Catalogue description Correspondence re Mrs Ida Crouch-Hazlett's visit to England.

This record is held by Labour History Archive and Study Centre (People's History Museum)

Details of LP/WG/USA/24-29
Reference: LP/WG/USA/24-29
Title: Correspondence re Mrs Ida Crouch-Hazlett's visit to England.

Lttr from Senior introducing Mrs Crouch-Hazlett and enc a notice of a meeting addressed by her;lttrs from Mrs Crouch-Hazlett to Miss Duff re meeting WG and LP leaders and diificulties of communication; lttr from Mrs Crouch-Hazlett saying that Jessie Stephen has arranged to have her letters typed for her.

Date: 1935 June 24th; July 16th
Held by: Labour History Archive and Study Centre (People's History Museum), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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