Catalogue description Lipton United States Ltd records

This record is held by Unilever Archives and Records Management

Details of GB1752.LTC/US
Reference: GB1752.LTC/US
Title: Lipton United States Ltd records

Lipton US Ltd headquarters were based at a warehouse in Hoboken, New Jersey. Lipton USA Ltd was previously known as T. J. Lipton Inc. and their headquarters were previously based at 800 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632.The location of their plants included: Albion, Baltimore, Brooklyn, Chicago, Detroit, Flemington, Galveston, Harrisburg, Independence, Nebraska City and Suffolk.The location of the Regional and Divisional Sales Outlets included: Baltimore, Bryn Mawr, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Glenview, Indianapolis, Inglewood, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Lynn, Memphis, Metairie, Minneapolis, Ossining and San Mateo.The location of their Regional Distribution Offices included: Englewood Cliffs, Memphis and San Francisco.The location of their Distribution Warehouses included: Atlanta, Birmingham, Buffalo, Butte, Charlotte, Columbus, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Harrisburg, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Lawrence, Los Angeles, Louisville, Lubbock, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Peoria, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle and Spokane.These records include: corporate and administration records; premises and plant records; visit records; advertising and promotion records; and corporate relations records.

Held by: Unilever Archives and Records Management, not available at The National Archives

Lipton Ltd

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