne, defendants, bearing date the 2d day of July now last past, and for the making void of certain provisoes comprised in an indenture tripartite made for the settling of the lands of the said John Edwards the elder."




1 List of Committee in the House of Commons.


2 Report of Committee in the House of Lords.


20 May 1624 -- Petition of Sir Edward Waterhouse, Knight, for relief against Sir Arthur Ingram in matters arising out of the sale of the manor of Armine, in the county of York, and other lands in the county of Surrey.


20 May 1624 -- Petition of Alice Fowler, of Denham in the county of Buckingham, touching certain lands at Missenden fraudulently kept from her by Andrew Umberville and Edward Maine.


20 May 1624 -- Petition of Matthew Heade, prisoner in the King's Bench, for relief against one Catchmay, who has obtained fraudulent possession of a farm leased by petitioner.


22 May 1624 -- Notes for preparation of entry in the Journals of judgment and proceedings in the case of the Lord High Treasurer, Middlesex.


24 May to 5 June 1624 -- Register of petitions, with the orders thereon. Francis Fairfax and others.




1 Another register of petitions, beginning 3 March 1624, but with only one order recorded.


2 Memoranda of orders made on divers petitions. Richard Head and others.


26 May 1624 -- A catalogue of petitions. Isott Bidwell and others.




1 "A catalogue of divers petitions, some not read at all, some not considered of at all."


2 "A catalogue of petitions answered."


3 Draft orders on divers petitions. Edmond Felton and others.


27 May 1624 -- "A note of what the Lords Committees think fit to propose to the House for the relief of the captives in Algiers and other places."




1 Report of Committee upon the petition of the captives.


27 May 1624 -- Draft of order made on the petition of Mary Brocas for a debt due to her from the Muscovy Company.




1 Fair copy of preceding.


2 Another draft of same.


3 Draft of same, without the recitals.


4 Petition of Mary Brocas. Lent £1,000 to the Muscovy Company in 1617 secured by bond.


[27 May 1624] -- "A catalogue of all petitions touching the Muscovy, Levant, East India, and East Land Companies," with draft of order in the case of Mary Brocas.




1 Another list of same petitions.


28 May 1624 -- Draft of order made on petition of Grizell Rogers against Sir Arthur Ingram.




1 Another draft of same.


2 Terms of agreement between Sir Arthur Ingram and Grizell Rogers.


28 May 1624 -- Petition of the gold wire drawers of London, for delivery to them of the bonds entered into by them before the late commissioners for gold and silver thread, which bonds remain in the hands of the Clerk of the Parliament.


28 May 1624 -- Draft order on the petition of Richard Wrighte, steward of the Inner Temple, defendant in Chancery at the suit of Walter Archbold complainant, concerning the lease of a wharf and tenements in Milford Lane, for relief against a decree of the said court.




1 Petition referred to in preceding order.


2 Petition of Richard Wrighte to the Bp. of Lincoln, Lord Keeper, for hearing of petitioner's cause against Archbold, and for production of documents.


3 Answer of Hugh Henn and Walter Archbold.


28 May 1624 -- Petition of Edmund Underwood and Robert Underwood, for relief against Mr. Pennyman, touching the manor of Moreton, Yorkshire.


28 May 1624 -- Petition of Erasmus Record and Millicent Vaughan. Pray to be relieved upon a recognizance of £3,000, which they have against one moiety of the manor of Castle Camps, in the county of Cambridge, purchased by Mr. Thomas Sutton, and being part of the lands given by him to King James' hospital.


28 May 1624 -- Report from Committee for Petitions, upon the petition of Timothy Pinckney, on behalf of himself and others, creditors of Sir John Kennedy.




1 Petition of Timothy Pinckney, referred to in preceding.


2 Petition of Timothy Pinckney to the King, that until the case be decided Sir John may be stayed from taking any more of the profits of the estate.


3 Report of Lords Sheffield and Russell on the case.


4 Petition of Lady Barbara Ruthven, administratrix of Sir John Kennedy, Knight, deceased, on behalf of Dorothy Kennedy, his executrix, for the appointment of a commission to hear and determine all matters in dispute in this cause.


28 May 1624 -- Order made on the petition of Wm. Mathewe, for reversal of a decree of the Court of Chancery, and confirmation of an order of the Privy Council, touching the sale of certain lands in the county of Glamorgan.




1 Draft of preceding.


2 Petition referred to in order.


28 May 1624 -- Petition of Thomas Morley for remission of his fine and imprisonment.


28 May 1624 -- Draft order touching privileges of Lords' servants and followers.


28 May 1624 -- Draft order touching proceedings in matters of judicature.


28 May 1624 -- Petition of George Mathew, that a decree of the Court of Chancery in his favour may not be reversed.


28 May 1624 -- Draft report of Committee for Petitions, on the matters in dispute between Bernard Dakins and Sir John Bingley.




1 Petition of Bernard Dakins detailing the legal proceedings between him and Sir John Bingley, arising out of the sale of certain lands in St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate by petitioner's father.


2 Answer of Sir John Bingley.


3 Offer of Sir John Bingley of one of two plans for a settlement of the dispute.


[28 May 1624] -- Notes touching erroneous judgments in Parliament.


29 May 1624 -- Order of the House for review of the cause Mathewe against Mathewe.




1 Draft of preceding.


29 May 1624 -- Report from the Lords Committees for the Earl of Middlesex business respecting the debt due from Sir Thomas Sherley to the Lord Willoughby of Eresby.

Date: 20 May 1624 - 29 May 1624

Some documents may have been removed from this file to the Parchment Collection, the Large Parchments or the Parchment Main Papers. Where this has occurred it is noted in brackets in the descriptions above. Please see relevant entries in the Parchment Collection (HL/PO/JO/10/2), Large Parchments (HL/PO/JO/10/3) or Parchment Main Papers (HL/PO/JO/10/4) for further details.

Related material:

See Journals of the House of Lords for the same date for entries relating to the laying of these papers.

Held by: Parliamentary Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Unpublished finding aids:

Calendared in HMC 3rd Report, pp 33-35

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