Catalogue description Smith, Maude Kate

This record is held by London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

Details of 8SUF/B/030
Reference: 8SUF/B/030
Title: Smith, Maude Kate

Her militancy in the WSPU and imprisonment. Her schooling, father a jeweller's factor at Stetchford. Maude goes into business, which fails. Works as an accountant, nervous breakdown, sacked for mixing with Communists. Her mother's personality. Her brothers' careers. Work-discipline at GEC for her brother. Maude's family background and ancestry. Then later in life became a housekeeper for 37 years. How she joined the WSPU, a virtual conversion-experience. Dorothy Evans, Birmingham organiser. Hatred of injustice. Deputations to House of Commons, insulated against assault by the crowd. Whiteway Colony, communist settlement in Cotswolds. Theosophy. Decision at age six never to marry. What it was like in prison. Window-breaking in London. Incendiarism with pillar boxes. Obedience to her leaders, while hating what she was doing. Vegetarian, pacifist, anti-everything. Francis Sedlak and pure thought. Brother Mandus. Forcible feeding. Slashing the Primavera at the Society of Arts. Keeping a diary in prison. Drugs administered to prisoners. Clumsy detectives pursue her everywhere. Passwords, explosives and conspiracy. Christabel Pankhurst's appearance. Blowing up the canals near Birmingham. Hostility to violence in politics once the vote is won.

Date: 14 Jan 1975
Held by: London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: Tape 09
Language: English

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